Lincoln High School

High School

Principal Updates

Lincoln Principal Updates


Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

I hope your week has gone well. Last night I had the honor of attending the 3rd annual Black Studies Student Showcase at Cleveland High School. I am so proud of our growing Black Studies program at Lincoln, and it was great seeing the excellence from our students and others from across the district as they presented their poetry, works of art, literature, advocacy projects and more, that they have learned from their Black Studies courses. At Lincoln, we offer Black Studies as one of our 11th grade social studies courses students can select from during registration. I look forward to seeing the continued growth of our Black Studies program and sharing in the learning of our students. 

Tonight, our Unified Basketball Team, who just took home second place in state, plays the Ballard Beavers. This is our 2nd annual “Cram the Cave” event in partnership with our Ballard High School community who hosts “Jam the Dam” earlier in the season.   

Today we celebrated Pie Day after school, a tradition our students have come to love each March (3.14). On this day, volunteers from our staff are joined by students for the traditional “pie in the face” in the lower commons.  If your student missed it this year, let them know it will come around next year.  Thank you to the PTSA for providing Pizza Pie lunch for staff today.   

On a serious note, I do need to ask for your help.  We have recently been hearing some additional feedback and concerns from our community members and businesses about the behavior of our students who leave campus for lunch. Reports have been coming to us regarding theft, misuse of public space, and inappropriate interactions with businesses and our neighbors.  I plan to bring these concerns to our student leadership teams to develop a plan on how we can address this with our students so that we maintain the positive presence and relationship with our neighborhood. If you have given your student permission to be off campus during lunch, I do ask that you meet with them this weekend to share you have heard about these concerns and to talk about how we want to represent ourselves and our school in our community. 

In closing, March is Women’s History Month. From our classrooms to the community, women have played a vital role in shaping education and empowering future generations. Lincoln and Seattle Public Schools proudly honors this year’s theme, “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and Inspiring Generations.” More information about Women’s History Month.

As always, I would like to thank you for your continued support and partnership. I would also like to extend a special thanks to the family volunteers that sit on our Building Leadership Team and are part of our Lincoln PTSA, PAL, and PTSA-Athletics.  These individuals work tirelessly in support of our school and students, and I appreciate all that they do.  Please always be on the lookout for ways you can support our PTSA and volunteer at Lincoln.  Our next general membership for PTSA will be on April 10 (be watching for more information coming soon). 



Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under the calendar and daily bulletin link.  

You can also follow us on social media:  

  • Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   
  • X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  
  • Instagram: @lincolnseattle   
  • YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

12th Grade end of year dates and deadlines:  Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page   

9th-11th Grade end of year dates and deadlines

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic 

Mark Your Calendar   

  • March 14: Unified Basketball – Cram the Cave @ 6PM
  • March 18: Choir Concert 
  • March 20: Orchestra Concert 
  • March 27: Band Concert 
  • March 30: PAL Mattress Fundraiser – LHS Gym 
  • April 4: Spring Fling – TOLO 
  • April 9: End of Quarter 3 
  • April 14-18: Spring Break, no school 
  • April 26: Saturday School 
  • May 9: Spring Musical (5/9-10 & 5/15-18) 
  • May 5: AP Testing Begins 

Cram the Cave TONIGHT! – Lincoln Unified Basketball 

Come cheer on Lincoln Unified tonight against Ballard Unified.  Doors open at 5:30, game starts at 6:00 PM.   

This will be a fun event to celebrate our Unified team in their annual home basketball game. We also are going to be honoring our graduating seniors for Cheer and Unified! The event is free! There will be food trucks and concessions selling tasty treats!   

If you want to donate to the Unified program

Entrance to gym is off Woodlawn Avenue. 

Unified Sports promotes social inclusion through shared sports trainings and competitions. It joins neurodivergent and non-neurodivergent individuals to play on the same team and supports building inclusive opportunities on and off the court. Having a shared interest in the sport breaks down false preconceptions around disabilities and supports fun competition for all.  

Billy Frank Jr. Day 

Billy Frank Jr. Day was March 9. Billy Frank Jr. was a Nisqually citizen and activist who led what came to be known as the Fish Wars, a campaign for treaty fishing rights in the 1960s and 70s. He went on to work for salmon habitat restoration, treaty rights, and government-to-government relationships. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama.  His statue, which replaces that of Marcus Whitman, will be unveiled this year in the US Capitol Statuary!   

Athletics Update 

Attendance requirements have changed for all sports starting this spring. All athletes must be at school all day on a game day, there are no absences allowed. If you have a doctor’s appointment scheduled for a game day, a doctor’s note (not an email from parent/guardian/student), submitted to the attendance office, is the only acceptable excuse. However, even with a doctor’s note, athletes must be at school at least half the school day. Please remember, mentorship does count as a class for attendance purposes. 

AP Testing Volunteers Needed 

Lincoln proctors the most AP tests in SPS.  To accommodate our large testing group, we need multiple volunteers who can proctor tests daily the weeks of May 5 and May 12.  We need volunteers that can be here early, volunteers that can stay for extended afternoon testing and volunteers for all the in-between times.   Testing is now digital, so all morning proctors would need to be here by 7:15 as students will be arriving at 7:20 with tests starting at 8AM.   

Families cannot proctor the test their student(s) will be taking, but they can proctor for other exams.  We cannot test without sufficient proctors.   

We will host proctor training – date and time to be determined.   

If you are available to help, please email us at and include in your email the following information to help up build a testing schedule: 

  1. Name(s) of your student(s) and the test(s) they are taking.   
  2. If you have a preference of shift (AM or PM). AM is 7 to noon, PM is 11 to 4 with accommodations running later (let us know time frame you are available, we will find a spot for you!)  
  3. Days you prefer/days you are unavailable. 

Closer to the testing window, we will send proctors their scheduled shifts as well as updated information regarding proctor training.

Volunteers will need to be cleared through SPS so please submit your volunteer application as soon as possible.

Performing Arts at Lincoln (PAL) 

Spread the word — PAL’s 3rd Annual Mattress Fundraiser is March 30 in the Lincoln Gym!  

We know mattress fundraising sounds a little crazy but that fact is, 10% of the population will buy a new mattress this year, which means thousands of mattresses will be bought this year right in our community.  Let’s get those shoppers to buy from us so they get the same trusted name brands, the best customer service in the industry, and support Lincoln Performing Arts in the process. 

We aren’t asking YOU to buy a mattress if you don’t need one. But we NEED everyone’s help to spread the word our Seattle community!  

Check out and to see how this is a win-win for our community and the LHS performing arts programs.  

 Thanks in advance for your help!  

SPS Celebrates Women’s History Month 

March is Women’s History Month. From the classroom to the community, women have played a vital role in shaping education and empowering future generations. Seattle Public Schools proudly honors this year’s theme, “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and Inspiring Generations.” 

Class of 2026 Fundraiser 

Sunday, March 16-Thursday, March 20: Easy as Pie @ Tutta Bella  

Dine at one of Tutta Bella’s neighborhood restaurants or place an online order at for delivery, takeout or curbside and use code EasyAsPieLHS26 when you checkout online or at the restaurant to make sure a portion of your order will be donated to our class.

Fundraising for Class of 2026 offsets the cost of graduation activities including Senior Class Breakfast and Spree. We know graduation feels far away for our juniors but it’s never too soon to get started and ensure our class has a fantastic end of HS celebration!  

For questions or feedback, or to find out more about how to get involved with Class of 2026 fundraising contact Jennifer Winick:   

Yearbooks on Sale Now 

Yearbooks are on pre-sale through SchoolPay. We ordered a finite number of books so pre-order now to lock in your copy. 2024-2025 yearbooks can be pre-ordered. Exact cash or check payments can be made before or after school or at lunch with Mr. Lee in the Commons. Questions? contact yearbook advisor Alex Snyder

Math Club 

We’re excited to invite you to the second annual Lincoln Math Competition, hosted by the Lincoln High School Math Club, on April 6th! This event is geared toward elementary school students (primarily 4th and 5th graders, but students from 1st through 5th grade are welcome to participate). Our goal is to offer a free and fun event to develop students’ problem-solving skills, foster their interest in math, and inspire them to excel in mathematics.  This competition is a multi-round, beginner-friendly math competition. We’d appreciate it if you could share this event with your students and community!

 Here is a link for registration: (there is no fee for the registration)

Please check our website for more information.  

Lincoln Math Competition webpage

Lincoln Math Club webpage 

Please share this opportunity with your students, your community, friends, and family.” 

From SPS 

Dear SPS Families and Staff,   

We are writing to provide you with an update on the Highly Capable (HC) program in Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Starting with the 2025-26 school year, we will continue to offer the HC hybrid model for the next three years.   

This approach will allow eligible students’ families to choose between receiving HC services through the existing HC cohort pathway or at their neighborhood school, providing flexibility to meet the diverse learning needs of our students.    

Continuing the Hybrid Model   

We are proud of our progress in recent years in identifying more students who qualify for HC services, particularly students of color who have historically been underrepresented in the program.   

Students in grades 1-8 will continue to be identified for the HC program through the universal screening process based on a holistic evaluation of students’ existing and available data and information.    

Learn more about the eligibility process.   

If identified for services, families of eligible students in grades 2-5 can choose between the cohort model or neighborhood school services. Every school has a plan to support HC students through their Continuous School Improvement Plans, which are available on the SPS website.   

For 2025-26, eligible students in grades 2 – 5 who wish to attend their HC cohort pathway may still do so by completing a school choice application before the May 31, 2025, deadline.  Families can access the form through either The Source or from our enrollment website.  

For more information about our school choice process or further assistance, please contact the Admissions office at 206-252-0760 or by email at    

Looking Ahead   

  • Over the next three years, we will review the hybrid model based on data, student needs, and feedback from community members, families, and educators.    
  • We will continue universal screening to find and support students who qualify for HC services.   
  • We will provide training for all educators to meet the needs of all students, including those qualified for HC services. Our goal is for all staff to be versed in Universal Design for Learning, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Restorative Practices. 
  • Additionally, educators will evaluate data to ensure all HC qualified students get appropriately challenging learning experiences.   

Collaboration and Community Engagement   

We value the input and experience of families, students, and educators in shaping the future of HC programming. This spring, we will release a schedule of upcoming listening sessions to better understand what you value most.     

We will present an update regarding the HC program at the March 12 school board meeting. Please share your questions through our Let’s Talk portal. An FAQ will be updated and posted on our website.  

Thank you for your continued support and partnership on behalf of our students.   


Dr. Ricardo Torres-Morales   
Associate Superintendent of Student Supports

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

Welcome back.  I hope you all had a restful break. We were excited to have all our students back!  It has been a great week. On Thursday, we hosted our 3rd Annual Multicultural Assembly.  This assembly has become a yearly favorite where students showcase and perform important celebrations and traditions from their culture.  This is an entirely student-run event, and I am so proud of the important representation from our different affinity groups and all our students who were part of performing and joining in with this experience.  I encourage you to take some time this weekend to talk to your student about the assembly and to hear about some of the performances. 

Ramadan begins tonight, February 28th and extends through Saturday, March 29th. Ramadan Kareem! Ramadan is a very important time on the Islamic calendar and for Muslims and others that take part all over the world. Ramadan carries important significance to those that are participating including strict fasting from dawn until sunset. Students at Lincoln who are participating in Ramadan are able to come to the library for private space.  Culinary Services is providing Ramadan Iftar meals to students and both breakfast and lunch are available to take home.    

Lent beings on March 5th and extends through April 17th. Lent holds significance and importance as a lead up to Easter, where many choose to give up habits and foods.  To those that celebrate, I wish you a meaningful Lent 

As we begin our transition into spring, please be watching for updates and information about state testing and AP exams and ways you can help support your student or to volunteer here at school. As a friendly reminder, don’t forget about daylight savings on Sunday, March 9th.  Thank you all for your continued support and partnership. 





Keep Informed 

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under the calendar and daily bulletin link.  

You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   

X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  

Instagram: @lincolnseattle   

YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

12th Grade end of year dates and deadlines:  Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page   

9th-11th Grade end of year dates and deadlines: 

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic 

Mark Your Calendar  

March 1: Saturday School, 9am-12pm Lincoln Library 

March 3: Spring Sports Begin 

March 18: Choir Concert 

March 20: Orchestra Concert 

March 27: Band Concert 

April 14-18: Spring Break, no school 

May 5: AP Testing Begins 

Saturday School is this weekend, March 1, from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln library!  Students are invited to join us for the morning to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and get caught up on coursework. Support will be available for all core, grade-level courses and also for many electives and advanced courses. There is no advance sign-up required.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions, please contact Michelle Pentecost at   

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are: 

  • March 29  
  • April 26  
  • May 31 (This date has been changed from June 7!) 

From the Visual Art Department 

Congratulations to senior Ava Merryman! Her artwork won a Silver Key award from Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards. The piece titled “Keep Your Head Up” was created using the printmaking technique. 

Blood Drive 

Lincoln students are hosting a blood drive for Bloodworks NW on March 6 and 7 from 9AM-3PM.  There is currently an urgent need for donors, especially type O.  

Date: March 6 and 7

Time: 9 am to 3pm  

Students over 16 years old and families interested in donating can sign up 

Sponsor code- 911B (Ignore the “Closed” while scheduling an appointment)  

Permission slips for minors will be distributed on March 5th as well as emailed to them.  

Staff contact for questions is Mr. Noyes 

Performing Arts at Lincoln (PAL) 

Spread the word — PAL’s 3rd Annual Mattress Fundraiser is March 30th in the LIncoln Gym!  

We know mattress fundraising sounds a little crazy but that fact is, 10% of the population will buy a new mattress this year, which means thousands of mattresses will be bought this year right in our community.  Let’s get those shoppers to buy from us so they get the same trusted name brands, the best customer service in the industry, and support Lincoln Performing Arts in the process. 

We aren’t asking YOU to buy a mattress if you don’t need one. But we NEED everyone’s help to spread the word our Seattle community!  

Check out and to see how this is a win-win for our community and the LHS performing arts programs.  

 Thanks in advance for your help!  

Performing Arts at Lincoln   

Lincoln Choirs perform with Seattle Pro Musica 

March 8, 4 PM 

Special guest Mari Valverde comes to Seattle for our New American Composers Series and the world premiere of Up/Rising Into, her powerful love song for trans youth. Lincoln High School Choirs will join Seattle Pro Music for Mari’s work When thunder comes, a tribute to the work of social justice leaders. Come hear Mari’s music, meet Mari herself, and be inspired by music that honors the fight for the rights of all peoples. 

We will also feature works by Rosephanye Powell, Dale Trumbore, Eric Whitacre, Ralph Vaughan Williams, James Mulholland, Casey Rule, and more. 

Contact Aimee Mell with questions  

Tickets and information: 

You’re Invited to a School Board Engagement Session 

Hello SPS Families, 

Please join our Board of Directors for an engagement session on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 5:30 p.m. at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School located at 1301 E Yesler Way. 

This engagement will focus on the 2025-26 budget. Staff will provide a brief presentation on budget development that was previously shared at the Jan. 22 Board meeting. There will then be an opportunity for two-way discussion with Board directors. 

All Seattle Public Schools community members are invited to participate in person. A virtual option will be available to watch the meeting, but there will not be a virtual participation option. This will be an official special meeting of the full Board. 

Please visit the School Board page on the SPS website for more information.  


Office of Public Affairs 

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

I hope your week has gone well and that you are staying warm and safe through some of this cold weather we have been having.  

We appreciate your support as we adjusted to remote learning this past week.  As with all new things, we found success, and also had the opportunity to reflect on some needed changes in the event remote learning is needed again this year. Our students did a great job accessing the classroom links and instructional material and we saw strong attendance across our grade levels. Students were responsive when asked to turn on cameras and engage in lessons and did a nice job following the schedule and expectations for our synchronous and asynchronous activities.  For safety reasons, with any future remote instruction, students will be required to log in with their SPS device.  This allows us to monitor and ensure only the students enrolled in classes are let in and improves our ability to monitor students when they move into breakout groups.  Thank you again for your support in helping to set your student up for success with remote learning this week. 

February is Black History Month. The history of Black History Month began with a week back in 1926, with official recognition coming from President Gerald Ford in 1976. Black History Month is an important time honor the many important contributions of all Black people, past and present, on our community and society at large. The Theme for Black History Month this year is “African Americans and Labor.” I would like to invite you to visit Seattle Public Schools, where SPS celebrates Black History Month with Flag Raising Ceremony.  

Additional resources/information about Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month

As we roll into second semester, we will be meeting with our seniors next week for a mandatory class meeting.  This meeting will be held on Feb 10th, where students will receive an updated version of our Dates and Deadlines.  Families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page for your reference. This is where we will post all upcoming dates and deadlines as we approach graduation in June. Dates are subject to change, and we will continue to update this page with any additional deadlines.  

Our 9th, 10th and 11th grade important dates and deadlines for our underclass students will be published when we return from mid-winter break.  

As a reminder, Lincoln will be closed during mid-winter break February 17th21st. As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


Keep Informed 

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under the calendar and daily bulletin.  

You can also follow us on social media:  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Senior families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page and check back for updates. 

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic 

Mark Your Calendar 

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  

  • February 8: Winter Formal 
  • February 10: Orchestra Concert 
  • February 11: Don’t forget to vote – levy information at the end of this message 
  • February 12: ASB Elections 
  • February 12th – Band Concert 
  • February 17-21: Mid-Winter Break 
  • February 24-28: Multicultural Week 
  • March 1: Saturday School, 9am-12pm Lincoln Library 
  • March 3: Spring Sports Begin 
  • March 18: Choir Concert 
  • March 20: Orchestra Concert 
  • March 27: Band Concert 

Winter Formal 

Winter Formal Tickets were extended through lunch today, 2/7 for students who missed purchasing them due to our shift to remote learning.  Winter Formal will be held at the Shop in SODO (2233 6th Ave S. Seattle, Wa 98134).  Doors open at 7pm and the event ends at 10pm.  No student entry is allowed after 9pm and there will be no reentry for students who leave the dance.  Please make sure your student brings their ticket and photo ID. We anticipate the weather to be cold, students should plan to bring warm jackets (coat-check is available).  Please work with your student in coordinating carpools and ensure rides are ready for pickup no later than 9:45pm (we don’t want students waiting outside in the cold).   

PBL Spotlight 

AP Calculus: AP Calculus AB students calculated the maximum volume of a box created from a single sheet of cardstock and then built their box.  They applied their knowledge of modeling functions from geometric relationships, differentiation, and optimization to make the most efficient use of materials for the boxes. 

Inclement Weather 

Please remind your student(s) to bring their laptop home every day.  In case of inclement weather, SPS will use online instruction instead of a traditional snow day. 

In the event that we have an inclement weather closure, students will complete their school day online, synchronously, like they would if they were here at school. All classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Students should check the teacher’s course page on Schoology for the Teams link for class.   Attendance will be taken in each class. 

If your student cannot find the link, they should Teams message and email the teacher directly. 

Helpful tip: please continually remind your student(s) during the winter season to bring their laptops and other academic supplies home to make sure they have access to their classes in the event of switching to remote learning.  Check the Lincoln High School website and District Seattle Public Schools websites for updates on school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.  

Counseling Corner 

Registration has started for our current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to select their classes for next school year. Between January 23 and February 11, counselors will meet individually with each student during their English class period in order to verify that their course selections are accurate and match what they’ve entered online into The Source.  Due to the virtual learning days, additional days may be needed to complete the process.  

LHS Athletics 

Are you interested in playing a Lincoln spring sport? The preseason spring athletics meeting will be Thursday, February 13 from 7-8pm. Families and players alike are welcome and will meet in the Lincoln gym to learn about overall sport expectations/information and then break off into groups with their respective coaches. Spring sports offered at Lincoln are baseball, fastpitch, boys soccer, co-ed tennis, and co-ed track. If you have any questions, reach out to our athletic director, Ms. Ware at

Lincoln High School Yearbook 

Guarantee your yearbook by purchasing one before February 8th.  The yearbook team will be ordering 1000 copies so you will not be guaranteed a yearbook if ordered after this date depending on how long they take to sell out.  You can order through SchoolPay.  $65 with ASB and $80 without ASB.  Contact yearbook advisor Alex Snyder  

2024-2025 yearbooks can be pre-ordered. Exact cash or check payments can be made before or after school or at lunch with Mr. Lee in the Commons. 

Senior Class of 2025  

Check out the Seniors page on our website at Lincoln Seniors and bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page for your reference. The page has a lot of helpful information for seniors and we will post all upcoming dates and deadlines as we approach graduation in June. Dates are subject to change, and we will continue to update the Important Dates page with any additional deadlines. 

Grad Ads Due Date February 10 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  You can design your ad with any photos and messages to your kids.  These will all go in the senior section of the yearbook.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Buy Senior Ads 

Graduation Ceremony is June 13, 2025, – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Senior SPREE Party! Early Bird Ticket Sale! 

Secure your Lynx a spot at the most anticipated event of the year—Senior SPREE and take advantage of the early bird ticket price of $75! This heavily discounted price is possible due to many generous donations. The actual cost to throw SPREE is $300+ per student. 

SPREE is a long-standing SPS tradition. Following graduation, students will board charter buses destined for secret locations and private parties dedicated exclusively to them. It is a safe and sober all-night event featuring entertainment, food, prizes and plenty of fun! 

Don’t miss out— buy your Senior Spree ticket Now!

EVERY senior deserves to celebrate! Scholarships are available. Please contact Mr. Flavors for information 
For more information visit the Class of 2025 SPREE website or email us at 

Health Care at School 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center located at Lincoln High School is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy.  The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting.   

The Teen Health Center can help with vaccination compliance.  See our website for additional information including a registration.

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.  For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 206-548-5760 or email at   

Parent Resources for Nicotine Prevention & Intervention 

We have shared in previous newsletters about the importance of talking with your student about vaping and other illegal substances. For additional information and resources to help facilitate those conversations please visit the SPS Website, Vaping, Tobacco, and Nicotine.

Skills Center Applications Open 

Seattle Skills Center is happy to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year. All SPS students are eligible to register for and earn credit from our half-day Skills Center courses while attending their current high school. Our classes provide rigorous, hands-on learning opportunities for students interested in building skills in careers like healthcare, firefighting, education, maritime, and many more while students are still in high school.  

Our students leave Skills Center with a stronger sense of purpose and understanding of the work environment. Students graduate to attend four year or two-year college, enter into an apprenticeship or job training program, or go straight to work out of high school. Many of our classes offer dual college credit with Seattle Colleges, where students earn credits towards their associate’s degree with free tuition through the Seattle Promise Scholarship.  

Browse our programs using the video links below or by visiting our website. Students can attend any Skills Center class, regardless of their home school location. Transportation can be requested but is not guaranteed. Skills Center will have limited transportation services in the 2025-26 school year. 

Steps for students interested in applying: 

  1. Visit our website for full course descriptions and to watch videos about specific courses  
  2. Complete the required online application page.
  3. Have any questions or concerns? Let us know at 

 We look forward to welcoming you into our classrooms next fall! Learn more about our summer opportunities

Before enrolling, students interested in joining a Seattle Skills Center class should consider: 

The Seattle Skills Center can be a rewarding, engaging opportunity for students to build skills and knowledge in a college/career path of their choice.  It can also prove to be a very challenging environment for some students. Here are some things to consider as you decide if you should enroll in the Seattle Skills Center: 

Spending half of your day at another school site requires independence, accountability, and responsibility.  Additionally, it’s critical that students have the ability and willingness to follow instructions, especially around safety.  

Seattle Public School rules and Washington State laws regarding intoxicating substances like marijuana and alcohol apply, especially due to the risk of injury when using tools or heavy machinery in our classes.  

Students using intoxicating substances or being intoxicated at the Skills Center may result in being unenrolled in the Skills Center and having to return to their home high school for the rest of the school year.  

Consistent attendance is critical. With our long block period classes, missing two days in one week is the equivalent if missing an entire week of a class in a typical 6 period day.  Similarly, arriving late or leaving early impacts student learning and can result in students not being able to continue into second semester or passing their Skills Center class.  

 While many students enjoy the hands-on aspects of Skills Center classes, students need to know that there are traditional academic aspects to all of our classes.  Reading, writing, listening to lectures, engaging in learning about math and history and working and communicating professionally in small or large groups are all important aspects of Skills Center classrooms and are required skills to earn industry recognized credentials and be successful in next steps in college and career, regardless of the career path you choose.  

 Students should talk with their school counselor and other adults at their home high school to determine if the Skills Center will be place they can learn successfully in, and confirm that it meets the credit requirements needed to stay on track to graduate.  

Summer update: The 2025 summer Skills Center application will be available around early April.  The tentative summer schedule will be July 8 to July 25, 10:00am to 3:00pm Monday through Friday (with 1.5 hours of daily asynchronous work).  Summer classes offer .5 CTE credit. We’ll send out an announcement when we open the application.   Learn more about Summer Skills Center

Check out the links below to learn more about the Seattle Skills Center.  

Referrals for High School Highly Capable Services 

Full details can be found on the SPS website at Full details about High School Highly Capable Services 

The Highly Capable eligibility referral process for 9th-11th grade students takes place from February 5-March 15. 

High School students can be referred by themselves, parents/guardians, teaching staff, and community members submitting a Highly Capable referral form by March 15, 2025. 

The Advanced Learning department will gather and evaluate available student’s educational records. 

Timeline for Highly Capable Referrals for High School April and May 2025 

Eligibility decision letter sent out 

Parents/guardians provide consent for Highly Capable services. 

Parents/guardians will receive details and guidance on how to submit an appeal in their student eligibility letter. 

The Appeal Multidisciplinary Selection Committee will review each appeal and provide a written decision to parents/guardians within 25 school days of the receipt of the appeal form and all documentation/evidence. 

Levy Information from SPS 

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is asking voters to consider renewing two expiring levies in the Feb. 11 election. These levies are not a new tax but replace current funding for school programs, services, technology, and building improvements.    

Proposition 1: The Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy   
This levy helps fund day-to-day operations, including special education, school security, student transportation, and programs such as arts, music, and athletics. It bridges the gap between what the state funds and what our students and schools need.   

Proposition 2: The Building Excellence VI (BEX VI) Capital Levy  
Seattle Public Schools has received questions about Proposition 2, the Building Excellence VI (BEX VI) Capital Levy. This levy does not fund additional schools but continues funding for districtwide safety and security, technology, and building repairs.  

Technology & Digital Learning: The BEX VI capital levy funds 90% of the district’s technology budget, with $415 million allocated for:  

  • Student and teacher computers  
  • Computer networks and internet infrastructure  
  • Cybersecurity protections to keep student data safe  
  • Digital learning tools for classrooms  
  • Technical support staff to maintain devices and troubleshoot issues  

School Safety & Building Upgrades: The levy provides more than $300 million for:  

  • Safety and security improvements at all schools, including secure entrances, intercom systems, and security upgrades  
  • Building system repairs such as roof replacements, heating and cooling systems, playground safety, and elevators  
  • Energy efficiency upgrades to meet new clean energy regulations, including improved lighting and transitions to electric heating  

Major School Renovation Projects: The levy includes funding for major improvements at four schools:  

  • Aki Kurose Middle School  
  • Lowell Elementary  
  • Chief Sealth International High School  
  • John Marshall School  

Additionally, one aging elementary school will be fully replaced on its current site to better meet student needs.  

Proposition 2 continues our long-term planning for school facilities. SPS designs schools for long-term use, aiming for facilities that can serve the community for 100 years. The 2018 Facilities Master Plan Task Force recommended eliminating portables and ensuring buildings can adapt to changing enrollment needs.  

Ballot & Funding Information  
If both levies are approved, the estimated cost would be $2.12 per $1,000 of assessed property value. All funds from these levies stay within SPS to directly fund our schools. Ballots have been mailed to voters and must be returned by 8 p.m. on Feb. 11.   

Learn more about the levies  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

As the afternoons slowly get lighter, we are coming to the end of Semester 1.  Last week we celebrated and honored Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Day in our student-led assembly on Friday presented by our Black Student Union (BSU). It was an honor watching our student-led assembly and to hear from our guest presenter – Deaunte Damper. I would encourage you to ask your student about this experience and the reflective lessons they walked away with. Dr. King’s lasting vision for equality, justice and unity was a core belief in his support for the importance of education – a truth that still holds true today. 

Today we had our first day of Semester 1 finals in periods 1, 3, 5.  Monday, January 27th testing periods will be 2, 4, 6.  We start the day in Mentorship, for some additional study and help from teacher (please see the bell schedule below).  Please help your student(s) arrive on time with everything they will need to be successful, which for some will be an afternoon snack.  Second semester and quarter 3 begins Wednesday, January 29th. I am so proud of our students and their academic accomplishments this semester. 

Last night we hosted our High School Information Night where we welcomed our prospective new students.  We loved meeting our new Lynx and sharing all the great things happening at Lincoln! Our 9th-11th grade students have completed their registration for next year. Our counselors are currently meeting with all 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to review their selections, look over graduation requirements, and chat about post-secondary planning.  This is happening through ELA classes.  

As a reminder, senior families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page for your reference. This is where we will post all upcoming dates and deadlines as we approach graduation in June. Dates are subject to change, and we will continue to update this page with any additional deadlines. Our 9th, 10th and 11th grade important dates and deadlines for our underclass students will be shared soon.  

To those that celebrate, I wish you a Happy New Year as the Lunar New Year celebrations kick off on Wednesday, January 29th – the year of the Wood Snake. 

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


First Semester Finals Schedule – January 27th  

  • Jan 27th: 2, 4, 6 
  • Mentorship/Walk to Support: 8:50-9:15  
  • 2nd: 9:20-11:10  
  • Lunch: 11:15-11:45 
  • 4th: 11:50-1:40 
  • 6th: 1:50-3:40 

Keep Informed 

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under the calendar and daily bulletin.  

You can also follow us on social media:  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Senior families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page and check back for updates. 

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic 

Mark Your Calendar  

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • January 27: Finals – periods 2, 4, 6 (block schedule) 
  • January 28: Semester 1 Ends 
  • January 29: Quarter 3/Semester 2 Begins 
  • February 1: SNLL – Saturday Night Lincoln Live PAL fundraiser – tickets on sale now 
  • February 3: ASB elections applications due 
  • February 8: Winter Formal 
  • February 10: Orchestra Concert 
  • February 12: ASB Elections 
  • February 12th – Band Concert 
  • February 17-21: Mid-Winter Break 
  • February 24-28: Multicultural Week 
  • March 1: Saturday School, 9am-12pm Lincoln Library 

Deadline for AP Accommodations is Today: 

As we have previously shared, students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations on AP Exams. Today is the deadline to submit a request for accommodations form for guaranteed review by the College Board for this year’s AP testing.  Families can still submit requests after this day with no guarantee of approval by exam dates.  Under Requesting Accommodations on the College Board website, choose requesting without going through the school.   Students must be approved for accommodations by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities office.  

If you have already been approved for accommodations through College Board, please check your College Board account to make sure your accommodations are current and correct. 

PBL Spotlight 

AP Calculus: AP Calculus AB students calculated the maximum volume of a box created from a single sheet of cardstock and then built their box.  They applied their knowledge of modeling functions from geometric relationships, differentiation, and optimization to make the most efficient use of materials for the boxes. 

Inclement Weather 

Please remind your student(s) to bring their laptop home every day.  In case of inclement weather, SPS will use online instruction instead of a traditional snow day. 

In the event that we have an inclement weather closure, students will complete their school day online, synchronously, like they would if they were here at school. All classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Students should check the teacher’s course page on Schoology for the Teams link for class.   Attendance will be taken in each class. 

If your student cannot find the link, they should Teams message and email the teacher directly. 

Helpful tip: please continually remind your student(s) during the winter season to bring their laptops and other academic supplies home to make sure they have access to their classes in the event of switching to remote learning.  Check the Lincoln High School and District Seattle Public Schools websites for updates on school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.  

Counseling Corner 

Registration has started for our current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to select their classes for next school year. For incoming 9th graders, and all other Non-Seattle Public School Students (i.e. Private Schools and Out-of-State), we will hold a separate registration process in April.    

Course Registration Sheets were due Wednesday, January 22 in student’s English classes and in The Source on Tuesday January 21. If your student has not yet submitted their course registration sheet to their ELA teacher, please have them bring the sheet directly to the Counseling Center (room 245). If your student was not able to enter their course requests into The Source, they will be able to do it when counselors visit their ELA class. 

Between January 23 and February 11, counselors will meet individually with each student during their English class period in order to verify that their course selections are accurate and match what they’ve entered online into The Source. 

LHS Athletics 

Are you interested in playing a Lincoln spring sport? The preseason spring athletics meeting will be Thursday, February 13 from 7-8pm. Families and players alike are welcome and will meet in the Lincoln gym to learn about overall sport expectations/information and then break off into groups with their respective coaches. Spring sports offered at Lincoln are baseball, fastpitch, boys soccer, co-ed tennis, and co-ed track. If you have any questions, reach out to our athletic director, Ms. Ware at

From the ASB 

Hey LHS parents and staff,

We hope you had a fun and relaxing Winter Break. Winter Formal is just around the corner on Saturday, February 8th from 7-10 p.m. at The Shop in SODO, and we are looking for parent volunteers to help chaperone the dance! Chaperones are essential for us to be able to host a dance, and we are looking for about 12 more volunteers. We would greatly appreciate any and all volunteers to help make this a safe and fun dance for all students!

Sign up to be a parent volunteer for Winter Formal

 Thank you, 

Class of 2026 Council 

Performing Arts @ Lincoln (PAL) 

PAL is the subcommittee of the PTSA that raises money for Lincoln’s Performing Arts   

Saturday Night Lincoln Live ~ SNLL 

PAL’s Annual Fundraising Variety Show ~ showcases student acts, refreshments, socializing, fundraising games, and more. 

Saturday, Feb 1, 2025, 7 PM to 10 PM – adults only 

OmCulture – 2210 N. Pacific St., Seattle, WA 98103 

We have sold 65 tickets; we need to sell 60 more for this event to succeed. We hope to See you there!  

Buy tickets for Saturday Night Lincoln Live 

$55 tickets include a drink, appetizers, and dessert  

Save the Date and Spread the Word:  

March 30, 10 AM—5 PM, Lincoln Gym,  

PAL’s 3rd Annual Mattress Fundraiser 

Donate to PAL Today – Donations are 100% tax deductible.  

PAL’s website: Performing Arts at Lincoln  

All the money raised goes back to our PAL departments to pay for our Jazz 2 and Vocal Jazz teachers, extra coaching done by visiting professionals, sheet music, theatre scripts, props,  

musical instruments, repairs, and so much more are not covered by district funding. 

Lincoln High School Yearbook 

Guarantee your yearbook by purchasing one before February 8th.  The yearbook team will be ordering 1000 copies so you will not be guaranteed a yearbook if ordered after this date depending on how long they take to sell out.  You can order through SchoolPay.  $65 with ASB and $80 without ASB.  Contact yearbook advisor Alex Snyder  

2024-2025 yearbooks can be pre-ordered. Exact cash or check payments can be made before or after school or at lunch with Mr. Lee in the Commons. 

Senior Class of 2025  

Check out the Seniors page on our website at Lincoln Seniors and bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page for your reference. The page has a lot of helpful information for seniors and we will post all upcoming dates and deadlines as we approach graduation in June. Dates are subject to change, and we will continue to update the Important Dates page with any additional deadlines. 

Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Senior Ad Link: Submit a Senior Advertisement 

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission 

Graduation Ceremony is June 13, 2025, – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Health Care at School 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center located at Lincoln High School is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy.  The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting.   

See our website for additional information including a registration

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.  For questions or to schedule an appointment, call 206-548-5760 or email at   

Parent Resources for Nicotine Prevention & Intervention 

We have shared in previous newsletters about the importance of talking with your student about vaping and other illegal substances. For additional information and resources to help facilitate those conversations please visit the SPS Website here Vaping, Tobacco, and Nicotine   

Academic Support at Lincoln – Walk to Support and Saturday School 

Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session.  

Monthly Saturday School from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at 

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:   

  • March 1   
  • March 29   
  • April 26   
  • June 7  

Levy Information from SPS 

Why do schools need levies? State, local, and federal dollars fund school districts. There continues to be a disparity between what the state funds for education and what it costs Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to serve our students. So, every three years, the district asks voters to consider renewing expiring levies. 

The district is asking voters to consider renewing two levies in the Feb. 11 election. 

Proposition 1 – The Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy continues funding for areas like student transportation, support staff, meals, special education, and student opportunities like athletics, music and art. 

Proposition 2 – The Building Excellence VI (BEX VI) Levy focuses on maintaining and improving school facilities. It funds renovation, repair and replacement of schools, as well as repairs to roofs, HVAC systems, and playgrounds. The capital levy also funds 90 percent of the district’s technology budget. 

Ballots for the levy renewals will be mailed around Jan. 22 and are due to King County Elections by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11. Visit the SPS website to learn more about what the levies fund

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a restful break. 

We are in the final stretch to the end of first semester on Tuesday, January 28th. Finals are scheduled for Friday, January 24th (1, 3, 5) and Monday, January 27th (2, 4, 6). You can access the bell schedule for our finals days below. 

This weekend is an important time to sit down with your student to review progress and set a plan of support.  When you create this plan, I would encourage you to outline: 

  • Goal grades for each course 
  • Setting a consistent time at home each day to complete homework, projects, and review for final exams 
  •  Schedule your student to attend BASH (Before and After School Help) 
  •  Identify which classes your student will request to attend for Wednesday Walk-to-Support 
  • Discuss which teachers you need to reach out to for greater clarity or additional support 

Our final Saturday school for first semester will be next Saturday, January 18th from 9am-12pm in the Lincoln library. here is no advance sign-up required, and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at

As we shared before break, registration for the 25-26 school year is starting up. This week, “student experts” were available at lunch for our students to talk to who wanted to get information or advice about courses and pathway options in each of our content areas. During Mentorship today, students received a presentation about all electives offered at Lincoln, and on Monday, January 13th, students will receive a presentation about the registration process and the required materials. You can help your student(s) by reviewing the LHS Course Catalog on our website to see the latest offerings and help them select the courses they want to register for. Please see the Counseling Corner below for full details and our timeline for registration. 

Earlier this week we sent out our link to senior families with our important senior dates and deadlines for the rest of this year. Senior families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page for your reference. This is where we will post all upcoming dates and deadlines as we approach graduation in June. Dates are subject to change, and we will continue to update this page with any additional deadlines. 

To our 9th, 10th and 11th grade families, be watching for the important dates and deadlines for our underclass students to come out after the end of first semester. 

Congratulations to the Lincoln and Cleveland High School Volleyball teams, named WIAA Academic State Champions!   

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


Keep Informed 

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under the calendar and daily bulletin.  

You can also follow us on social media:  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Senior families, please bookmark our Important Senior Dates and Deadlines page and check back for updates. 

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic 

Mark Your Calendar  

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • January 13, 14 & 16: Spring Musical Auditions  
  • January 15: Board Community Meeting to Review Proposed Goals and Guardrails hosted at LHS 5:30pm 
  • January 17: Winter Carnival, 5pm-7pm 
  • January 18: Saturday School, 9am-12pm Lincoln Library 
  • January 20: No School – MLK Day 
  • January 22: ASB elections applications open 
  • January 23: High School Information Night (new students and incoming 9th graders only), 6:30-8:00PM 
  • January 24: Finals – periods 1, 3, 5 (block schedule) 
  • January 27: Finals – periods 2, 4, 6 (block schedule) 
  • January 28: Semester 1 Ends 
  • January 29: Quarter 3/Semester 2 Begins 
  • February 1: SNLL – Saturday Night Lincoln Live 
  • February 3: ASB elections applications due 
  • February 8: Winter Formal 
  • February 12: ASB Elections 
  • February 17-21: Mid-Winter Break 
  • February 24-28: Multicultural Week 
  • March 1: Saturday School, 9am-12pm Lincoln Library 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 
  • First Semester Finals Schedule – January 24th and 27th  
  • Jan 24th: 1, 3, 5 
  • Jan 27th: 2, 4, 6 
  • Mentorship/Walk to Support: 8:50-9:15  
  • 1st/2nd: 9:20-11:10  
  • Lunch: 11:15-11:45 
  • 3rd/4th: 11:50-1:40 
  • 5th/6th: 1:50-3:40  

PBL Spotlight 

Genome Science: Students are continuing research from prior years to survey our local waters for microorganisms and look for patterns over the years. We are especially interested in following up on a major increase in diatoms at Puget Sound locations last year, as well as significant levels of sewage-related bacterial signatures in our waters. Students are also doing sampling in local lakes including Green Lake and Lake Union. Students do high throughput DNA sequencing IN CLASS during this project, after completing all steps from data collection to data analysis. Instead of lab reports, students write their data up in the style of scientific papers to support an authentic science research experience, from beginning to end.    

Engineering and Design 2: Students use the advanced design and modeling/fabbing skills they’ve developed to create a larger, multi-part object. Each student works on their own project (a functional hand, 35mm camera, cell phone vault, Roman hippodrome coin sorter, etc..). 

Deadline for AP Accommodations Approaching: 

Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations on AP Exams. This request for accommodations form must be submitted by Friday, Jan. 24, to the College Board. Students must be approved for accommodations by the College Board Services for Students with Disabilities office.  

If you have already been approved for accommodations through College Board, please check your College Board account to make sure your accommodations are current and correct. 

Speaking of AP, the testing window is May 5th through the 16th with AM and PM sessions.  We will need many proctors for each test.  Please email if you can help.  Families cannot proctor the test their student is taking.   

Inclement Weather: 

Please remind your student(s) to bring their laptop home every day.  In case of inclement weather, SPS will use online instruction instead of a traditional snow day. 

In the event that we have an inclement weather closure, students will complete their school day online, synchronously, like they would if they were here at school. All classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Students should check the teacher’s course page on Schoology for the Teams link for class.   Attendance will be taken in each class. 

If your student cannot find the link, they should Teams message and email the teacher directly. 

Helpful tip: please continually remind your student(s) during the winter season to bring their laptops and other academic supplies home to make sure they have access to their classes in the event of switching to remote learning.  Check the LHS Lincoln High School and District Seattle Public Schools websites for updates on school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.  

Counseling Corner: 

Registration has started for our current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to select their classes for next school year. For incoming 9th graders, and all other Non-Seattle Public School Students (i.e. Private Schools and Out-of-State), we will hold a separate registration process in April.  

Please take some time this weekend to think about which potential classes to take next year. Please also review the LHS Course Catalog to see the latest offerings. Additional resources around registration can be found in the ‘Registration Resources for selecting your 2025-2026 classes’ folder on the Counseling Schoology page. Counselors will be available for drop-in support before and after school, and lunchtime to answer students’ questions.  

Key dates to note regarding registration for 2025-2026:  

  • Jan 8-Jan 10, 2025 – Student Registration Experts available at lunch. 
  • Friday, Jan 10, 2025 – In Mentorship period, students will receive a presentation of all Elective course options offered at LHS.  
  • Monday, Jan 13, 2025 – In Mentorship period, students will receive a presentation on the registration process. Students will also receive the required materials (Course Registration Sheet, Credit Tracking Worksheet, and their Transcript).  
  • Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 – The Source will open up for students to submit their course selections online.   
  • Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 – Course Registration Sheet due to student’s English class. Families, please verify and sign your student’s Course Registration Sheet if possible. Course selections also need to be entered online in The Source the evening before on Tuesday 1/21/25 by 5:00pm.  
  • Jan 23 – Feb 10, 2025 – Counselors will meet individually with each student during their English class period in order to verify that their course selections are accurate and match what they’ve entered online into The Source.  

Library Update 

Our Lincoln library closed out 2024 with a bang… and is starting 2025 the same way! At Lincoln, we defy stereotypes of libraries as quiet, empty, nonessential spaces: from 150+ students here at lunch every day to our 59 student volunteers who have already put in 224 hours of work this year, our library is a vibrant space of belonging and learning.    

Our numbers show that yes, our Lynx read for fun (and more)! So far, Lincoln students have checked out 3,204 books this school year. The Class of 2028 is leading checkouts, with 1,264 books checked out just by 9th graders.  

For the first time in several years, comics are not dominating our most popular titles! Our Top 10 Titles so far this year include My Heart is a Chainsaw, a horror novel by Blackfeet author Stephen Graham Jones in #3; The Deep Dark by perennial Lincoln favorite Molly Knox Ostertag in #4; Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murders by Jesse Q Sutanto, a murder mystery romp with tons of heart in #7; and beloved old favorite Dog Man by Dav Pilkey in #8. I love that our Top Ten perfectly reflects that high school readers come back to new and old books for all sorts of reasons and for all different kinds of joy and information.  

The library is also a rich space for instruction and collaboration across content areas. Every student at Lincoln has come to the library at least once this year as part of a class. So far this year, Ms Scott has taught 110 classes on digital literacy, research skills, and reading and literacy as part of the curriculum for World Languages, Career and Technical Education, Health, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and the IEP department. Just three more until the library has co-taught with every department at Lincoln this year – gotta get ‘em all!  

But statistics are only part of the story of our Lincoln library – more than anything else, the library is a safe space for hundreds of Lincoln students, one of the first places that counselors and teachers suggest spending time when students are struggling with anxiety and overwhelm. In uncertain times, the library’s role as a welcoming, nonjudgmental place where students can bring their whole selves is more important than ever. Thanks, Lynx, for making the library the heart of Lincoln!  

If you have questions about our library’s program, teaching, or collection, you can reach out to Ms. Scott anytime at … and follow us on Instagram @lincolnlibrarylynx! 

Theatre Arts – Auditions: 

Auditions for the Spring Musical, CHICAGO will be January 13th, 14th, and 16th.  Invited callbacks are January 17th.   

Audition packets are available in the main office to pick up before or after school or at lunch.    

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Sullivan. 

Performing Arts @ Lincoln (PAL) 

PAL is the subcommittee of the PTSA that raises money for Lincoln’s Performing Arts   

News & Events 

Join PAL at our biggest fundraising event of the year ~ everyone in the Lynx community is welcome!  

Saturday Night Lincoln Live – SNLL  

Early Bird Saturday Nigh Lincoln Live Tickets are on Sale Now! 

The $50 price will increase to $55 on January 17. Tickets include a drink and apps/dessert 

February 1, 2025, 7 PM to 10 PM, OmCulture, Wallingford, adults only 

Variety Show ~ showcasing student acts, refreshments, socializing, fundraising games & raffle 

Volunteers needed to help with SNLL planning and on the event day. Choose what works best for you.  

email us: 

Raffle Items Needed!  

Email to arrange for a pick-up.  

Things we can use: 

  • Experiences: Wine tasting party, Distillery tour, Cooking Class or a Private Chef, a weekend at your cabin, a day on your sailboat, a party hosted by you or your business 
  • Tickets to Paramount, 5th Avenue, or other favorite theatres and concert venues 
  • Tickets to: Kraken, Seahawks, Mariners, Storm, Sounders 
  • Gift Cards to restaurants – local Wallingford spots or fancy Downtown date nights! 
  • Gift Cards to a small local store, a large store (Amazon, Target, etc.), a music shop, a spa, a service, etc. 
  • Gift Cards to grocery and party supply stores (QFC, Fred Meyer, Safeway, Costco, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Met Market, etc.) 
  • Travel GCs – Airline vouchers, Airline miles, Hotel/Airbnb/Vrbo certificates 
  • Any unused gift cards you have lying around!  

Have a connection to a business? We are looking for event sponsors.  

~ New! PAL T-Shirts & Sweatshirts  

Order your PAL T-shirts & Sweatshirts  all profits go to PAL – t-shirt $25 / crewneck sweatshirt $40 

Keep things simple: Donate to PAL today 

Donations are 100% tax deductible  

Visit the PAL’s website 

Lincoln High School Yearbook 

Guarantee your yearbook by purchasing one before February 8th.  The yearbook team will be ordering 1000 copies so you will not be guaranteed a yearbook if ordered after this date depending on how long they take to sell out.  You can order through SchoolPay.  $65 with ASB and $80 without ASB.  Contact yearbook advisor Alex Snyder  

2024-2025 yearbooks can be pre-ordered. Exact cash or check payments can be made before or after school or at lunch with Mr. Lee in the Commons. 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Purchase your Senior Ad

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission 

Health Care at School 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center located at Lincoln High School is operated by NeighborCare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy.  The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting.   

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.   

Is your student planning to stay in college dorms next year? Contact the health center about starting your MenB series this December or January in order to finish the series before the end of the school year! Call us to schedule an appointment at 206-548-5760 or email at

Vaccination compliance is coming soon and making an appointment with the teen health center is very convenient.  Additional information and registration link are located on the LHS website at Additional Teen Health Center Information and Registration 

Parent Resources for Nicotine Prevention & Intervention 

 We have shared in previous newsletters about the importance of talking with your student about vaping and other illegal substances. For additional information and resources to help facilitate those conversations please visit the SPS Website here Vaping, Tobacco, and Nicotine   

Levy Community Meetings Begin Jan. 9 

Dear SPS Families,   

Please join us at one of five community meetings this month to learn more about the two expiring levies in the Feb. 11, 2025, election. These levies provide continued funding for building safety, school programs, student services and building improvements, ensuring students have safe and supportive learning environments.   

These in-person meetings offer a chance to ask questions, hear details, and learn how the levies fund our schools. Interpretation services will be available at all meetings.   

Levy informational meetings (All meetings are 6:30-7:30 p.m.):  

  • Thursday, Jan. 9: Genesee Hill Elementary, 5013 SW Dakota St., Seattle  
  • Monday, Jan. 13: Wing Luke Elementary School, 3701 S Kenyon St, Seattle  
  • Tuesday, Jan. 14: Viewlands Elementary School, 10525 3rd Ave NW, Seattle  
  • Thursday, Jan. 16: Kimball Elementary School, 3200 23rd Ave S, Seattle  
  • Tuesday, Jan. 21: Olympic Hills Elementary School, 13018 20th Ave. NE  

For more information including meeting updates and levy details, visit the SPS website at Seattle Public Schools Levies.  

We hope to see you there.  


The Office of Public Affairs   

Academic Support at Lincoln – Walk to Support and Saturday School 

Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session.  

Monthly Saturday School from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at 

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:   

  • January 18   
  • March 1   
  • March 29   
  • April 26   
  • June 7  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit the Newsletter Archives on the LHS website. 

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

As we head into our winter holiday break, I would like to extend my well wishes to you and your entire family and a Happy New Year. During the winter break (12/23-1/3) Lincoln will be closed.  Our office will resume its normal hours on Monday, January 6th.  

Our Student Led Conferences were a great success this year.  Thank you to all our students, mentor teachers and trusted adults for engaging in these important and meaningful conversations together.  We truly appreciate your partnership.  We have received over 300 responses to our feedback survey. Among our trusted adults who have given us feedback, 97% have shared that the SLC was very or somewhat helpful in hearing about their student’s goals and passions. Additionally, 72% shared they feel more engaged with their student and Lincoln following the SLC.  When asked on a scale of 1-5 if the SLC was a positive experience we have an average rating of 4.4, and an average rating of 4.5 when asked if they were glad Lincoln held SLCs.  If you have not completed our SLC feedback (please send this to whoever the trusted adult was), you can still give us feedback.

Earlier this week grades were updated on The Source.  If you have not had a chance to sit with your student to review their progress, the winter break will be a great time to schedule that time to set some goals and a support plan so your student finishes the semester strong.  Our first semester will come to an end January 28th with our finals schedule for January 24th and 27th (see below). 

When we return from break in January we will be starting our course registration for the 2025-2026 school year. Our 9th-11th grade students will be receiving information through their mentorship class that will outline our timelines, course information, elective choices, and how they will access counselors and “senior experts” to help with their decision making. For those that want to get an early start on reviewing course options, we invite you to look over our 2025-2026 course catalog.

For planning purposes, be watching for our “Important Senior Dates and Deadlines” to be published and shared with all seniors when we return from break.  We will link this to our upcoming newsletter so that families can schedule out support to their students in preparation for graduation in June.  Additionally, we will share out our end of year dates and deadlines for our 9th-11th graders so that families can plan in advance.  

As we close out 2024, to those that celebrate, I would like to extend my very best for a happy Chanukah, Kwanzaa and Christmas. Happy New Year to everyone as we transition into 2025!  

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin.

You can also follow us on social media:

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit our archives on the LHS website

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • Dec 23-Jan 3: Winter Break – Lincoln closed 
  • January 20th: No School – MLK Day 
  • January 23rd: High School Information Night (new students and incoming 9th graders only), 6:30-8:00PM 
  • January 24th: Finals – periods 1, 3, 5 (block schedule) 
  • January 27th: Finals – periods 2, 4, 6 (block schedule) 
  • January 28th: Semester 1 Ends 
  • January 29th: Quarter 3/Semester 2 Begins 
  • February 1st SNLL – Saturday Night Lincoln Live 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

As a reminder, our Lincoln main office will be closed over break and reopen on January 6th at 8AM. If you are in need of assistance, please email us at and we will get back to you when we return. 

PBL Spotlight 

9th Grade Intro to Lit: Students will be exploring the art of storytelling and what makes a story engaging or not. The project will be focused on the writing process and revisions.  The final product will be a story – the medium will be determined by the student.   

12th Grade Civis: The mandate from Washington State for civics is that students graduate with an understanding of the governmental system that they are a member of. The intention of the law is that students are active participants of the political process that impacts their lives, and ultimately it’s about understanding the government and how it works. In this project, students map out how a change they want to see in the future could happen at different levels of government, and communicate that understanding to others. This project needs volunteers! In January, students interview experts in their topic’s fields as part of the research process. Please be watching for ways to help out. 

First Semester Finals Schedule – January 24th and 27th  

  • Jan 24th: 1, 3, 5 
  • Jan 27th: 2, 4, 6 
  • Mentorship/Walk to Support: 8:50-9:15 (25 min) 
  • 1st/2nd: 9:20-11:10 (110 min) 
  • Lunch: 11:15-11:45 
  • 3rd/4th: 11:50-1:40 (110 min) 
  • 5th/6th: 1:50-3:40 (110 min) 

Lynx Fund Drive 

As a reminder, it is that time of year to support our “LynxFund” annual PTSA fundraiser drive. Each year, our amazing PTSA runs a fundraising drive to support the students at Lincoln. Donations of all amounts are welcomed and encouraged and will be used to directly support our school and students.  Among some of the areas PTSA has supported include tutoring, performing arts, athletics and uniforms, academic enrichment, events, emergency funds for families, and many other programs. Please support our school, students, PTSA and the Lynx Fund Drive, students and PTSA

Inclement Weather: 

Please remind your student(s) to bring their laptop home every day.  In case of inclement weather, SPS will use online instruction instead of a traditional snow day. 

In the event that we have an inclement weather closure, students will complete their school day online, synchronously, like they would if they were here at school. All classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Students should check the teacher’s course page on Schoology for the Teams link for class.   Attendance will be taken in each class. 

If your student cannot find the link, they should Teams message and email the teacher directly. 

Helpful tip: please continually remind your student(s) during the winter season to bring their laptops and other academic supplies home to make sure they have access to their classes in the event of switching to remote learning.  Check the LHS website and Seattle Public Schools District websites for updates on school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.  

Theatre Arts – Auditions: 

Auditions for the Spring Musical, CHICAGO will be January 13th, 14th, and 16th.  Invited callbacks are January 17th.   

Audition packets are available in the main office to pick up before or after school or at lunch.    

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Sullivan. 

Counseling Corner: 

Semester Schedule Change Requests 

Beginning on Thursday, December 19 students will be able to view their Semester 2 schedule in The Source. If students are wanting to potentially change a class(es) in your Semester 2 schedule, you have the opportunity to do so by submitting a Schedule Change Request Form.  

This semester the Schedule Change Request Form will be done virtually via a Microsoft Forms link at the bottom of this message. The virtual form will be live and accepting responses beginning on Thursday, December 19 at 4:00pm, and will close on Wednesday, January 8 at 10:00pm.   

Counselors will not be accepting requests for Semester schedule changes after the form closes. Our intention is to review and process all requests so that schedules may be finalized before Semester 2 classes begin. Please keep in mind that at this point in the school year, there are often no available or extremely limited seats in classes so we cannot guarantee that a schedule change is possible. The Schedule Change Request Form will provide additional information.  

LHS Schedule Change Request Form: 2024-2025 Semester 2

Course Registration – selecting classes for 2025-2026 school year 

Course registration for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will begin once we return from the winter break! Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students enrolled at LHS will select their classes for next school year. For incoming 9th graders, and all other Non-Seattle Public School Students (i.e. Private Schools and Out-of-State), we will hold a separate registration process in April.  

Please take some time during the break to think about which potential classes to take next year. Please also review the LHS Course Catalog to see the latest offerings. Additional resources around registration can be found in the ‘Registration Resources for selecting your 2025-2026 classes’ folder on the Counseling Schoology page. Counselors will be available for drop-in support before and after school, and lunch time to answer students’ questions.  

Key dates to note regarding registration for 2025-2026:  

Friday, Jan 10, 2025 – In Mentorship period, students will receive a presentation of all Elective course options offered at LHS.  

Monday, Jan 13, 2025 – In Mentorship period, students will receive a presentation on the registration process. Students will also receive the required materials (Course Registration Sheet, Credit Tracking Worksheet, and their Transcript).  

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 – The Source will open up for students to submit their course selections online.   

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 – Course Registration Sheet due to student’s English class. Families, please verify and sign your student’s Course Registration Sheet if possible. Course selections also need to be entered online in The Source the evening before on Tuesday 1/21/25 by 5:00pm.  

Jan 23 – Feb 10, 2025 – Counselors will meet individually with each student during their English class period in order to verify that their course selections are accurate and match what they’ve entered online into The Source.  

PAL News & Events  

PAL is a division of the PTSA ~ we support the Performing Arts at Lincoln  

Join the Party! PAL’s Biggest Fundraising Event of the Year…. 

SNLL – Saturday Night Lincoln Live  

February 1, 2025, 7 PM to 10 PM, OmCulture, Wallingford, adults only 

Variety Show ~ showcasing student acts, refreshments, socializing, fundraising games & raffle.  

Early Bird Saturday Night Lincoln Tickets on Sale Now! 

$50 price will increase to $55 on January 17 

ticket includes entrance, a drink, appetizers and dessert 

Volunteers needed to help with SNLL planning and day of the event. You choose what works best for you.  

email us: 

New! PAL T-Shirts & Sweatshirts  

Order PAL t-shirts and sweatshirts now to get the coolest shirt in town by January 17 

all profits go to PAL – t-shirt $25 / crewneck sweatshirt $40 

A generous way to end 2024!  

Keep things simple, Donate to PAL today 

Donations are 100% tax deductible  

PAL quarterly meeting – open to all 

January 7, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM  

email for more information: 

PAL’s website

Lincoln High School Yearbook 

Yearbook Advisor: Alex Snyder 

2024-2025 yearbooks can be pre-ordered. Exact cash or check payments can be made before or after school or at lunch with Mr. Lee in the Commons. 

Senior Families: 

2025 Yard Signs 

The Early Bird pre-sale has been extended to December 31st.  Get your “Congrats LHS CO25″ yard/window sign today for $25 before prices increase! Signs are full-colored, measure 24×18 and include a metal “H” stake and will be ready for pick up in the spring. Proceeds go toward senior year activities, including the Senior SPREE and spring graduation breakfast. This is the FINAL fundraiser and a fun way to support our seniors! 

Order senior yard signs today and help celebrate our awesome Class of 2025! Prices increase to $30 on December 31st. Don’t forget to grab extras — they make great gifts! 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Senior Ad

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission

Health Care at School: 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center located at Lincoln High School is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy.  The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting.   

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.   

Is your student planning to stay in college dorms next year? Contact the health center about starting your MenB series this December or January in order to finish the series before the end of the school year! Call us to schedule an appointment at 206-548-5760 or email at

Vaccination compliance is coming soon and making an appointment with the teen health center is very convenient.  Additional information and registration.

Parent Resources for Nicotine Prevention & Intervention:  

We have shared in previous newsletters about the importance of talking with your student about vaping and other illegal substances. For additional information and resources to help facilitate those conversations please visit the SPS Website here Vaping, Tobacco, and Nicotine   

February Levy Information from SPS: 

Dear SPS Families,  

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) will be asking voters to consider two expiring levies in the Feb. 11, 2025, election. These levies provide continued funding for building safety, school programs, student services and building improvements, ensuring students have safe and supportive learning environments.  

  • Proposition 1: Renewal of the Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy – Supports day-to-day school operations and helps bridge the gap between what the state funds and what our students need, including school security, services such as special education and extracurricular programs like arts and athletics.  
  • Proposition 2: Renewal of the Building Excellence VI (BEX VI) Capital Levy – Funds school renovations, replacements and earthquake safety improvements to maintain safe and healthy school buildings. Also funds 90% of the district’s technology budget, continuing funds for student computers and classroom technology.   

We invite you to learn more about these levies by attending one of five regional community meetings in January. These in-person meetings offer a chance to ask questions, hear details, and learn how the levies fund our schools. Interpretation services will be available at all meetings.  

Levy informational meetings (All meetings are 6:30-7:30 p.m.):  

  • Jan. 9 at Genesee Hill Elementary, 5013 SW Dakota St., Seattle  
  • Jan. 13 at Wing Luke Elementary, 3701 S Kenyon St, Seattle  
  • Jan. 14 at Viewlands Elementary, 10525 3rd Ave NW, Seattle  
  • Jan. 16 at Kimball Elementary, 3200 23rd Ave S, Seattle  
  • Jan. 21 at Olympic Hills Elementary, 13018 20th Ave. NE  

More information including meeting updates and levy details, visit the SPS website.  

We hope to see you there.  
Office of Public Affairs 

Want to access our past newsletters? Visit our archives on the LHS website.

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

I hope you had a great week.  It has been so nice seeing so many of you and other trusted adults come through Lincoln for our annual Student Led Conferences (SLCs).  SLCs are such an important part of our program that works to empower our students and build those important relationships and partnerships with all of you. We have received some positive feedback this year about the changes we made to our SLCs.  If you have had your SLC and have not yet had a chance to fill out our feedback form, I would ask that you take a few minutes to complete our SLC reflection survey.

Today was our Seattle Promise Day for our seniors. During mentorship our seniors all took time to apply for Seattle Promise. Seattle Promise is an amazing college tuition and success program launched in 2018 by Seattle Colleges, Seattle Public Schools, and the City of Seattle. All students in Seattle public Schools are eligible to receive free tuition at any of the Seattle Colleges for up to two years after graduation or 90 college credits, whichever comes first. 

At Lincoln, we want to be intentional in providing time and access to our students for their post-secondary planning.  Part of our comprehensive program is to provide time so that all seniors have access and apply to the Seattle Promise, both as an option for post-secondary planning and also as part of our college and career support.  

If your senior missed Seattle Promise Day, they still have time to apply. We are fortunate to have our very own Seattle Promise representative, Aurelio Valdez, available here at Lincoln every Wednesday and Friday. Please encourage your student to connect with him if they’d like to learn more about the opportunity and/or need support with the application process. Information about Seattle Promise,

As a reminder, it is that time of year to support our “LynxFund” annual PTSA fundraiser drive. Each year, our amazing PTSA runs a fundraising drive to support the students at Lincoln. Donations of all amounts are welcomed and encouraged and will be used to directly support our school and students.  Among some of the areas PTSA has supported include tutoring, performing arts, athletics and uniforms, academic enrichment, events, emergency funds for families, and many other programs. Please support our school, students and PTSA.

For planning purposes, please remember that Lincoln will be closed December 23rd-January 3rd for winter break. 

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  

 You can also follow us on social media:  

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic.

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • Dec 7: Saturday School 
  • Dec 12: Choir Concert 
  • Dec 14: Choir Concert with Coe Elementary 
  • Dec 17: Band 
  • Dec 18: Orchestra Concert 
  • Dec 23-Jan 3: Winter Break – Lincoln closed 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

As a reminder, our Lincoln main office will be closed over break and reopen on January 6th at 8AM. If you are in need of assistance, please email us at and we will get back to you when we return. 

Inclement Weather: 

Please remind your student(s) to bring their laptop home every day.  In case of inclement weather, SPS will use online instruction instead of a traditional snow day. 

In the event that we have an inclement weather closure, students will complete their school day online, synchronously, like they would if they were here at school. All classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Students should check the teacher’s course page on Schoology for the Teams link for class.   Attendance will be taken in each class. 

If your student cannot find the link, they should Teams message and email the teacher directly. 

Helpful tip: please continually remind your student(s) during the winter season to bring their laptops and other academic supplies home to make sure they have access to their classes in the event of switching to remote learning.  Check the Lincoln High School and Seattle Public Schools District websites for updates on school closures or schedule changes due to inclement weather.  

Saturday School Tomorrow!: 

Saturday School is this weekend, December 7, from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln library!  Students are invited to join us for the morning to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and get caught up on coursework. Support will be available for all core, grade-level courses and also for many electives and advanced courses. There is no advance sign-up required.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions, please contact Michelle Pentecost at   

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are: 

  • December 7  
  • January 18  
  • March 1  
  • March 29  
  • April 26  
  • June 7 

Counseling Corner: 


Lincoln currently has TWO students that are semifinalists for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Lincoln also has NINE students that are semifinalists for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship! Both are extremely popular and competitive scholarship opportunities. Lincoln is proud of each of these individual scholars. The counseling team is supporting them in their applications to help fund their post-high school goals. For even more scholarship opportunities, check out the LHS Counselor Schoology page, Naviance search tool, SPS scholarship webpage, and other scholarship search databases. 

Cap & Gown ordering for seniors 

If your student needs assistance with ordering a cap & gown, please have them check in with their counselor.  The early order deadline is December 15, but if you are requesting assistance, please see your counselor as soon as possible.  Not sure who to contact?  See our Counseling department information posted on the LHS website.  

Senior Families: 

The Class of 2025 is selling Senior Class Merch! Order a t-shirt or sweatshirt for your senior, designed all by the class council. All proceeds go to Prom! Orders close Wednesday, December 11, so make sure to order soon! T-shirts are $17 and sweatshirts are $25. Support your senior class and order your Senior Merch now!

2025 Yard Signs 

The Early Bird pre-sale has been extended to December 31st.  Get your “Congrats LHS CO25″ yard/window sign today for $25 before prices increase! Signs are full-colored, measure 24×18 and include a metal “H” stake and will be ready for pick up in the spring. Proceeds go toward senior year activities, including the Senior SPREE and spring graduation breakfast. This is the FINAL fundraiser and a fun way to support our seniors! 

Order your 2025 Yard Signs Today and help celebrate our awesome Class of 2025! Prices increase to $30 on December 31st. Don’t forget to grab extras — they make great gifts! 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Buy your Senior Ad

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission

Health Care at School: 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center located at Lincoln High School is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy.  The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting.   

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.  Additional Neighborcare information and registration.

Is your student planning to stay in college dorms next year? Contact the health center about starting your MenB series this December or January in order to finish the series before the end of the school year! Call us to schedule an appointment at 206-548-5760 or email at

Lincoln DECA Needs Judges: 

Lincoln’s DECA team is in need of judges for our Area Conference! DECA experience helps but is not necessary. We are hoping to get a total of 6-10 judges for our Area Conference on January 9th in Lynnwood. Training will be provided and the schedule is flexible. It is not a full-day commitment. If you are interested please reach out to Mr. Reed at

November 15, 2024

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

I hope you all had a restful three-day weekend this past week. I would like to acknowledge and send my gratitude and thanks to our Veterans and military personnel we have on staff and to those in your lives who have served. 

As a reminder, there will be no school for students on Wednesday, November 27th to provide time for our upcoming Student Led Conferences (SLCs).  While many SLCs will be scheduled to happen on November 27th, the window for SLCs happens between November 19th and December 13th. Please see below for more information about SLCs and check in with your student on how their planning is going in preparation from them to lead their SLC. 

Mid-November always marks a moment of transition. Our first quarter has ended, we are transitioning into winter sports, and we have a lot happening in our classes and extracurricular activities as we near the upcoming winter break in December.  

Our fall/winter performing arts series is upon us. Be watching for our upcoming band, choir, and orchestra concerts. Tickets are on sale now for Lincoln Theatre Art’s fall play, She Kills Monsters, by Qui Nguyen.  November 15th, 16th, 21st , 22nd, 23rd @ 7 PM and 23rd @ 2 PM. The play is recommended for ages 11 and up.  Tickets for Lincoln Theatre Art’s fall play, She Kills Monsters are on sale now.

It is that time of year to support our “LynxFund” annual PTSA fundraiser drive. Each year, our amazing PTSA runs a fundraising drive to support the students at Lincoln. Donations of all amounts are welcomed and encouraged and will be used to directly support our school and students.  Among some of the areas PTSA has supported include tutoring, performing arts, athletics and uniforms, academic enrichment, events, emergency funds for families, and many other programs. Please support our school, students and PTSA.

For planning purposes, please remember that Lincoln will be closed November 28th-29th for Thanksgiving and December 23rd-January 3rd for winter break. 

As always, thank you for your continued support. It is greatly appreciated! 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin

You can also follow us on social media:  

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • Nov 15th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd – Theater Arts show 
  • Nov 18: Winter Sports Begin 
  • Nov 20: Athletic Practice Field Community Meeting, 6PM 
  • Nov 22: Native American Heritage Day 
  • Nov 27: Student Led Conferences – no school for students 
  • Nov 28 and 29 – Thanksgiving observed, no school 
  • Dec 3: Financial Aid Night 
  • Dec 7: Saturday School 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Reminder – SPS Laptops: 

As a reminder, only SPS-provided devices are allowed for classroom learning. Personal devices are not allowed in classes but can be used on campus during non-class time; before or after school and lunch. Running Start students can use personal devices in their Running Start classes but must use an SPS laptop in classes at LHS.    

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Spotlight 

We want to share some of the great learning happening at Lincoln.  Academically, Lincoln is founded in Project-Based Learning.  We strive to prepare our students to navigate a complex and dynamic world through experiential learning that inspires students to think critically, solve problems and engage empathetically as global citizens.  Throughout this year, please check out our PBL spotlight to hear about some of the great learner experiences your students are involved in. 

  • Performing Arts-Band: Lincoln’s band program put on their first October concert on October 30th. This concert was different than other concerts in that all 3 band class (Concert Band, Wind Ensemble and Percussion) combined to create one large ensemble. The concert contained selections from 3 movies and the students were asked to choreograph and design scenes for each selection. Students created dances, made costumes and props to portray the Nightmare Before Christmas, Barbie’s World and Toy Story.    
  • Spanish 4: Podcast: En la ciudad - Students are creating a podcast retelling a favorite moment experiencing the city of Seattle. Unit vocab will be used as well as the correct uses of the preterite and imperfect tenses, which are used to talk about the past.   
  • Spanish 2: ¡Alístate Conmigo! (Get Ready With Me) - Spanish 2 students created a “get ready with me” video. These videos are related to the real world because students see them all of the time on their social media platforms. In pairs, students created a video explaining their daily or morning routine. They had to use reflexive verbs that were covered in the unit, these verbs are often related to get ready, things doing to oneself. Students also had to incorporate the unit vocabulary.  

Theater Art’s fall play:  

The first show is tonight!  She Kills Monsters, by Qui Nguyen.  November 15th, 16th, 21st , 22nd, 23rd @ 7 PM and 23rd @ 2 PM. The play is recommended for ages 11 and up.  Tickets for She Kills Monsters go on sale today!

She Kills Monsters tells the story of high schooler Agnes Evans as she deals with the death of her younger sister, Tilly. When Agnes stumbles upon Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, she finds herself catapulted into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was her sister’s refuge. In this high-octane dramatic comedy laden with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and ’90s pop culture, acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all. 

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month 

We would like to acknowledge that we are on the ancestral lands and traditional territories of the Puget Sound Coast Salish People.  The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe is our treaty tribe in Seattle and King County. Suquamish Indian Tribe is our treaty tribe up to Elliott Bay boundaries.  Seattle Public Schools shared a government-to-government relationship with both tribes. 

November is Native American Heritage Month. As a school, we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the rich history, traditions, and contributions of Native people in our community and society. This month serves as an important time not only for celebration but also to educate and raise awareness in our school and community. For more information and important resources, please visit: 

Athletic Field Community Meeting – November 20th 

Thank you for your continued interest and engagement around the location for a new synthetic turf field for Lincoln High School students. 

In advance of our next community meeting on November 20, 6:00 –7:30 PM. Below is the meeting agenda:  

A revised plan for Wallingford Playfield: 

  1. We are proposing a smaller, half-size synthetic turf field that maintains current community use while supporting Lincoln High School and Hamilton International Middle School students for P.E. and after-school activities. 
  2. This approach ensures the park’s character remains intact, balancing current community use with minor additional school-related use. We are not planning lighting for this revised proposal. 

Evaluation of alternative sites: 

  1. We have carefully reviewed suggestions from the community, including Gas Works Park, the Lincoln parking lot, Queen Anne Bowl, and Meridian Park. At this meeting, we’ll explain why some sites are not feasible and share insights into our selection process. 
  2. While Queen Anne Bowl has been eliminated as a permanent solution, it remains a potential interim option. 

Next steps and stakeholder engagement: 

  1. We are exploring longer-term possibilities for a full-size field, including Woodland Park, which offers opportunities for a more comprehensive and thoughtful solution. 
  2. Your feedback has been instrumental in shaping these proposals, and we’ll continue to work closely with Seattle Parks and other stakeholders to refine our plans. 

We understand concerns around over-activation and changes to the park’s character. These discussions have guided us to ensure any solution aligns with community values while addressing student needs. 

We look forward to your input on November 20. Your participation is key to shaping a balanced, equitable solution for our students and the community. 

Seattle Public Schools values your input on a new athletics practice field for Lincoln. A virtual option will be available with a link posted 24 hours before the meeting on the following website, where you can also find more details.

Athletics Update: 

Fall Sports are coming to a close: 

  • Congrats to our Boys Cross Country team who finished 4th in state! And Kaj Montgomery who got 10th overall for 4A boys. Also, congrats to our XC coaches for winning Metro League Coach of the Year! 
  • Congratulations to Girls Swim who got 2nd in Districts! They compete at State November 14-16! 
  • Congrats to Girls Soccer who qualified for State! They lost on Wednesday in a nail-biting game vs. Woodinville. 
  • Congratulations to Varsity Volleyball who were the 4A Academic State Champions! 
  • We had 493 student-athletes participating in fall sports!! 

Winter Sports are beginning: 

  • Bowling began November 4 
  • Gymnastics began November 11 
  • Basketball, wrestling, flag football, and boys swim/dive begin Monday, November 18. 

Make sure your student-athlete is signed up and cleared in FinalForms before the first day of practice/try-outs! 

Student led conferences (SLCs): 

As a reminder, there will be no school for students on November 27th to support these conferences.  Students will begin to prepare for their SLC in Mentorship next week.  Student-led conferences are individualized through a planning process.  By now, students should have identified the trusted adult they want to invite and should have their SLC scheduled.  SLCs last 15 minutes and happen both in-person or on teams and will take place between November 19th and December 13th. SLCs have become an annual event for us at Lincoln and serves as an important way for us to partner together in support of our students. 

Counseling Corner: 


Lincoln currently has TWO students that are semifinalists for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Lincoln also has NINE students that are semifinalists for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship! Both are extremely popular and competitive scholarship opportunities. Lincoln is proud of each of these individual scholars. The counseling team is supporting them in their applications to help fund their post-high school goals. For even more scholarship opportunities, check out the LHS Counselor Schoology page, Naviance search tool, SPS scholarship webpage, and other scholarship search databases. 

Cap & Gown ordering for seniors 

If your student needs assistance with ordering a cap & gown, please have them check in with their counselor.  The early order deadline is December 15, but if you are requesting assistance, please see your counselor as soon as possible.  Not sure who to contact?  See our department information posted on the LHS website.

Financial Aid Night 

Tuesday, December 3 
LHS Library 
6:00PM – 7:30pm 

Save the date! LHS seniors and families are invited to our annual Financial Aid Night in the Lincoln High School library. Come learn more about ways to pay for your continued education. The LHS Counseling team and partners from the Seattle Promise program will be available to answer questions and assist with the financial aid application process. Attendees, please bring laptops as there will be time to work on the financial aid application (FAFSA or WASFA). 

Steps that students and families can take prior to attending the event: 

  • Creating an account on FAFSA or WASFA. Student and parent need to register for their own individual accounts. 
  • Do this early as it can take 1-3 business days in order to receive an FSA ID # after creating the accounts. 
  • Unsure which application to use? Students can take this quick questionnaire
  • Gather the following documents: 
  • Your child’s Social Security number (or A-number if they are an eligible noncitizen) 
  • If you’re married; your spouse’s name, date of birth, Social Security number (if they have one), and email address 
  • 2023 tax return documents, including federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned from work for both you and your child (If you’re married and did not file taxes jointly with your spouse, you’ll also need your spouse’s tax information.) 
  • Bank statements and records of investments, businesses, and farms (if applicable) for you and your child 
  • Records of child support received (if applicable) 

Student Academic Support:  

Students have an hour of walk-to-support every Wednesday where students and teachers can request a student to attend for extra support. If you have specific questions about any classes, please contact the individual teacher directly.    

In addition to walk-to-support, students also have access to additional help.  

  • Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session.  
  • Monthly Saturday Schools are from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at 

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:   

  • December 7   
  • January 18   
  • March 1   
  • March 29   
  • April 26   
  • June 7 

Student Newspaper: 

The Lincoln Log is starting a subscription service! Sign up now to receive a copy of each print edition of Lincoln’s newspaper mailed directly to you. Our hope is to print about 6 editions this year. 

Papers will be mailed out once payment has been received via the SchoolPay link in the form.  Due to this being our first time mailing out to subscribers, please allow some extra time to receive your first edition. Thank you! 

All information about Lincoln Log, including price.

Questions about subscriptions or interested in advertising with The Lincoln Log? Email for more information! 

Resources for families for substance usage: 

We recently have shared the importance of our families regularly engaging with our students about illegal substances and substance abuse.  We shared this again at our PTSA general membership and want to provide resources to our families in support of these important conversations. 

Below are some general information and support with tips for talking with your child(ren): 

If you are concerned with concerned with your child’s use and want to seek treatment: Seattle Public Schools Substance Use Disorder Support 

Senior Families: 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Senior Ad Link:

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission

Student Assessment Partnership opportunity: 

Lincoln has a partnership with The Jed Foundation. Jed equips school communities across the country with evidence-based resources to create a culture of care in which all students feel seen and supported. The JED High School program offers a variety of trainings, research, guidance, and classroom tools for administrators, educators, and students to create healthy and connected school communities. Part of the partnership asks for a Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will measure the student experience at Lincoln regarding mental health systems and support. It will tell us how they navigate these systems, and what more can be done to ensure that they feel safe at school. We know the things that we are doing, and we know what staff is doing, but the impact of these initiatives on students is the most important piece to knowing exactly what is working and what needs to be improved. 

Please review the letter below and click the link in the letter to opt-in or opt-out for your student to complete the Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will be administered in a Mentorship class prior to winter break.  

Dear Lincoln Families,    

Seattle Public Schools has partnered with Forefront Suicide Prevention and The Jed Foundation to enhance our efforts to support the mental health and well-being of our students.   

As part of this effort, six district high schools are participating in JED High School Program delivered by Forefront, a 3-year program that provides high schools and districts with expert support, evidence-based best practices, and data-driven guidance to protect student mental health and prevent suicide.  

Students and staff at our school are being surveyed to inform Lincoln’s strategic planning process and subsequent actions. We believe that this survey can provide all students with a voice. Student input is critical to improving student well-being, academic success, and social connectedness; we hope that families will choose to opt their students in to this assessment.   

If you would like your student to participate in the survey, please fill out this consent form by Thursday, December 5, 2024. You may provide your consent using this form:  

Student responses will be kept confidential and secure, and will not be connected with their name, email, or any other information that identifies them. If you allow your student to participate, your student may choose to skip questions or stop participating at any time. The survey typically takes around 30-45 minutes to complete.    

For study-related questions, please email the principal investigator Dr. Michelle Mullen at Feel free to reach out to Elliott Flavors at for more information.    

LHS Information Night for incoming students:  

Help spread the word that Lincoln’s High School Information Night for current 8th graders and their families is January 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This event is reserved for our future 9th graders and their families as well as current High School students within our assignment area boundaries.   We will be sharing pre-recorded videos on our website with all the pertinent information our future Lynx will need. The night itself will host a short assembly followed by an open house in our building with identified areas for each academic program as well as information from student groups, student supports, the Student Based Teen Health Center, athletics and the PTSA.    

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of first quarter.  First quarter ends next week on Wednesday, November 6th.  Current grades/progress monitoring have been updated and are available to you and your student on The Source. Please take time this weekend to meet with your student(s) to review progress, talk about what is happening in classes, and set goals as we transition into 2nd quarter.  

As I always share, one of the best things families can do to support their student is to have a designated scheduled time each day at home for students to complete homework, study, or engage in independent reading.  Following up with your student after each of these times to have them share what they completed, helps keep track of their progress and whether they need additional support with their organization and specific studies.  

When you review progress and help set those academic goals, a good question to ask your student is how they are using the Wednesday “walk-to-support” time. Students have an hour of walk-to-support every Wednesday where students and teachers can request a student to attend for extra support. If you have specific questions about any classes, please contact the individual teacher directly.    

In addition to walk-to-support, students also have access to additional help.  

  • Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session.  
  • Monthly Saturday School from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at 

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:   

  • November 2   
  • December 7   
  • January 18   
  • March 1   
  • March 29   
  • April 26   
  • June 7  

Student led conferences (SLCs) are right around the corner. As a reminder, there will be no school for students on November 27th to support these conferences.  Students will begin to prepare for their SLC in Mentorship next week.  Student-led conferences are individualized through a planning process.  Next week, students will identify the trusted adult outside of school they want to invite and begin to outline what they want to share, the goals they have, and the support they will need. SLCs last 15 minutes and happen both in-person or on teams and will take place between November 19th and December 13th. SLCs have become an annual event for us at Lincoln and serves as an important way for us to partner together in support of our students. 

Don’t forget to Fall Back! Clocks go back one hour on Sunday, Nov. 3, at 2 a.m. for the end of Daylight Saving Time. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep! 

In closing, to those that celebrate, I would like to extend my well wishes for Día de Los Muertos. Day of the Dead is celebrated primarily in México to honor and celebrate loved ones that have passed. ¡Feliz Día de los Muertos! 

Thank you, 

Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

Nov 2:  Saturday School 
Nov 3: End of Daylight Saving Time – clocks fall back 1 hour 
Nov 5: Election Day 
Nov 11: Veterans Day – no school 
Nov 15th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd – Theater Arts show 
Nov 18: Winter Sports Begin 
Nov 22: Native American Heritage Day 
Nov 27: Student Led Conferences – no school for students 
Nov 28 and 29 – Thanksgiving observed, no school 
Dec 3: Financial Aid Night 
June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month 

We would like to acknowledge that we are on the ancestral lands and traditional territories of the Puget Sound Coast Salish People.  The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe is our treaty tribe in Seattle and King County. Suquamish Indian Tribe is our treaty tribe up to Elliott Bay boundaries.  Seattle Public Schools shared a government-to-government relationship with both tribes. 

November is Native American Heritage Month. As a school, we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the rich history, traditions, and contributions of Native people in our community and society. This month serves as an important time not only for celebration but also to educate and raise awareness in our school and community. For more information and important resources, please visit: 

SPS Native History

Monthly Native American Observances

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Spotlight 

We want to share some of the great learning happening at Lincoln.  Academically, Lincoln is founded in Project-Based Learning.  We strive to prepare our students to navigate a complex and dynamic world through experiential learning that inspires students to think critically, solve problems and engage empathetically as global citizens.  Throughout this year, please check out our PBL spotlight to hear about some of the great learner experiences your students are involved in. 

  • Health: Students all create individual mental health goals that they create daily plans to do to meet those goals. At the end, they create a student driven representation which helps show what they tried and how well it worked and what they might do differently if they did it again in the future.  
  • Astronomy: Students have completed two projects so far in astronomy – they have created an “all to one scale” model of the solar system and are currently working to get approvals to have this out in the community as well as a stand alone model here at school with a map of locations for the objects in our solar system. They created a kit of models for middle school classrooms to better understand why we see the patterns we do in the night sky (moon phases, eclipses, zodiac constellations, star movements, where we see things in the ecliptic). Students created models along with one page of instructions and explanations so that teachers could use these models with their students at Hamilton MS. Semester capstone project will be hosting a planetarium show with the UW planetarium in late January to showcase their learning throughout the semester.  

Counseling Corner: 


Lincoln currently has TWO students that are semifinalists for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Lincoln also has NINE students that are semifinalists for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship! Both are extremely popular and competitive scholarship opportunities. Lincoln is proud of each of these individual scholars. The counseling team is supporting them in their applications to help fund their post-high school goals. For even more scholarship opportunities, check out the LHS Counselor Schoology page, Naviance search tool, SPS scholarship webpage, and other scholarship search databases. 

Cap & Gown ordering for seniors 

If your student needs assistance with ordering a cap & gown, please have them check in with their counselor.  The early order deadline is December 15, but if you are requesting assistance, please see your counselor as soon as possible.  Not sure who to contact?  See our department information posted on the LHS website.

Financial Aid Night 

Tuesday, December 3 
LHS Library 
6:00PM – 7:30pm 

Save the date! LHS seniors and families are invited to our annual Financial Aid Night in the Lincoln High School library. Come learn more about ways to pay for your continued education. The LHS Counseling team and partners from the Seattle Promise program will be available to answer questions and assist with the financial aid application process. Attendees, please bring laptops as there will be time to work on the financial aid application (FAFSA or WASFA). 

Steps that students and families can take prior to attending the event: 

  • Creating an account on FAFSA or WASFA. Student and parent need to register for their own individual accounts. 
  • Do this early as it can take 1-3 business days in order to receive an FSA ID # after creating the accounts. 
  • Unsure which application to use? Students can take this quick questionnaire
  • Gather the following documents: 
  • Your child’s Social Security number (or A-number if they are an eligible noncitizen) 
  • If you’re married; your spouse’s name, date of birth, Social Security number (if they have one), and email address 
  • 2023 tax return documents, including federal income tax returns, W-2s, and other records of money earned from work for both you and your child (If you’re married and did not file taxes jointly with your spouse, you’ll also need your spouse’s tax information.) 
  • Bank statements and records of investments, businesses, and farms (if applicable) for you and your child 
  • Records of child support received (if applicable) 

Student Newspaper: 

The Lincoln Log is starting a subscription service! Sign up now to receive a copy of each print edition of Lincoln’s newspaper mailed directly to you. Our hope is to print about 6 editions this year. 

Papers will be mailed out once payment has been received via the SchoolPay link in the form.  Due to this being our first time mailing out to subscribers, please allow some extra time to receive your first edition. Thank you! 

All information about Lincoln Log, including price

Questions about subscriptions or interested in advertising with The Lincoln Log? Email for more information! 

Resources for families for substance usage: 

We recently have shared the importance of our families regularly engaging with our students about illegal substances and substance abuse.  We shared this again at our PTSA general membership and want to provide resources to our families in support of these important conversations. 

Below are some general information and support with tips for talking with your child(ren): 

If you are concerned with concerned with your child’s use and want to seek treatment visit SPS Prevention and Intervention Substance Use Disorder Support

Student Assessment Partnership opportunity: 

Lincoln has a partnership with The Jed Foundation. Jed equips school communities across the country with evidence-based resources to create a culture of care in which all students feel seen and supported. The JED High School program offers a variety of trainings, research, guidance, and classroom tools for administrators, educators, and students to create healthy and connected school communities. Part of the partnership asks for a Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will measure the student experience at Lincoln regarding mental health systems and support. It will tell us how they navigate these systems, and what more can be done to ensure that they feel safe at school. We know the things that we are doing, and we know what staff is doing, but the impact of these initiatives on students is the most important piece to knowing exactly what is working and what needs to be improved. 

Please Review the letter below and click the link in the letter to opt-in or opt-out for your student to complete the Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will be administered in a Mentorship class prior to winter break.  

Dear Lincoln Families,    

Seattle Public Schools has partnered with Forefront Suicide Prevention and The Jed Foundation to enhance our efforts to support the mental health and well-being of our students.   

As part of this effort, six district high schools are participating in JED High School Program delivered by Forefront, a 3-year program that provides high schools and districts with expert support, evidence-based best practices, and data-driven guidance to protect student mental health and prevent suicide.  

Students and staff at our school are being surveyed to inform Lincoln’s strategic planning process and subsequent actions. We believe that this survey can provide all students with a voice. Student input is critical to improving student well-being, academic success, and social connectedness; we hope that families will choose to opt their students in to this assessment.   

If you would like your student to participate in the survey, please fill out this consent form by Thursday, December 5, 2024. You may provide your consent using this form:  

Student responses will be kept confidential and secure, and will not be connected with their name, email, or any other information that identifies them. If you allow your student to participate, your student may choose to skip questions or stop participating at any time. The survey typically takes around 30-45 minutes to complete.    

For study-related questions, please email the principal investigator Dr. Michelle Mullen at Feel free to reach out to Elliott Flavors at for more information.    

Theater Art’s fall play:  

Tickets are on sale now for Lincoln Theatre Art’s fall play, She Kills Monsters, by Qui Nguyen.  November 15th, 16th, 21st , 22nd, 23rd @ 7 PM and 23rd @ 2 PM. The play is recommended for ages 11 and up.  Tickets go on sale today! 

She Kills Monsters tells the story of high schooler Agnes Evans as she deals with the death of her younger sister, Tilly. When Agnes stumbles upon Tilly’s Dungeons & Dragons notebook, she finds herself catapulted into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was her sister’s refuge. In this high-octane dramatic comedy laden with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres, and ’90s pop culture, acclaimed playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all. 

Senior Families: 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Buy a Senior Ad

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission

LHS Information Night for incoming students:  

Help spread the word that Lincoln’s High School Information Night for current 8th graders and their families is January 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This event is reserved for our future 9th graders and their families as well as current High School students within our assignment area boundaries.   We will be sharing pre-recorded videos on our website with all the pertinent information our future Lynx will need. The night itself will host a short assembly followed by an open house in our building with identified areas for each academic program as well as information from student groups, student supports, the Student Based Teen Health Center, athletics and the PTSA.    

From SPS District Office: 

Dear SPS Families, Staff, and Community, 

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students and schools. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and commitment to helping us navigate these challenging times. 

Balancing our budget is no easy task, especially as we face a significant shortfall. However, our guiding mission remains clear: ensuring that every student receives an excellent education in an environment that fosters learning and growth. 

Our Budget Challenge 

Like many districts across the state and nation, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is grappling with a persistent budget shortfall. Declining enrollment—driven by rising housing costs, the ongoing impact of COVID, and a shift towards home-based instruction and private schools—has compounded the issue. Additionally, state funding for public schools continues to fall short. 

We find ourselves at a critical financial juncture. Yet despite these challenges, SPS remains a place where excellence thrives. We proudly serve nearly 50,000 students, offering enriching academic experiences, extracurricular activities, and vital special education services. Our goal is to preserve these opportunities and ensure every student, in every school, has access to high-quality education and the support they need to grow. 

Our Path Forward 
We know many of you have experienced frustration as we’ve worked through these difficult decisions, and we are grateful for your passion and feedback. We face a $94 million shortfall for the 2025-26 school year. To address this, we are pursuing several strategies: 

1. School Consolidations: After careful consideration and listening to your concerns, we are moving forward with a smaller plan to merge four schools in the 2025-26 school year. 

This consolidation is part of a larger strategy to stabilize our finances. By closing these four under-enrolled schools, we will start to build a stronger, more sustainable school system. This is the best way forward in ensuring our district continues to provide the high-quality education our students deserve. 

My preliminary recommendation to the School Board will be the following: 

  • Northwest Region: Closing – North Beach Elementary 
    Consolidating with Viewlands Elementary at Viewlands 
  • Northeast Region: Closing – Sacajawea Elementary 
    Consolidating with John Rogers Elementary at John Rogers 
  • Central Region: Closing – Stevens Elementary 
    Consolidating with Montlake Elementary at Montlake 
  • Southwest Region: Closing – Sanislo Elementary 
    Consolidating with Highland Park Elementary at Highland Park 

We understand this change is difficult. We chose these schools based on factors like building condition, space, and the goal of minimizing disruption to students and families. A dedicated transition team will be working with the impacted communities to ensure a smooth and supportive process for everyone involved. 

We recognize the deep connection that our community has with its schools, and we are committed to a thoughtful and transparent process. Starting next week, we will hold engagement sessions at impacted schools, offering in-person support weekly through November 23. Additionally, a districtwide information session will take place on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

2. Advocating for Legislative Support: We are actively seeking full support from the state legislature to help cover our budget shortfall, particularly in areas like special education, transportation, and operational costs. In addition, we are advocating for an extension of our interfund loan and seeking to fully utilize our levy authority. 

3. Central Office Reductions: To keep cuts away from classrooms, we are identifying operational reductions within our central office, including staff reorganizations and adjustments. 

4. Changing School Bell Times: We will consider adjustments to our school bell times, which will allow us to reduce transportation costs by running more bus routes with fewer buses. 

5. Renewing Levies: In February 2025, we will ask voters to renew two critical levies—the Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy and the Building Excellence (BEX VI) Levy—which provide vital funding for school operations and maintenance. 

Efforts to Increase Enrollment 
To attract more families back to SPS, we are conducting an enrollment study. This study, expected to be completed by December, will guide our efforts in recruitment and retention, helping us build a stronger, more vibrant school community. 

Building a Sustainable Future 
Seattle Public Schools has been in existence for more than 150 years. While this may be a difficult moment in time, we must continue to seek viable solutions. This will require our community’s ongoing partnership and support. 

This approach will begin to help us stabilize the budget for next year. I am committed to continuing this conversation with families, staff, and the School Board as we work toward sustainable fiscal solutions. Together, we will create a future where every student in Seattle Public Schools can thrive. 

Thank you for your dedication to our schools. 


Dr. Brent Jones 
Seattle Public Schools 

Good afternoon, Lincoln families, 

Happy Homecoming and welcome back to all our alumni.  It has been a great week celebrating homecoming with students earning points for their House with our daily dress up days, competitions at our homecoming assembly on Friday, joining our community at the homecoming football game tonight, and ending the week with our homecoming dance on Saturday.  It has been a fun week for our students and exciting to see the #LincolnPride throughout our school and community. 

October is flying by, and the end of the quarter is right around the corner.  First quarter ends on November 6th.  If you haven’t had a chance to sit with your student to review progress, this weekend would be a great time to do that.  Teachers offer some great information and supports to students through Schoology, one-note and other digital tools.  In addition to progress monitoring on the Source, have your student show you where they can access information and supports for the class.  Always remember, scheduling consistent time at home each night in a designated location for schoolwork is one of the best ways families can support their student and their academic success.  It is best if this is in shared family space, and not in a private room so you can check on your student and they can see you supporting their success.  

If your student needs additional help outside of class, help them prioritize which teacher they want to see on our Wednesday walk to support and remind them about our BASH (Before and After School Help) and designated Saturday Schools.  Students can attend BASH to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and study independently.  BASH is held in the library on Mondays from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursdays from 7:45-8:45am.  You can see our upcoming Saturday School dates listed below. If you have questions or concerns about a specific class, please reach out to the teacher through email to request a meeting or for additional support.  

I truly value the strong partnership we have with our families. I would like to invite everyone to attend our fall PTSA general membership meeting on Wednesday October 30th from 6:30pm-8:00pm.  PTSA is one of the best ways you can support your student and school.  You do not need to be a member to attend. Come learn about PTSA and their priorities for the year and hear about fundraising and activity plans.  I will be joining the general membership meeting to give some updates on Lincoln including information about practice fields, our new cell phone policy, academics and our upcoming student-led conferences.  I hope you all can make it! 

In closing, I would like to extend my well wished and Happy Diwali (Oct 31-Nov 1) as well as a joyful Sukkot (Oct 16-23) to those of you who celebrate.  

As always, thank you for your ongoing support.  I appreciate you. 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • Oct 21: Picture Retake Day morning only 
  • Oct 23: Winter Sports Athletics Meeting 
  • October 24: PSAT (Juniors)  
  • October 25: Vaccine Clinic 
  • Oct 30:  Band concert in the Gymnasium   
  • Oct 30:    PTSA General Membership library, 6:30pm-8pm 
  • Nov 1:  Saturday School 
  • Nov 11: Veterans Day – no school 
  • Nov 26: Jazz Band Concert 
  • Nov 27: Student Led Conferences – no school for students 
  • Nov 28 and 29 – Thanksgiving observed, no school 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Spotlight 

We want to share some of the great learning happening at Lincoln.  Academically, Lincoln is founded in Project-Based Learning.  We strive to prepare our students to navigate a complex and dynamic world through experiential learning that inspires students to think critically, solve problems and engage empathetically as global citizens.  Throughout this year, please check out our PBL spotlight to hear about some of the great learner experiences your students are involved in. 

  • Biology A (10th grade): Biology started the year with our big REWILDING Project! Students will design and explain evidence-supported plans to “rewild” a place of their choosing. To tackle this, we are first making sealed terrariums, asking: “How can a community of living things sustain itself forever?” As your student about the rewilding project and their recent trip to the Zoo. 
  • AP US Government (12th grade): Senior AP Government students are going through an election cycle of their own as the 2024 general election enters its final days. Students are tasked with assuming the role of an interest group, political party, media member, influencer, campaign staff, or candidate in our mock election. Candidates Elena Garcia Torres and Cammie Harrison will vie for the Democratic nomination this year, with James Tarskyn and Annie Rhodes battling it out for the Republicans. The winners of the primaries will go on to compete in the general election alongside their newly selected VP candidates, with the swing states deciding our mock election on November 5th – national election day!   

Celebrating Filipino American Heritage Month 

October is Filipino American Heritage Month. Filipino American History month was first recognized in in the United States in 2009. In October we commemorate the first recorded presence of Filipinos in the continental United States on October 18, 1587, when “Luzones Indios” landed in California. We want to acknowledge and celebrate Filipino heritage and culture, including the many contributions, past and present of Filipino Americans. 

More information and resources about Filipino American Heritage Month.

PSAT Oct 24th

We still need testing volunteers!!  If you are able to proctor Thursday morning, please email  With 490+ juniors, we need a lot of help.  If your student is testing, you cannot proctor. 

PSAT information was shared with juniors in their ELA and SS classes Oct 17th and 18th.  Full details will be sent out to junior families Monday, Oct 21st to help them make sure their students are prepared.  

SLC – Student Led Conferences Coming – end of November 

We are excited to share Lincoln’s Student Led Conferences (SLCs) are happening again this November.  There will be no school for students on November 27th to support these conferences.  The goal of our SLCs is to empower our students to be reflective in their learning as they pursue and share about their goals, passions and interests. This is an annual event coordinated through our Mentorship where students identify and invite a trusted adult to share in this experience.  Student-led conferences are individualized through a planning process students engage with in their Mentorship class as they select what they want to share, the goals they have, and the support they will need. SLCs last 15 minutes and happen both in-person or on teams and will take place between November 19th and December 13th. More information will be coming, and you will be encouraged to start talking with your student about their SLC later in November.  Right now, we just want you to mark your calendar and be looking for the invite coming starting the week of November 4th. 

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio will photograph makeup and retake portraits at Lincoln High School on Monday, October 21 

Makeup portraits: students who missed the September picture days should plan on getting a portrait taken on Monday, October 21. Families can preorder makeup portraits here: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Make-up/ Retake Day Pre-payments 10/21 

Retake portraits: students who preordered picture day packets for the September picture days can return their package to the photographer in exchange for a retake – a new package of the retake image for all returned packages will be issued at no charge. 

View and order portraits: families can view and order portraits from the September picture days here:  2024-25 Lincoln High School – Online Code = Student’s SPS ID #. (student id located on the Source).  

October portraits will also be available for viewing via the same link about one-two weeks after makeup/retake day. Images are password protected by an online code. The online code is your student’s SPS ID number. 

Winter Sports Meeting: 

The preseason winter athletics meeting will be Wednesday, October 23 from 7-8pm. Families and players alike are welcome and will meet in the Lincoln gym and then break off into groups with their respective coaches. Winter sports offered at Lincoln are boys and girls basketball, girls bowling, girls flag football, girls gymnastics, boys swim/dive, and boys and girls wrestling. If you have any questions, reach out to our athletic director, Ms. Ware at

Vaccine Clinic:  

Lincoln High School will be hosting a Covid and Flu vaccine clinic, reserve your spot. 

Friday October 25 from 3 pm to 7pm. Slots fill up quickly!  Don’t hesitate to reserve your appointment.   

Upcoming Saturday School 

Monthly Saturday School from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!   

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:   

  • November 2   
  • December 7   
  • January 18   
  • March 1   
  • March 29   
  • April 26   
  • June 7  

Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session.  No BASH on 10/24 due to PSAT testing. 

If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at

Student Assessment Partnership opportunity: 

Lincoln has a partnership with The Jed Foundation. Jed equips school communities across the country with evidence-based resources to create a culture of care in which all students feel seen and supported. The JED High School program offers a variety of trainings, research, guidance, and classroom tools for administrators, educators, and students to create healthy and connected school communities. Part of the partnership asks for a Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will measure the student experience at Lincoln regarding mental health systems and support. It will tell us how they navigate these systems, and what more can be done to ensure that they feel safe at school. We know the things that we are doing, and we know what staff is doing, but the impact of these initiatives on students is the most important piece to knowing exactly what is working and what needs to be improved. 

Please review the letter below and click on the link in the letter to opt-in or opt-out for your student to complete the Student Assessment. The Student Assessment will be administered in a Mentorship class prior to winter break.  

Dear Lincoln Families,    

Seattle Public Schools has partnered with Forefront Suicide Prevention and The Jed Foundation to enhance our efforts to support the mental health and well-being of our students.   

As part of this effort, six district high schools are participating in JED High School Program delivered by Forefront, a 3-year program that provides high schools and districts with expert support, evidence-based best practices, and data-driven guidance to protect student mental health and prevent suicide.  

Students and staff at our school are being surveyed to inform Lincoln’s strategic planning process and subsequent actions. We believe that this survey can provide all students with a voice. Student input is critical to improving student well-being, academic success, and social connectedness; we hope that families will choose to opt their students in to this assessment.   

If you would like your student to participate in the survey, please fill out this consent form by Thursday, December 5, 2024. You may provide your consent using this form:  

Student responses will be kept confidential and secure, and will not be connected with their name, email, or any other information that identifies them. If you allow your student to participate, your student may choose to skip questions or stop participating at any time. The survey typically takes around 30-45 minutes to complete.    

For study-related questions, please email the principal investigator Dr. Michelle Mullen at Feel free to reach out to Elliott Flavors at for more information.    

Theater Art’s fall play:  

Save the date for Lincoln Theatre Art’s fall play, She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen.  November 15th, 16th, 21st , 22nd, 23rd @ 7 PM and 23rd @ 2 PM. The play is recommended for ages 11 and up.  Tickets for Lincoln Theatre Art’s play, She Kills Monsters go on sale November 1st.

Senior Families: 

Senior Grad Ads 

Grad ads are a great way to highlight your senior in the yearbook for the 2024/2025 school year.  To buy a grad ad go to the link below and design your own ad on Jostens website. 

Buy a Senior Ad

Senior Portraits for the Yearbook 

You can submit your senior portrait and quote using the link provided.  The due date is February 1st.    

Senior Portrait/Quote Submission

AP Exam Registration & Payment Information: 

The AP testing fee has been announced by College Board.  Please see AP information our website for more details

PAL News & Events: 

What is PAL?  

The Performing Arts at Lincoln is a division of the LHS PTSA that supports the performing arts, while having FUN and building community. 

PAL’s mission is to see that every student has the opportunity to explore music and theatre while at Lincoln. Our amazing LHS directors have another great year planned, and this requires resources such as: sheet music, scripts, instruments, performance space, coaches, competitions, and more – all of which are beyond what is funded by the district. That’s where PAL steps in.  

Homecoming Football Game: Lincoln’s large and amazing Pep Band will be keeping the crowd pumping at tonight’s Homecoming Game. If you get a chance to attend, take a look at the drum stands the percussionists have this year. This is a great example of where the donations to PAL are being used.  

Hard Work Paying Off! 

Lincoln’s Jazz 1 has an exciting concert at the Earshot Jazz Festival, this Saturday, 10/19 – 7:30 PM at Town Hall, Seattle 

Lincoln’s Band Director Zachariah MacIntyre had this to say about Saturday’s concert: “A lot of our students have put in a tremendous amount of work in their free time preparing solos and working on parts. I’m really proud of the work they have done and it is only October! It is a fantastic start to the year.” 

Connect with us for information and to get involved! 

Donate Now to the Lynx Performing Arts

Reminder about talking with your student 

Please remember to talk with your student and engage in ongoing conversation about substance use. As we shared in our last newsletter, we have recently seen (and continue to see) an increase in students accessing and using illegal substances while at school and at our evening events – including nicotine and marijuana vaping and alcohol consumption.  I care deeply about our students and their safety. While we are working individually with students and families around specific incidents that we are aware of, I am asking that all our families sit and talk with their students about the dangers and safety concerns with substance usage – particularly accessing and/or using vapes at school and at our events.   

When we are concerned about a student being under the influence or witness them using illegal substances at outside events, we call you as the guardian to come pick them up and have a follow up meeting at school.  At that meeting, we determine the appropriate intervention, which can include education, drug and alcohol assessment from a care provider, and/or suspension from school.  

Promoting open dialog and honest conversations about substance abuse needs to be an ongoing effort from us all.  Through social media and other outlets, students have increased access to these substances, and we want to work together to keep them safe.  If your student attends a social gathering before attending an evening school-sponsored event, I encourage families to dialog with one another to make sure that these gatherings are safe and sponsored by adults.  I appreciate your partnership as we work together to educate our students about the harmful effects of substance abuse and keeping them safe as they grow.   

School Attendance: 

If your student will be absent, arrive late or leave school early, please email the Attendance Office at  All students arriving late or leaving early need to sign in/sign out at the attendance office in the first-floor hallway so that we can have accurate attendance records for safety purposes.  Students are expected to leave class on their own, they do not need a pass.  If your student does not know they are being picked up, please specify that in your email and notification will be made to your student. 

School Based Teen Health Clinic:  

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar.  Additional information and registration link can be found on the LHS website.

LHS Information Night for incoming students:  

Help spread the word that Lincoln’s High School Information Night for current 8th graders and their families is January 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This event is reserved for our future 9th graders and their families as well as current High School students within our assignment area boundaries.   We will be sharing pre-recorded videos on our website with all the pertinent information our future Lynx will need. The night itself will host a short assembly followed by an open house in our building with identified areas for each academic program as well as information from student groups, student supports, the Student Based Teen Health Center, athletics and the PTSA.    

K-8, Middle School, High School) Joon Mental Health Therapy Service  

The City of Seattle has partnered with Joon, a Seattle-based company to provide Free virtual mental-health therapy for Seattle youth (ages 13-24).   

This is a pilot program through the end of the calendar year (Dec. 2024). Staff may refer students or Youth/Families may sign up for an intake with Joon. This information and referral process has been shared with school-based health centers, school social workers, school nurses, care coordinators, and prevention and intervention staff.   

While this resource is available for all youth, students may not participate in Joon therapy sessions during the school day. Students can access therapy at Joon outside of school hours – before school, after school, and on the weekends.  
Jill Leahy, Community Partnerships, Partnership Alignment Manager,   

Lisa Davidson, Coordinated School Health, Manager Prevention & Intervention,   

Good afternoon, Lincoln families, 

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. We have a lot going on at Lincoln in the next two weeks with our upcoming Discover U and Homecoming weeks just around the corner.  Discover U week is a statewide initiative that creates opportunities for students to explore their career interests and learn about the education and skills needed to get there. At Lincoln, we work to provide many opportunities for students to explore interests as part of their post-secondary planning. Discover U week is an important part of their planning and is a great opportunity for you to talk with your student about their goals and plans and how you can support them.  Please see below for additional information about Discover U week. 

Current grades/progress monitoring have been updated and are available to you and your student on The Source. Please take a moment to meet with your student(s) in the next week to review progress, talk about what is happening in classes, and set goals for the next month. One of the best things families can do to support their student is to have a designated scheduled time each day at home for students to complete homework, study, or engage in independent reading.  Following up with your student after each of these times to have them share what they completed, helps keep track of their progress and whether they need additional support with their organization and specific studies. 

When you review progress and help set those academic goals, a good question to ask your student is how they are using the Wednesday “walk-to-support” time. Students have an hour of walk-to-support every Wednesday where students and teachers can request a student to attend for extra support. If you have specific questions about any classes, please contact the individual teacher directly.   

In addition to walk-to-support, students also have access to additional help. 

-Before and After School Help (BASH) happens every Monday from 3:45-4:45pm and Thursday from 7:45-8:45am. Students self-select to attend this help session for independent work or to join a study session. 

-Monthly Saturday School from 9am-12pm in the library. There is no advance sign-up required and students can attend for independent work or to join a study session.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  

This year’s remaining Saturday School dates are:  

  • November 2  
  • December 7  
  • January 18  
  • March 1  
  • March 29  
  • April 26  
  • June 7 

If you have questions about BASH or Saturday School please contact our Academic Dean, Michelle Pentecost at

-Teachers post when they are available for extra help in their classroom or on the syllabi.  You can check this for your student to sign up for some additional help with their teachers. 

-Students served on an Individual Learning Plan (IEP) or our Multi Language Learners (ML) can also schedule time to meet with their case managers as part of the support. 

Need help accessing The Source?  Information is posted on the district website

A few important dates to remember: 

  • End of 1st Quarter: November 6, 2024 
  • End of 2nd Quarter and Semester 1: January 28, 2025 

In closing, I do want to ask for your help. We have recently seen an increase in students accessing and using illegal substances while at school and at our evening events – including nicotine and marijuana vaping and alcohol consumption.  I care deeply about our students and their safety. While we are working individually with students and families around specific incidents that we are aware of, I am asking that all our families sit and talk with their students about the dangers and safety concerns with substance usage – particularly accessing and/or using vapes at school and at our events.  

When we are concerned about a student being under the influence or witness them using illegal substances at outside events, we call you as the guardian to come pick them up and have a follow up meeting at school.  At that meeting, we determine the appropriate intervention, which can include education, drug and alcohol assessment from a care provider, and/or suspension from school. 

Promoting open dialog and honest conversations about substance abuse needs to be an ongoing effort from us all.  Through social media and other outlets, students have increased access to these substances, and we want to work together to keep them safe.  If your student attends a social gathering before attending an evening school-sponsored event, I encourage families to dialog with one another to make sure that these gatherings are safe and sponsored by adults.  I appreciate your partnership as we work together to educate our students about the harmful effects of substance abuse and keeping them safe as they grow.  

As a reminder, we will now be sending out our newsletter every other week unless we have time sensitive information we need to share. If you miss one of our newsletters, please visit our archives on the LHS website

Thank you, as always, for your support and partnership. 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   

X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  

Instagram: @lincolnseattle   

YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit our archives on the LHS website 

Attendance email: 

Register for the Teen Health Clinic

Mark Your Calendar   

  • October 7 – 11: Discover U Week  
  • October 8:  College Application Support Night (for senior families) 
  • October 9: SAT (Seniors – check in starts at 8:20) 
  • October 11: Staff Professional Development (No School)   
  • October 14 – 18 Homecoming Week 
  • Oct 21: Picture Retake Day morning only 
  • October 24: PSAT (Juniors) DATE CHANGE 
  • October 25: Vaccine Clinic 
  • Oct 30: Band concert in the Gymnasium (DATE CHANGE) 
  • TBD:    PTSA General Membership, 6pm-8pm 
  • Oct 31: Orchestra concert 
  • Nov 1:  Saturday School 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Discover U Week at LHS is happening October 7-10! 

Discover U week is a statewide initiative that creates opportunities for students to explore their career interests and learn about the education and skills needed to get there. Here are some of the things our students can look forward to:  

  • Monday 10/7 & Tuesday 10/8 during Mentorship: “Walk to Work”. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about their very own LHS staff members, where they attended college, programs they’ve completed, and careers they’ve had.  
  • Tuesday 10/8: “College Application Support Night”. 12th grade students and their families are invited to join us in the LHS Auditorium 6:00-7:00pm to learn more about the process of applying to colleges.  
  • Wednesday 10/9: School Day SAT for all 12th graders.  
  • Thursday 10/10: “College and Career Gear”. Staff are encouraged to represent their alma maters and/or career. Students are encouraged to wear their favorite college/program of where they hope to be!  
  • Each day during lunch, all counselors will be available for drop-in support in the Counseling Center; students can get support with applications, learn more about colleges and careers, and everything post-high school related!  
  • Throughout the week: College and Military visits at LHS! Students, please check out Naviance for the full list of visitors and to register!  
  • 10/8 Reed College, American University  
  • 10/9 University of Notre Dame  
  • 10/10 United States Marine Corps, Wellesley College 

SAT – Wednesday, October 9th 

Senior families will receive a detailed email Monday to prepare for Wednesday.  

PSAT Date Change: 

The date for the PSAT will change from Oct 23 to Oct 24 so we can accommodate two testing sessions instead of one.  Our junior class is very large this year (around 500 students) so we will need an AM and a PM session to provide testing space for everyone.  PSAT session times and student assignments will be released Oct 10.  Both sessions will occur within the hours of a normal school day.  Other than session schedule, PSAT will run the same as the SAT—a fully digital exam. 

All students taking the exam will need an SPS laptop and charger.  Students will attend class outside of their particular testing session.  We will work with athletics and other school programs to schedule students around any planned early releases for that day. 

We STILL need Volunteers! 

We still need 3-5 more volunteers for SAT and 20 for PSAT.  Thank you to those who have already signed up, we cannot provide these testing days without proctor volunteers.  Please email if you can help, for PSAT please include AM (8-12) or PM (12-3:30) session preference.   

Training will be provided prior to testing dates.  You cannot proctor the test your student is taking.   We also need volunteers to help with the PSAT on October 23.   

School Attendance: 

If your student will be absent, arrive late or leave school early, please email the Attendance Office at  All students arriving late or leaving early need to sign in/sign out at the attendance office in the first-floor hallway so that we can have accurate attendance records for safety purposes.  Students are expected to leave class on their own, they do not need a pass.  If your student does not know they are being picked up, please specify that in your email and notification will be made to your student. 

Chaperones needed for Homecoming Dance:  

From Lincoln ASB  

Lincoln’s 2023 Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 19th, from 7pm to 10pm. The theme is Decades (dress code casual but on theme is strongly encouraged), and we are expecting to sell over 1000 tickets!  

Given the large area of the dance and the expected attendance, we are hoping to have at least 60 chaperones. We would be grateful if you’d be willing to volunteer your time. We understand that volunteering during a Saturday evening is a big ask, but we need your help to make homecoming possible. If you’re able to sign up as a chaperone, please fill out this form.

If you have any questions about the dance or the duties of chaperones, please reach out to Ms. Goehring   

All chaperones need to be SPS cleared volunteers.  Submit, renew or update your volunteer application, see information posted on the SPS website.

UNCF College & Career Fair: 

SPS students are invited to join UNCF as they kick off the year with their annual back to school ‘Stepping Toward Success College & Career Fair on Sunday’, Oct. 6 at Garfield High School!    

The fair is hosting over 40 regional colleges and universities, HBCUs and community and corporate tables. Throughout the day there will also be workshops and panels, as well as prizes and giveaways for students.  Students interested in the UNCF College & Career Fair are encouraged to sign up. 

2024 UNCF College & Career Fair Schools List 

Vaccine Clinic:  

Lincoln High School will be hosting a Covid and Flu vaccine clinic.  Reserve your spot at the Covid and Flu Vaccine Clinic

Friday October 25th from 3 pm to 7pm.  Slots fill up quickly!  Don’t hesitate to reserve your appointment.   

Personalized Sports Bags: 

Students that ordered a customized sports bag prior to September 7th and received a bag with a wooden tag can bring their bag to the fab lab, room 171, next week during 3rd period, if your teacher allows, or at lunch time, and your name will be added to your bag.  Orders made after September 7th should be available in the school store for pick up by next Friday, October 11th.   

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio will photograph makeup and retake portraits at Lincoln High School on Monday, October 21 

Makeup portraits: students who missed the September picture days should plan on getting a portrait taken on Monday, October 21. Families can preorder makeup portraits here: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Make-up/ Retake Day Pre-payments 10/21 

Retake portraits: students who preordered picture day packets for the September picture days can return their package to the photographer in exchange for a retake – a new package of the retake image for all returned packages will be issued at no charge. 

View and order portraits: families can view and order portraits from the September picture days here:  2024-25 Lincoln High School – Online Code = Student’s SPS ID #. (student id located on the Source).  

October portraits will also be available for viewing via the same link about one-two weeks after makeup/retake day. Images are password protected by an online code. The online code is your student’s SPS ID number. 

All students need to have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how seniors can submit specific senior portraits for the yearbook at a later date.  Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days.   

School Based Teen Health Clinic:  

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by a Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar. 

What a whirlwind the start of the year has been in the Lincoln Library!  

  • Lynx readers have already checked out OVER 1000 books (!) 
  • Every 9th grader has visited the library with their ELA class to learn about how the library works.   
  • Every 9th grader has successfully set up their SPL Library Link account, where they’ve practiced finding amazing free library resources like live online tutoring in English and Spanish, ebooks, and downloadable audiobooks. Does your student need some additional support in any academic topic? Ask them about access *through the library*!  
  • 36 classes have visited the library for everything from checkout to a library quiz show to basic research lessons to important digital literacy skills like how to identify misinformation and analyze whether a source is credible and authoritative.  
  • Our before school, after school, and lunchtimes are bumping! Did you know over 150 students come to the library to hang out during lunch every day, and students have already put in hundreds of volunteer hours helping in the library this year?  

And that’s after the first two weeks of madcap laptop checkout to all 1800+ students! Stay tuned for more exciting Lincoln Library news and follow us on Instagram at @lincolnlibrarylynx.


If your student did not receive an SPS laptop, please have them visit the Lincoln Library.  As a reminder, all students will use SPS laptops for classroom instruction.  Personal devices will no longer be allowed in class (Superintendent Procedure 2022SP). 

ITAC Membership Application – Deadline Extended  

 The deadline to submit applications to be a member of the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) has been extended to Oct. 6  

ITAC serves as an advisory committee for IT recommendations and future funding planning. Providing expertise and input, the committee includes students, parents/guardians, community members, teachers, and staff.  ITAC members are asked to commit to joining monthly meetings for one (1) year. The committee is currently holding virtual meetings, which are open to the public, through Teams.   

Read more about the ITAC committee and apply online.  Selected members will be notified in mid-October 2024.  

If you have questions about ITAC’s membership, don’t hesitate to get in touch with DoTS Admin at:   

School leaders, please share with your students, families, and school staff.   

K-8, Middle School, High School) Joon Mental Health Therapy Service  

The City of Seattle has partnered with Joon, a Seattle-based company to provide FREE virtual mental-health therapy for Seattle youth (ages 13-24).   

This is a pilot program through the end of the calendar year (Dec. 2024). Staff may refer students or Youth/Families may sign up for an intake with Joon. This information and referral process has been shared with school-based health centers, school social workers, school nurses, care coordinators, and prevention and intervention staff.   

While this resource is available for all youth, students may not participate in Joon therapy sessions during the school day. Students can access therapy at Joon outside of school hours – before school, after school, and on the weekends.  
Jill Leahy, Community Partnerships, Partnership Alignment Manager,   

Lisa Davidson, Coordinated School Health, Manager Prevention & Intervention,   

Dear SPS families, staff, and community,  

Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts about our plan to develop a system of well-resourced schools. I heard you loud and clear, and I understand the many valid concerns you have about the plan in its current form.   

We know we need the support of our students, families, and staff to uplift a large-scale change such as this. My hope is that we can work together to re-establish a level of trust that allows us to move forward in a way that honors our school communities.  

After taking some time to reflect on your feedback, I have developed a revised plan that will support addressing the budget deficit for the 2025-26 school year while taking steps to right-size our school system. Under this revision, I intend to propose consolidating five schools for the 2025-26 school year. What we learn from this initial set of schools will guide our future action.  

It is also clear our families value many of the offerings we have in our district. Under the revised plan, K-8 and option schools – including those with specialized service models like Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Dual Language Immersion – are not under consideration for the upcoming school year.   

Like many districts, SPS is facing declining enrollment and very real budget challenges. This new approach aims to reduce disruption while helping us balance budgets in the coming years. We are working hard to close an approximate $100 million budget deficit for the 2025-26 school year. Each consolidation will moderately lower this deficit, contributing to our long-term financial stability.  

Selection Criteria for Consolidations   

Over the next few weeks, the Well-Resourced Schools team and I will determine the five schools recommended for consolidation for the 2025-26 school year. A third-party expert will validate the evaluation process to ensure transparency and accountability.  

The selection process is based on the following criteria:  

  • Building condition: Physical building safety and health levels   
  • Learning environment: Facility’s design in support of all types of learning  
  • Analyzing enrollment and capacity: Facility’s ability to hold 400+ students, including space for intensive IEP services and preschool classrooms  
  • Minimizing disruption for students and staff: Facility’s ability to keep as many students and families together as possible  
  • Maintaining student access to specialized service models: Facility’s ability to house the resources students need to thrive   

What’s Next  

We expect to share preliminary recommendations with the Board by the end of October.   

We encourage you to stay engaged and share your thoughts as we navigate this important decision together. We will be hosting community gatherings for both general information purposes as well as to share specific plans and transition supports for impacted schools.  

We are listening, and we value your input — it is critical in shaping a stronger future for our students.  

Please submit your questions or feedback through our Let’s Talk form. For more information, go to the Well-Resourced Schools webpages.  

Thank you for caring so deeply about the future of our schools and for your continued support.   


Dr. Brent Jones   
Seattle Public Schools 

Good afternoon, Lincoln families, 

It was great seeing so many of you at our Curriculum Night this week. We had a great turnout, and I hope you were able to gain some insights in the courses your students are taking and walked away with some helpful hints on how to support your student this upcoming year.  As always, please use your scheduled check-ins with your student and the Source as way to progress monitor how they are doing and reach out directly to the teachers with any questions you might have as the term progresses.   

If you were unable to attend, a good resource is to sit with your student and review all the Schoology and/or one-note pages of their classes.  Spend time looking over the syllabus and if you have any questions, reach out to the teacher to set up a time to talk. The partnership between our teachers and families is incredibly important in supporting the success of our students.   

We kick off October with Discover U Week starting on October 7th. 

Discover U Week at LHS is happening October 7-10! 

Discover U week is a statewide initiative that creates opportunities for students to explore their career interests and learn about the education and skills needed to get there. Here are some of the things our students can look forward to: 

  • Monday 10/7 & Tuesday 10/8 during Mentorship: “Walk to Work”. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about their very own LHS staff members, where they attended college, programs they’ve completed, and careers they’ve had. 
  • Tuesday 10/8: “College Application Support Night”. 12th grade students and their families are invited to join us in the LHS Auditorium 6:00-7:00pm to learn more about the process of applying to colleges. 
  • Wednesday 10/9: School Day SAT for all 12th graders. 
  • Thursday 10/10: “College and Career Gear”. Staff are encouraged to represent their alma maters and/or career. Students are encouraged to wear their favorite college/program of where they hope to be! 
  • Each day during lunch, all counselors will be available for drop-in support in the Counseling Center; students can get support with applications, learn more about colleges and careers, and everything post-high school related! 
  • Throughout the week: College and Military visits at LHS! Students, please check out Naviance for the full list of visitors and to register! 
  • 10/8 Reed College, American University 
  • 10/9 University of Notre Dame 
  • 10/10 United States Marine Corps, Wellesley College 

We are needing a lot of volunteer support this month.  In addition to help during our homecoming dance and some upcoming field trips, we are looking for proctor volunteers for our SAT (seniors) on October 9th and PSAT (juniors) on October 23rd. We need about 20 volunteers for both the SAT (October 11th) and PSAT (October 23th).  More information can be found on this in our newsletter below.  These are important opportunities for our students, and I would be grateful if you are able to help.  The only catch – you can’t volunteer if your student is taking the exam.  So, families of our 9th and 10th graders can help on either day, but junior and senior families need to sign up for the day opposite of the day their student is testing. If you are not free on the 11th or 23th, we also need help with chaperones for our Homecoming dance.  

Homecoming is also fast approaching.  We celebrate Homecoming Week from October 14th-19th with spirit days throughout the week and our homecoming assembly and game on Friday October 18th and dance on October 19th.  

To our families that celebrate I would like to send you well wishes next week during Rosh Hashanah – Shanah tovah! Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins during sunset on Wednesday, October 2nd to sundown on Friday, October 4th.  

Starting next month, our newsletter will come out every other week. If you miss one of our newsletters, please visit our archives on the LHS website

Thank you, as always, for your support and partnership. 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Mark Your Calendar   

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • September 28: First Saturday School   
  • October 4: Student sponsored blood drive 
  • October 7 – 11: Discover U Week  
  • October 8:  College Application Support Night 
  • October 9: SAT (Seniors) 
  • October 11: Staff Professional Development (No School)   
  • October 14 – 18 Homecoming Week 
  • Oct 21: Picture Retake Day  
  • October 23: PSAT (Juniors) 
  • October 25: Vaccine Clinic 
  • Oct 29: Band concert 
  • Oct 30: PTSA General Membership, 6pm-8pm 
  • Oct 31: Orchestra concert 
  • June 13, 2025:  Class of 2025 Graduation – 5pm Memorial Stadium 

Saturday School tomorrow! 

The first Saturday School of this school year is this weekend, September 28, from  9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln library!  Students are invited to join us for the morning to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and get caught up on coursework. Support will be available for all core, grade-level courses and also for many electives and advanced courses. There is no advance sign-up required.  As always, a grab-and-go pizza lunch will be provided!  If you have questions, please contact Michelle Pentecost at

Saturday School dates for this school year: 

  • September 28 
  • November 2 
  • December 7 
  • January 18 
  • March 1 
  • March 29 
  • April 26 
  • June 7 

Saturday Schools are all from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln Library.  A grab and go pizza lunch is provided! 

SAT/PSAT Volunteers needed: 

We need volunteers! 

Thank you to those who have already signed up.  We are still very short on volunteers.  We need at least 10 more individuals to be proctors/monitors for SAT on October 9.  Please email if you can help.   

Training will be provided prior to testing dates.  You cannot proctor the test your student is taking.   We also need volunteers to help with the PSAT on October 23.   

School Attendance: 

If your student will be absent, arrive late or leave school early, please email the Attendance Office at  All students arriving late or leaving early need to sign in/sign out at the attendance office in the first-floor hallway so that we can have accurate attendance records for safety purposes.  Students are expected to leave class on their own, they do not need a pass.  If your student does not know they are being picked up, please specify that in your email and notification will be made to your student. 

Chaperones needed for Homecoming Dance:  

Lincoln’s 2023 Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 19th, from 7pm to 10pm. The theme is Decades (dress code casual but on theme is strongly encouraged), and we are expecting to sell over 1000 tickets! Given the large area of the dance and the expected attendance, we are hoping to have at least 60 chaperones. We would be grateful if you’d be willing to volunteer your time. We understand that volunteering during a Saturday evening is a big ask, but we need your help to make homecoming possible. If you’re able to sign up as a chaperone for Homecoming Dance, please fill out this form. If you have any questions about the dance or the duties of chaperones, please reach out to Ms. Goehring  All chaperones need to be SPS cleared volunteers.  To submit, renew or update your volunteer application, see information posted on the SPS website. From Lincoln ASB 

What a whirlwind the start of the year has been in the Lincoln Library!  

It hasn’t even been a full month, but since school started:  

  • Lynx readers have already checked out over 1000 books (!) 
  • Every 9th grader has visited the library with their ELA class to learn about how the library works.   
  • Every 9th grader has successfully set up their SPL Library Link account, where they’ve practiced finding amazing free library resources like live online tutoring in English and Spanish, ebooks, and downloadable audiobooks. Does your student need some additional support in any academic topic? Ask them about access *through the library*!  
  • 36 classes have visited the library for everything from checkout to a library quiz show to basic research lessons to important digital literacy skills like how to identify misinformation and analyze whether a source is credible and authoritative.  
  • Our before school, after school, and lunchtimes are bumping! Did you know over 150 students come to the library to hang out during lunch every day, and students have already put in hundreds of volunteer hours helping in the library this year?  

And that’s after the first two weeks of madcap laptop checkout to all 1800+ students! Stay tuned for more exciting Lincoln Library news, and follow us on Instagram at @lincolnlibrarylynx.  


If your student did not receive an SPS laptop, please have them visit the Lincoln Library.  As a reminder, all students will use SPS laptops for classroom instruction.  Personal devices will no longer be allowed in class Superintendent Procedure 2022SP

From the Counseling Department: 

Discover U Week at LHS is happening October 7-10! 

Discover U week is a statewide initiative that creates opportunities for students to explore their career interests and learn about the education and skills needed to get there. Here are some of the things our students can look forward to: 

  • Monday 10/7 & Tuesday 10/8 during Mentorship: “Walk to Work”. Students will have the opportunity to learn more about their very own LHS staff members, where they attended college, programs they’ve completed, and careers they’ve had. 
  • Tuesday 10/8: “College Application Support Night”. 12th grade students and their families are invited to join us in the LHS Auditorium 6:00-7:00pm to learn more about the process of applying to colleges. 
  • Wednesday 10/9: School Day SAT for all 12th graders. 
  • Thursday 10/10: “College and Career Gear”. Staff are encouraged to represent their alma maters and/or career. Students encouraged to wear their favorite college/program of where they hope to be! 
  • Each day during lunch, all counselors available for drop-in support in the Counseling Center for students get support with applications, learn more about colleges and careers, and any and everything post-high school related! 
  • Throughout the week: College and Military visits at LHS! Students please check out Naviance for the full list of visitors and to register! 
  • 10/8 Reed College, American University 
  • 10/9 University of Notre Dame 
  • 10/10 United States Marine Corps, Wellesley College 

UNCF College & Career Fair: 

SPS students are invited to join UNCF as they kick off the year with their annual back to school ‘Stepping Toward Success College & Career Fair on Sunday’, Oct. 6 at Garfield High School!    

The fair is hosting over 40 regional colleges and universities, HBCUs and community and corporate tables. Throughout the day there will also be workshops and panels, as well as prizes and giveaways for students.  Interested students are encouraged to sign up here. 

2024 UNCF College & Career Fair Schools List 

Vaccine Clinic:  

Lincoln High School will be hosting a Covid and Flu vaccine clinic.  Reserve your spot.

Friday October 25th from 3 pm to 7pm.  Slots fill up quickly!  Don’t hesitate to reserve your appointment.   

Blood Drive-Student Event: 

Lincoln is hosting a blood drive on the 4th of October and we were hoping you could help us reach our goal of 50 donors! We have 20 empty slots left and are hoping you can encourage your child to sign up for a good cause. We are in National Blood Shortage and would like to help our community.  

Sign up for the Lincoln Blood Drive

Teen Health Services 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school? The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by a Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

The Teen Health Center is open daily during school hours to students so they can be seen at a time that is convenient for their schedule. The Teen Health Center operates on the school calendar. 

PAL News & Events: 

PAL Membership Meeting on Tuesday- everyone is welcome!  

Join us: October 1, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. in Lincoln High School Library.  

Hear what’s happening in Lincoln Performing Arts, meet other PAL parents/guardians and find out how you can help!  

What is PAL?  

The Performing Arts at Lincoln is a division of the LHS PTSA that supports the performing arts, while having FUN and building community. 

PAL’s mission is to see that EVERY student has the opportunity to explore music and theatre while at Lincoln. Our amazing LHS directors have another great year planned, and this requires resources such as: sheet music, scripts, instruments, performance space, coaches, competitions, and more – all of which are beyond what is funded by the district. That’s where PAL comes in. 

Connect with us for more information: 

Donate today: Donate to Performing Arts at Lincoln (PAL) 

Class of 2025 Families: 

We hope your Lynx enjoyed the Senior Kick-Off Breakfast & Gift. It was the first of the Senior Events that will be happening over the next nine months.  Your Donation is Needed to ensure the remaining events are accessible and affordable to ALL of our SENIORS.  

Donate Now and help celebrate our awesome Class of 2025. 

We are extending last spring’s Launch Our Lynx Direct Give ~ currently 40% of our Class of 2025 families have donated and we’re just $10,000 short of hitting our campaign goal.  If you haven’t donated, please consider giving today and help us reach 100% participation!  It doesn’t matter the amount…what matters is that you Give!  

Donate to Launch Our Lynx Today 

Stay in Touch and Help Spread the Word! 

  • Follow us on Instagram and on Facebook, where we post events and other updates.
  • Check out and bookmark the Lincoln Class of 2025 website, which includes more info on who we are, what we are fundraising for, and more! 
  • Ask us about how to volunteer, or any other questions via Facebook, Instagram, or email at   Thank you for your continued support and generosity! 

Class of 2025 Parent Committee 

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio photographed our students for their student id and yearbook picture.   Families can order portraits at the following link: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Picture Days 9/19, 9/20  

For students that were absent or that would like a retake (for photo only, not id card) Yuen Lui will be back at Lincoln the morning of October 21st.  All students need to have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).   

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards   

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using SchoolPay. All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account. Payments can be made using cash or check to prevent the

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee.   

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum including science lab, art and exhibition supplies. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community.  Currently, we have a family participation rate of 38%.  Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!    

Pay Universal Supply Fee via SchoolPay

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance. Purchase Lincoln ASB Card via SchoolPay   

Setup instructions for families new to the district to set up a SchoolPay account.

The district is no longer waiving fees for debit/credit card payments. SchoolPay is now showing a processing fee.  To purchase items or make a payment without the fee, you can bring a check or exact cash payment into Lincoln’s main office between 9:15 and 3:00.       

From Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones: 

Dear SPS families, staff, and community, 

I am taking more time to reflect on plans to bring a consolidation recommendation this October. As a result, I am canceling the upcoming community meetings. A new schedule of engagement sessions will be released soon. 

I understand the closure of schools is a very serious topic. After receiving thoughtful feedback from many of you, it is clear we need more time to carefully consider our next steps. 

I am working closely with my leadership team to revise our strategy and ensure any decisions we make are sustainable and prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and families, working together to meet our goals. 

We will soon provide new opportunities for community engagement, focused on gathering your ideas and working together to resolve our challenges. 

I want to assure you we are taking your concerns seriously. What we proposed last week were initial approaches, which we are now reworking. While our financial challenges are real and it’s our fiscal responsibility to resolve them, it is very clear we need more time to listen and earn your trust as we resolve our structural deficit and revisit our timeline. 

I am sorry our proposed options created anxiety for many families who rely on the key programs and innovations within our schools. We are retooling our plans to address these concerns. 

It is no secret we are facing tough times. We face a budget deficit that has gone on far too long. Over the past seven years alone, our enrollment has dropped by 4,000 students. Despite this, we still operate nearly the same number of school buildings, and we don’t expect enrollment numbers to rebound for many years. Like many school districts in Washington, the funding we receive from the state has failed to keep up with the costs of providing a quality education to Seattle’s students. 

This has been a challenging time, especially the last few weeks, and our school system’s issues will take all of us to solve–in our city and in our legislature. 

We stand committed to working alongside you throughout this process. We appreciate your partnership as we strive for equitable and thoughtful solutions that will strengthen the future of our schools and students. 

Thank you for your continued feedback and support. 


Dr. Brent Jones 
Seattle Public Schools 

Good afternoon, Lincoln families, 

We have quickly come to the end of the first three weeks of school. As I am visiting classrooms, it is so great seeing our students engaged in these initial units as they begin their path of discovery in all their classes. Hopefully you have had the chance to review the syllabi from our teachers with your student.  If you haven’t received them yet, you should have access to all of them by Curriculum Night next week. 

Please join us for our Curriculum Night next week on Tuesday, September 24th from 6PM-8PM.  Doors will open at 5:45, where we welcome you to visit informational tables from our PTSA, athletics, activities, counselors, and other additional supports and services available to our students. Curriculum Night is a great opportunity for you to hear from teachers where they will share about their course, structures, and ways you can support.  We hope you can attend. 

Please also mark your calendar for our Fall PTSA general membership meeting on October 30 from 6pm-8pm in the Lincoln Library.  PTSA is a great way for families to get involved and support your student here at Lincoln.  More information about Lincoln PTSA.

 As we head into the weekend, I would like to extend a special thanks to the many different volunteers who have come in to help and support us as we kicked off the year.  The start of the year is an exciting time with a lot that happens, and we couldn’t do it without the volunteers and support from our community. 

Thank you, as always, for your support and partnership. 


Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   
X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  
Instagram: @lincolnseattle  
YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit our archives on the LHS website.

Mark Your Calendar   

Below is a list of some upcoming dates.   

  • September 24:  Curriculum Night, doors open at 5:45PM 
  • September 26: Orchestra Concert   
  • September 28: First Saturday School   
  • October 4: Student sponsored blood drive 
  • October 7 – 11: Discover U Week – be watching for more information soon 
  • October 8: Cancelled – FAFSA/WASFA Night cancelled (date changed to December due to new FAFSA and WASFA dates) 
  • October 9: SAT (Seniors) 
  • October 11: Staff Professional Development (No School)   
  • October 14 – 18 Homecoming Week 
  • Oct 21: Picture Retake Day (Date Change) 
  • October 23: PSAT (Juniors) 
  • October 25: Vaccine Clinic 
  • Oct 29: Band concert 
  • Oct 30: PTSA General Membership, 6pm-8pm 
  • Oct 31: Orchestra concert 


If your student did not receive an SPS laptop, please have them visit the Lincoln Library.  As a reminder, all students will use SPS laptops for classroom instruction.  Personal devices will no longer be allowed in class Superintendent Procedure 2022SP.  

BASH & Saturday School (corrected times) 

Looking for support with your academics? Before & After School help (BASH) and Saturday School will be beginning soon!  Students are invited to join us at BASH and Saturday School to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and get caught up on coursework. Support will be available for all core, grade-level courses and also for many electives and advanced courses. There is no advance sign-up required.  If you have questions, please contact Michelle Pentecost at   

BASH will begin the week of September 23! 


  • Mondays from 3:45-4:45pm (corrected time) 
  • Thursdays from 7:45-8:45am (corrected time) 


The Lincoln Library! 

Saturday School dates for this school year: 

  • September 28 
  • November 2 
  • December 7 
  • January 18 
  • March 1 
  • March 29 
  • April 26 
  • June 7 

Saturday Schools are all from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln Library.  A grab and go pizza lunch is provided! 

SAT and PSAT Volunteers needed: 

We need volunteers to help proctor and monitor SAT and PSAT testing, Oct 9 (SAT) and Oct 23 (PSAT). We are looking for 15 volunteers each day to monitor this year’s digital exam.  Volunteers will be assigned to a classroom of students to monitor test takers and distribute/collect testing materials.  Everything for you is scripted and training prior to test day will be provided.  No experience necessary.  Please note, College Board does not allow you to volunteer for the same test your student is taking.   

Please email if you can help. 

SAT/PSAT Schedule 

  • 7:45-8:00 am volunteers arrive 
  • 8:30 am students check in 
  • 9:00 am students report to testing rooms and sign in.   
  • 9:30 am test begins 
  • 1:30-3:00 pm test ends (depends on testing location—some students with accommodations may have additional time)  

Breaks will be provided at various times during the day.   

From the Counseling Department: 

Colleges, Military, and Program visits at Lincoln are happening now! Students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to learn more about these institutions and chat with an admissions counselor. 

Some of the upcoming in-person visits include; 

  • 10/25 Seattle Pacific University 
  • 10/1 University of San Francisco 
  • 10/2 University of Chicago 
  • 10/10 United States Marine Corps 
  • 10/23 University of Washington 

For the most up-to-date list of scheduled visits AND to register for them, please check Naviance under the ‘Colleges’ tab. 

Due to the change in the FAFSA date this year, our October 8th FAFSA/WASFA night will be rescheduled to early December.  

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio photographed our students for their student id and yearbook picture.   Families can order portraits at the following link: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Picture Days 9/19, 9/20  

For students that were absent or that would like a retake (for photo only, not id card) Yuen Lui will be back at Lincoln the morning of October 21st.  All students need to have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors  

still get their photo taken on picture days).   

UNCF College & Career Fair: 

SPS students are invited to join UNCF as they kick off the year with their annual back to school ‘Stepping Toward Success College & Career Fair on Sunday’, Oct. 6 at Garfield High School!    

The fair is hosting over 40 regional colleges and universities, HBCUs and community and corporate tables. Throughout the day there will also be workshops and panels, as well as prizes and giveaways for students.  Students interested in UNCF College & Career Fair are encouraged to sign up. 

2024 UNCF College & Career Fair Schools List 

Vaccine Clinic:  

Lincoln High School will be hosting a Covid and Flu vaccine clinic. 

Friday October 25th from 3 pm to 7pm.  Slots fill up quickly!  Don’t hesitate to reserve your appointment.   

Student Event: 

Lincoln students are hosting a blood drive on October 4th and we were hoping you could help us reach our goal of 50 donors! We have 20 empty slots left and are hoping you can encourage your child to sign up for a good cause. We are in National Blood Shortage and would like to help our community.  Sign up to donate blood.

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards   

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.   Payments can be made using cash or check to prevent the new fees charged by SchoolPay.  

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee.   

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum including science lab, art and exhibition supplies. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Currently, we have a family participation rate of 38%.  Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!    Pay Universal Supply Fee via SchoolPay

ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Pay for ASB card via SchoolPay

Need to set up a SchoolPay account?  See the following link for setup instructions for families new to the district.

Set up your SchoolPay account

The district is no longer waiving fees for debit/credit card payments. SchoolPay is now showing a processing fee.  To purchase items or make a payment without the fee, you can bring a check or exact cash payment into Lincoln’s main office between 9:15 and 3:00.       

Orchestra t shirt orders: 

Welcome back, LHS orchestra students and families! Please order your orchestra t shirt IF you haven’t already by contacting  Scholarship funds available–please mention if needed! Our first concert is on Sept 26, 7 pm! The orchestras are starting to sound amazing!!! 

A message from SPS: Well-Resourced Schools: Building our Future Together: 

Dear SPS families and staff, 

You’re invited to a community meeting to discuss Seattle Public Schools’ plans to reimagine a system of well-resourced, safe, and equitable schools. 

In these meetings, SPS leaders will share information on how our district is working to provide every student with the support they need at a school close to home. 

The Well-Resourced Schools proposed options seek to consolidate resources and reduce building operating costs in order to offer stable staffing, art, music, physical education, social-emotional support, and inclusive learning environments. 

SPS will ensure special education services and pathways for qualifying students. Highly capable, advanced learning, and multilingual services will be available at all elementary schools, and the Dual Language program will expand to serve more students in their communities. 

Join us to learn more about the proposed plans, ask questions, and share your feedback as we work together to shape the future of our schools. 

Community Meetings 

We are hosting five regional in-person meetings and one online meeting. 

  • Online: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30 p.m., Zoom Meeting (Families and staff will soon receive the Zoom meeting link, and the link will be posted on our website.) 
  • Southwest Region: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6:30 p.m. Genesee Hill Elementary, 5013 SW Dakota St., Seattle, WA 98116 
  • Southeast Region: Thursday, Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m. Wing Luke Elementary, 3701 S Kenyon St., Seattle, WA 98118 
  • Central Region: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 6:30 p.m. Kimball Elementary, 3200 23rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98144 
  • Northeast Region: Thursday, Oct. 3, 6:30 p.m. Olympic Hills Elementary, 13018 20th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98125 
  • Northwest Region: Monday, Oct. 7, 6:30 p.m. James Baldwin Elementary, 11725 1st Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98125 

Translation and interpretation services will be provided at each meeting. American Sign Language (ASL), Amharic, Cantonese, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese interpreters will be available. After the online meeting, a recording will be posted to the district website. 

We hope you can join us! Take a moment to RSVP for Community Meetings

Learn more about Well-Resourced Schools plans, timeline, and FAQs


Office of Public Affairs 
Seattle Public Schools 

September 13, 2024

Good afternoon, Lincoln families, 

I would like to begin with a message of gratitude for the responsiveness of our community and all the kind words of support as we navigated a potential safety issue at school this week. Maintaining a safe, secure, and welcoming campus for all students is of the utmost importance. I am grateful for the partnership and trust we have with our students and families who were quick to report a potential safety concern, so that we could be responsive to the needs of our community.  Now is a good time to talk with your students about the importance of reporting any safety concerns they hear or see. Reports of safety concerns can go to any trusted adult or brought to the counseling or main office.  

As a part of our safety efforts, Lincoln is a secure campus where students and guests can only enter through the main entrance once the school day begins. Students do have the ability to leave campus at lunch, but only with parent/guardian permission. Students leaving campus must return back to school on time and promote positive citizenship in our community. We will begin our first tardy intervention next week – contacting families through email to create a plan with their student if they have not been arriving back to class on time. 

September 15th marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage month, which continues through October 15th each year. We celebrate the many contributions and accomplishments of our Latinx community and their important role in our community. For more information please visit the SPS Latinx Heritage Month Page.

As we close out the first week of school it is great watching the academic engagement and community grow in our classrooms.  Now is a great time to check-in with your student. I would encourage finding some private time for your student to share about each of their classes: What are they excited about? What goals do they have for the course? What concerns might they have and are there ways to create support and structures to address those concerns? Creating intentional space for this conversation and writing down what you hear creates the foundation to check back with them on the key points they have shared. As the school year begins, it is important to schedule consistent time every evening for students to have space for study and/or independent reading.  This is also good space to plan how you want to check in with your student on a regular basis. 

Please join us for our Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 24th from 6PM-8PM.  Doors will open at 5:45, where we welcome you to visit informational tables from our PTSA, athletics, activities, counselors, and other additional supports and services available to our students. Be watching for more information on our website.  

Help us hit our goals! It is time to purchase your ASB card and support our classrooms with the optional supply fee.  Currently we have 49% who have purchased ASB and 30% who have supported our optional supply fee.  Our goal is 75% participation in both.  ASB and our optional supply fee are a key funding source to support our students in and out of the classroom.  Please see below in the newsletter for additional information.  If you haven’t participated, I am asking you to participate today. 

I hope you all have a restful weekend ahead.  

Keep Informed  

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  


You can also follow us on social media:  

Want to access our past newsletters? Please visit our archives on the LHS website

Mark Your Calendar   

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  Please check back on our online calendar for a full list as events our built out for the year.  

  • September 18 and 19: 9th Grade Cheer Tryouts 
  • September 19 and 20: Photo Days with retakes Oct. 30  
  • September 24:  Curriculum Night, doors open at 5:45PM 
  • September 26: Orchestra Concert   
  • September 28: First Saturday School   
  • October 4: Student sponsored blood drive 
  • October 7 – 11: Discover U Week – be watching for more information soon 
  • October 8: FAFSA/WASFA Night  
  • October 9: SAT (Seniors) 
  • October 11: Staff Professional Development (No School)   
  • October 14 – 18 Homecoming Week 
  • October 23: PSAT (Juniors) 
  • Oct 29: Band concert 
  • Oct 30: Picture Retake Day 
  • Oct 31: Orchestra concert 


SPS laptops were distributed this week.  If your student did not receive an SPS laptop, please have them visit the Lincoln Library.  As a reminder, all students will use SPS laptops for classroom instruction.  Personal devices will no longer be allowed in class Superintendent Procedure 2022SP.  

BASH & Saturday School 

Looking for support with your academics? Before & After School help (BASH) and Saturday School will be beginning soon!  Students are invited to join us at BASH and Saturday School to get help from tutors and staff, work on group projects, and get caught up on coursework. Support will be available for all core, grade-level courses and also for many electives and advanced courses. There is no advance sign-up required.  If you have questions, please contact Michelle Pentecost at   

BASH will begin the week of September 23! 


  • Mondays from 7:45-8:45am 
  • Thursdays from 3:45-4:45pm 


The Lincoln Library! 

Saturday School dates for this school year: 

  • September 28 
  • November 2 
  • December 7 
  • January 18 
  • March 1 
  • March 29 
  • April 26 
  • June 7 

Saturday Schools are all from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Lincoln Library.  A grab and go pizza lunch is provided! 

SAT and PSAT Volunteers needed: 

We need volunteers to help proctor and monitor SAT and PSAT testing, Oct 9 (SAT) and Oct 23 (PSAT). We are looking for 15 volunteers each day to monitor this year’s digital exam.  Volunteers will be assigned to a classroom of students to monitor test takers and distribute/collect testing materials.  Everything for you is scripted and training prior to test day will be provided.  No experience necessary.  Please note, College Board does not allow you to volunteer for the same test your student is taking.   

Please email if you can help. 

 SAT/PSAT Schedule 

  • 7:45-8:00 am volunteers arrive 
  • 8:30 am students check in 
  • 9:00 am students report to testing rooms and sign in.   
  • 9:30 am test begins 
  • 1:30-3:00 pm test ends (depends on testing location—some students with accommodations may have additional time)  

 Breaks will be provided at various times during the day.   

Fall Sports Picture Day: 

Athletic picture day is Wednesday, September 18th after school in the lower commons. Coaches will communicate specific time and attire to their players. 

9th Grade Cheer Tryouts: 

Hello Lynx! Did you miss the Spring LHS Cheer Team’s Tryouts?  No worries because the Lincoln Cheerleading Program is hosting Fall Cheer Tryouts just for Freshmen on September 18th (3:30-6:30pm) & 19th (4:30-5:30pm) in the Multipurpose Room. 

This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, become involved in your school & community, and learn more about cheerleading! 

Joining at this time will be less time commitment than those on our team that joined in Spring, as you are cheering for basketball season and maybe the end of football season. You’ll only be practicing 1-2 times a week on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Our other members from earlier in the Spring are busier with learning and performing their competition routines, so they’ll practice a little more. 

Please don’t hesitate to send us a DM on Instagram @lincolnseattlecheerleading, or an email at Pick up a tryout packet in the LHS Main Office for additional information! 

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio will photograph individual portraits at Lincoln High School on Thursday, September 19 and Friday, September 20. Families can preorder portraits at the following link: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Picture Days 9/19, 9/20  

 All students will have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School pictures are scheduled for September 19th and 20th and will happen though Science classes.  Students not enrolled in a science class will take pictures during Mentorship and other assigned times. Any student who is absent during picture days will make it up on October 30th. School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how to purchase picture packages and how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).   

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards   

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using SchoolPay. All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.    

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee.   

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Pay our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!    

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Need to set up a SchoolPay account?  See the following link for setup instructions for families new to the district

The district is no longer waiving fees for debit/credit card payments.  SchoolPay is now showing a processing fee.  To purchase items or make a payment without the fee, you can bring a check or exact cash payment into Lincoln’s main office between 9:15 and 3:00.       

Orchestra t shirt orders: 

Welcome back, LHS orchestra students and families! Please order your orchestra t shirt IF you haven’t already by contacting  Scholarship funds available–please mention if needed! Our first concert is on Sept 26, 7 pm! The orchestras are starting to sound amazing!!! 

A message from SPS: Well-Resourced Schools: Building our Future Together: 

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is committed to ensuring all our schools have the resources needed to meet the diverse needs of students. 

SPS has seen a steady drop in enrollment over the years, leaving many of our elementary schools with fewer than 300 students. These smaller schools often lack vital resources, such as assistant principals and art, music, and physical education teachers. 

The enrollment drop has left our district with significant budget challenges. For the upcoming year, we are looking at a deficit of approximately $100 million. 

We have made tough decisions to close budget gaps in recent years. We have reached a point that to balance our budget, we will be faced with making cuts to schools and classrooms. Consolidating schools will not solve all our financial challenges, but it will help secure the long-term financial health of our schools. 

During the week of September 9, we will send our families, staff, and community an update on the Well-Resourced Schools planning process. This will include details about upcoming community meetings, an analysis of our current elementary and K-8 schools, and the detailed proposals we are considering as we plan to make a recommendation to the Seattle School Board for our future. 

SPS will present a Well-Resourced Schools update to the School Board on September 18. We expect to make a preliminary recommendation in October. Site-based hearings for the affected school buildings will follow this preliminary recommendation. The School Board will then introduce and take formal action after those hearings. 

Maintaining the status quo is simply not an option. Without changes, we will need to make significant cuts to essential services in our schools. That could negatively affect students through larger class sizes, limited preschool options, and reductions in programs like athletics and music. 

Our goal isn’t to target schools for closure but to create a sustainable system that better serves our students. SPS is fortunate to have amazing educators, and we want our schools to be the right size with the right resources so they can best support our students. 

This is a critical – and indeed challenging – conversation. We are grateful for the support and engagement from our families and communities. During this process, we will be there alongside you every step of the way, helping you understand and navigate these changes. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. We are looking forward to a great year ahead. Together, we are working towards a brighter future for all Seattle Public Schools students in this year and for generations to come. 


Bev Redmond 
Chief of Staff 
Seattle Public Schools 

September 6

Dear families, 

What a GREAT start to the year.  It is fantastic having our students back!  I would like to extend a special welcome to our new students and families in 9th grade and those joining our 10th, 11th, and 12th grade classes.  Our Lynx day led by student leaders on the first day of school was a great success and offered important transition support to all our new students.  Today, we had our welcome back assembly, and you could feel the #LincolnPride in our gym. It has been so wonderful visiting classes these first few days and seeing community being formed and the foundations to our academic programming.   

Lincoln is over 1700 strong and it is such an honor serving our students and community.  Whenever I talk about our school, I always say that Lincoln truly is a special place – and it is!  We have such an amazing student body and the community we have here is unmatched.  While the school year is just starting, this is an important time for all our students to find space and community at Lincoln – both in and outside the classroom.  We have outstanding extracurricular opportunities including vibrant athletic and performing arts, countless clubs, events, volunteerism, and more.  Now is the time to talk with your student to help them identify opportunities they may want to explore this year.  I encourage intentionality around these conversations – finding the time after school or making it the focus of conversation at mealtimes.  As adults, consistent engagement with our students at school and at home is the foundation to our partnership with one another. 

Speaking of partnership – please be on the lookout for course syllabi being sent home.  While our natural tendency can be to file these away, instead use this as a chance to review them with your student and help them set goals for their classes.  

Additionally, we hope you all have had the opportunity to talk with your student about our new electronic/cell phone policy here at Lincoln.  As we shared in the newsletter, our “Phone Zones” are up and running in each of our classes.  Students still have access to their phones before and after school, during passing and at lunches.  While we know there can be some anxiety for some of our students to leave their personal electronic device in the “Phone Zone” I can already share we have seen an increase in engagement in our classes.  If you haven’t had a chance to review the policy, please do so as one of our first interventions with students who struggle with the “Phone Zones” includes a partnership with our families. 

We also are asking families to talk with their students and set expectations about leaving campus at lunch.  We encourage students to stay on campus during lunch hours (many of our clubs meet at lunch). Students may bring their lunch or purchase lunch through nutrition services in the commons. We recognize that some families may want to give their student permission to leave campus to purchase lunch at one of our local businesses.  This is an individual family decision.  Students leaving campus must return back to school on time and promote positive citizenship in our community.  If students are arriving late back from lunch or we receive community concerns about their behavior, we will ask that families make arrangements for their student to remain on campus. If you have not done so already, please have this conversation with your student and the expectations if you are allowing them to leave campus.    

Finally, we always want to build our partnerships with the families of our students.  A great way to do this is through our PTSA.  Please be on the lookout for our PTSA at upcoming events and get yourself signed up as a member.  If you have not done so already, we also want to make sure you have access to purchase your student ASB card and participated in the optional universal supply fee.  Links are available below and I encourage all families to participate if they are able. 

I am so looking forward to this year.  Thank you in advance for the partnerships we have and will continue to build together. #GoLynx 


Mark Your Calendar   

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  Please check back on our online calendar for a full list as events our built out for the year.  

  • Class of 2025 Senior Breakfast: September 9th at 8:00AM 
  • Laptop Distribution: September 9-10        
  • Freshman Cheer Tryouts: September 18th and 19th 
  • Photo Days: September 19th –20th, Makeups Oct. 30th   
  • Curriculum Night: September 24th  
  • Orchestra Concert: September 26th   
  • First Saturday School: October 5th   
  • Discover U Week: October 7th-11th   
  • FAFSA/WASFA Night: October 8th   
  • SAT (Seniors): October 9th (this date is tentative and subject to change)  
  • Staff Professional Development (No School): October 11th   
  • Homecoming: October 14th-18th   
  • PSAT (Juniors): October 23rd (this date is tentative and subject to change)  

Student schedules 

For students interested in a preference schedule change they can pick up a change request form in the counseling office now until Thursday 9/12.   There are limited options for schedule changes due to class capacity. Students need to continue attending their currently assigned classes until they see a schedule change in The Source. Deadline to submit Schedule Change Request Forms will be Thursday 9/12 at 4:00pm.  Email requests for schedule changes unfortunately cannot be processed. 

SPS Laptop Distribution   

Lincoln is a 1:1 laptop learning environment. This year, all students will be issued an SPS laptop. Personal devices will no longer be allowed. Students should bring their fully charged SPS-issued laptop to school every day. Laptop distribution for an SPS laptop device will happen September 9th and 10th.   

In May last year SPS updated Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, that changed the policy where only SPS-issued laptops are permitted for use in classroom instruction, assignments, assessments, and testing. For more information on this decision please visit: Superintendent Procedure 2022SP    

For more information about technology expectations in Seattle Public Schools, please read the full laptop packet. SPS Student Devices  and SPS Laptop Packet

We have created a digital version of the agreement form for families which can be accessed here:

Don’t Miss the Class of 2025 Senior Year Kick-off Breakfast 

Seniors are invited to celebrate the beginning of their Senior year with a grab-and-go breakfast in the Lincoln Courtyard on Monday, September 9, from 8AM to 8:40AM. Breakfast attendees will also receive a special Class of 2025 gift! A huge thank you to Macrina Bakery, Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Café, and Starbucks Coffee Co. for donating products for this breakfast. 

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards  

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using SchoolPay. All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.   

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee.  

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!   

Universal Supply Fee

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Lincoln ASB Card

Set up a SchoolPay account?  Setup instructions for families new to the district.

The district is no longer waiving fees for debit/credit card payments.  SchoolPay is now showing a processing fee.  To purchase items or make a payment without the fee, you can bring a check or exact cash payment into Lincoln’s main office between 9:15 and 3:00.

School ID Pictures  

Yuen Lui Studio will photograph individual portraits at Lincoln High School on Thursday, September 19 and Friday, September 20. Families can preorder portraits here: 2024-25 Lincoln High School Picture Days 9/19, 9/20  

All students will have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School pictures are scheduled for September 19th and 20th and will happen though Science classes.  Students not enrolled in a science class will take pictures during Mentorship and other assigned times. Any student who is absent during picture days will make it up on October 30th. School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how to purchase picture packages and how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).   

9th grade Cheer Tryouts: 

Hello 9th grade Lynx! Did you miss the Spring LHS Cheer Team’s Tryouts?  No worries because the Lincoln Cheerleading Program is hosting Fall Cheer Tryouts just for 9th graders on September 18th (3:30-6:30pm) & 19th (4:30-5:30pm) in the Multipurpose Room. 

This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, become involved in your school & community, and learn more about cheerleading! 

Joining at this time will be less time commitment than those on our team that joined in Spring, as you are cheering for basketball season and maybe the end of football season. You’ll only be practicing 1-2 times a week on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Our other members from earlier in the Spring are busier with learning and performing their competition routines, so they’ll practice a little more. 

Please don’t hesitate to send us a DM on Instagram @lincolnseattlecheerleading, or an email at Pick up a tryout packet in the LHS Main Office for additional information! 


As a reminder, no student parking is allowed in our lot at any time. If you are dropping students off, please choose a drop-off and pick-up spot a minimum of one block away.  To support the safety of our students, please do not use Interlake, Woodlawn or 43rd as your drop-off/pick-up location.  Added congestion and vehicles stopping creates a safety hazard for our students who are entering these spots.  

To limit the number of cars parking in the surrounding neighborhoods, we encourage students to bus or bike when possible- racks are available in the courtyard and adjacent to the Lincoln campus on Interlake.  Walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheelchair, scooting, and skating) to school is not only fun, but it also improves air quality around schools, reduces traffic congestion, creates community, and students start the day more alert and ready to learn.  

About 1/3 of students across the district walk or bike to school. Learn more about our commitment as a community to walk, bike and roll to school.

If your student drives to school, please remind them to be a good neighbor and make sure they are not parking in restricted parking zones and are not blocking driveways.    

Breakfast and Lunch Options 

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is available on-campus at Lincoln.  Breakfast will cost students $2.50, and Lunches will cost $3.50.  As always, we highly encourage families to apply for free and reduced-price lunches if they qualify. Eligibility comes with additional benefits such as free or low-cost SAT and AP testing, scholarships, and more. Please contact SPS Culinary Services with questions or assistance filling out an application. See more info about school meals.

Paying for Student Meals  

This year, SPS has launched MySchoolBucks, an online platform that will allow families to pay for school meals. With MySchoolBucks, parents and guardians can securely manage meal payments, set up automatic replenishments, and track their student’s cafeteria purchases.  

Please note: Any funds remaining on a students meal account from the 2023-24 School Year will be automatically transferred over to the new system. 

Start of School Forms  

The District has posted translatable Start of School Forms on the main SPS website at as well as on our website.   Please review these forms as while there are links to many forms, not all forms are applicable to every family and student.   

We would like to receive the Emergency Release form and the FERPA form for every student.  Families should review all forms posted online and complete and return any applicable to their student.    

  • Emergency Info/Student Release Form – Who can pick up your student in the event of an emergency in our building that causes us to evacuate?  These are not always the same emergency contacts that are in our student database that we would call for student illness.   Many parents note neighbors, friend’s parents that live close to them, etc. People will need to show identification when picking up students. We would like this form returned for every student and hard copies are available in the office.   Submitting this form does not update our student database, please see below Update your Contact Information.  
  • FERPA HS Form Complete this fillable form, sign & return. If not returned, SPS considers lack of response consent for “Box A”.    
  • Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable. 504-2 for English
  • Housing Questionnaire (only return if applicable)
  • Native Education ED 506 Indian Education (for new students only) Title VI Indian Education
  • Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and Anticipated 2024-2025 Survey information.

To return your completed forms:  

Email and attach your completed document, not picture to or,  

Students or Parents can drop off forms in the Main Office or,  

Mail forms to Lincoln High School – 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA. 98103  

Students can stop by the main office for paper copies of forms. 

Update your Contact Information  

This fall, you will use the Source to submit updates including phone number and email addresses. The Source has lots of other great information including student attendance and course work.  Once school starts, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source during the month of September. After September, families can email to update their student’s information.  

 Visit to log in to the Source.  

Positive Support at Athletics and Activities  

We are looking forward to a great fall season. A few reminders on how we represent our Lincoln community at our athletic and community events:  

  • Positive cheers in support of our students  
  • Avoid negative responses towards opposing teams and referees  
  • Personal bags are subject to search on entry   
  • Comply with requests of stadium and school personnel  
  • All school rules apply at our athletic and activities events  
  • Follow all WIAA rules and regulations  
  • Leave personal bags at home  
  • Be mindful of overcrowding and spread out if asked  
  • Clean up your space when you leave  
  • Lincoln is not responsible for lost or stolen items

As a reminder, while we encourage bags to be left at home, bags and any non-factory sealed beverages are subject to search before entering a school-sponsored event.  Bag/liquid checks will happen at football and other athletic events.  

Lincoln High School Personal Technology Policy 

  • Unless given specific permission from staff, personal technology must be inoperable and away during class time. In each classroom, technology will be put in a PHONE AWAY ZONE during learning time.  
  • Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan.  

Supporting Interventions/Consequences for unauthorized use   

In classrooms, technology use will follow the guidelines of the teacher.  Personal or school issued technology may be confiscated if the guidelines are not followed.    

  • 1st incident – Verbal Reminder   
  • 2nd incident –teacher holds phone and/or headphones until the end of the period. & teacher contacts parent to report of student’s inappropriate digital citizenship, incident is tracked. (If student refuses, parents and admin will be contacted for follow-up).    
  • 3rd incident – phone and/or headphones go to office, incident is tracked, student must pick up at end of day.   
  • 4th incident – Admin/Counselor meets with student to create an appropriate digital citizenship contract to be completed with parent signature.  

Bell Schedule  

On a typical week, Lincoln will operate on a 6-period day with Mentorship happening 3 days a week.  Lincoln will run Mentorship every day for the first two weeks (9/4-9/13) with our standard week starting on 9/18. The bell schedule for the first two weeks of school will be posted on our website.   

In the morning, students can enter through the main entrance starting at 8AM or through the historic entrance along Interlake and the courtyard gates along 43rd and Woodlawn at 8:30AM.  Students who arrive to school after 8:50 will need to enter through the main entrance of the school.  Anyone not a student should enter the building through the main office entrance at street level on Interlake. 

Our standard bell schedule is as follows:  

Monday & Friday  

1st: 8:50-9:45  
2nd: 9:50-10:45  
Mentorship: 10:50-11:25  
3rd: 11:30-12:20  
Lunch: 12:25-12:55  
4th: 1:00-1:50  
5th: 1:55-2:245  
6th: 2:50-3:40


1st: 8:50-9:25  
2nd: 9:30-10:05  
Mentorship: 10:10-11:15  
3rd: 11:20-11:55  
Lunch: 12:00-12:30  
4th: 12:30-1:05  
5th: 1:10-1:45  
6th: 1:50-2:25  

Tuesday & Thursday  

1st: 8:50-9:45  
2nd: 9:50-10:45  
3rd: 10:50-11:50  
Lunch: 11:55-12:25  
4th: 12:30-1:30  
5th: 1:35-2:25  
6th: 2:40-3:40  

First Day Information – sent September 3rd

Dear families, 

We are excited to be welcoming our students back to school tomorrow, September 4th!  As we transition back to school, we wanted to share a few reminders from our Start of School Newsletter to help you and your student prepare for school. 

First Day Schedule 

We will be running a modified schedule tomorrow, 9/4 to welcome our incoming 9th grade students.  New 9th grade students will arrive at 8:30AM.  New 10th-12th students will arrive 11:40 and meet our student ambassadors in room 231 for lunch and a tour of the building. Our returning 10-12th graders will join us in the afternoon during lunch.  

9th grade students: Doors open for our 9th graders at 8:30AM.  Students will enter through the historic entrance along Interlake. Students who arrive to school late need to enter through the main entrance of the school. Lunch will be on campus (9th grade students cannot leave campus on the first day of school).  Students in 10th, 11th, 12th grade will begin their day at 12:40 (if you are a new 10th-12th student, you can arrive at 11:40AM in room 231 for lunch with our ambassadors and school tour).     

First day bell schedule: 

Morning schedule (9th grade only) 

8:30 – Doors open  
8:50 – 11:35 Orientation with Lynx Leaders 
11:35 – 12:20 9th grade lunch (on campus) 
12:20-1:10: 9th grade assembly 

Afternoon schedule (all grades) 

12:40 – 1:10 10th/11th/12th Lunch 
1:15 – 1:35 1st period 
1:40 – 2:00 2nd period 
2:05 – 2:25 3rd period 
2:30 – 2:50 4th period 
2:55 – 3:15 5th period 
3:20 – 3:40 6th period 

Student schedules 

Student schedules are available on the Source.  Please make sure your student checks their schedule again in the morning before coming to school.  If you do not have access to the Source, students can come to the counseling center and ask for a printed copy. 

Our counselors and registrar have worked hard to ensure students have accurate schedules.  Counselors have cross-checked for graduation requirements and did their best to enroll students in their selected and/or alternate course selection. Please DO NOT email counseling a request for a schedule change. 

On the first day of school, only students who are missing a class or have a placement error should drop by the counseling center on September 4th starting at 8:00 am. As an example, if you are in 9th grade but were inadvertently placed in 10th grade ELA, you would come to the counseling center.   

In the event a student has a need for a schedule change, students will request that through a form they pick up in counseling starting September 5th. Preferences changes will not be able to be honored at this time.  Students may request a schedule change based on the following criteria: 

  • Student needs to fulfill a timely graduation requirement 
  • Student is missing a core academic class 
  • Student is placed incorrectly in a course (i.e. wrong math level, should be in AP, etc) 
  • Student is enrolled in a class without having taken the prerequisites  
  • Student has already taken the class and passed it 
  • Student has an open period without a class scheduled and is not in Running Start 

Once students have submitted their change request form, they do need to attend the classes they have been scheduled for until they hear back from their counselor.  Attendance is very important at the start of school so we can get an accurate count for staffing purposes.  Thank you in advance for your support and understanding with this. 


As a reminder, no student parking is allowed in our lot at any time. If you are dropping students off, please choose a drop-off and pick-up spot a minimum of one block away.  To support the safety of our students, please do not use Interlake, Woodlawn or 43rd as your drop-off/pick-up location.  Added congestion and vehicles stopping creates a safety hazard for our students who are entering in these spots.  

To limit the number of cars parking in the surrounding neighborhoods, we encourage students to bus or bike when possible- racks are available in the courtyard and adjacent to the Lincoln campus on Interlake.  Walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheelchair, scooting, and skating) to school is not only fun, but it also improves air quality around schools, reduces traffic congestion, creates community, and students start the day more alert and ready to learn.  

About 1/3 of students across the district walk or bike to school. Learn more about our commitment as a community to walk, bike and roll to school.

If your student drives to school, please remind them to be a good neighbor and make sure they are not parking in restricted parking zones and are not blocking driveways.    

New Lincoln Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy  

As we shared in our summer newsletter we will be standardizing our phone zones in classrooms across the school. For students who routinely have a personal cell phone device with they, classrooms will have designated locations for phones to be stored.  Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan.  

 Please talk with their student about this new approach in class and the benefits it will bring to their learning and overall health with reduced screentime.  We are also asking for your support during the year.  As families, please avoid texting and/or calling your student during class time and use our main phone number if you need to reach your student during a class period.    

For more information, please review our summer newsletter. 

SPS Laptop Distribution   

Lincoln is a 1:1 laptop learning environment. This year, all students will be issued an SPS laptop. Personal devices will no longer be allowed. Students should bring their fully charged SPS-issued laptop to school every day. Laptop distribution for an SPS laptop device will happen September 9th and 10th.   

In May last year SPS updated Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, that changed the policy where only SPS-issued laptops are permitted for use in classroom instruction, assignments, assessments, and testing. For more information on this decision please visit: Superintendent Procedure 2022SP    

Leaving Campus at Lunch 

During school hours, Lincoln is a secure campus. Any visitors or guests must enter and check in through the main office on Interlake.  Students arriving late or leaving early must sign out through attendance and use the front door of the school. 

Students are encouraged to stay on campus during lunch hours (9th graders are required to stay on campus on the first day of school, 9/4). Students may bring their lunch or purchase lunch through nutrition services in the commons. It is an individual family decision if they would like to give permission for their student to leave campus during lunch time.  Students leaving campus must return back to school on time and promote positive citizenship in our community.  If students are arriving late back from lunch or we receive community concerns about their behavior, we will ask that families make arrangements for their student to remain on campus. Please have this conversation with your student and the expectations if you are allowing them to leave campus.   

Breakfast and Lunch Options 

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is available on-campus at Lincoln.  Breakfast will cost students $2.50, and Lunches will cost $3.50.  As always, we highly encourage families to apply for free and reduced-price lunches if they qualify. Eligibility comes with additional benefits such as free or low-cost SAT and AP testing, scholarships, and more. Please come to our main office with any questions, or assistance filling out an application.  See more info about school meals.

Start of School Volunteers 

We are still in need of a few volunteers to help distribute laptops or help with school picture days.   

Days and time are noted below.  Please email with the day and time you are available.   

Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 for Laptop Distribution: two shifts, 8:00 to 12:00 and 12:00 – 4:00 and 

Sept. 19th and Sept 20th, Oct. 30th: two shifts 8:30 – 12:20 and 12:50 – 3:40.  

Start of School Forms  

The District has posted translatable Start of School Forms on the main SPS website at as well as on our website at.   Please review these forms as while there are links to many forms, not all forms are applicable to every family and student.   

We would like to receive the Emergency Release form and the FERPA form for every student.  Families should review all forms posted online and complete and return any applicable to their student.    

  • Emergency Info/Student Release Form – Who can pick up your student in the event of an emergency in our building that causes us to evacuate?  These are not always the same emergency contacts that are in our student database that we would call for student illness.   Many parents note neighbors, friend’s parents that live close to them, etc. People will need to show identification when picking up students. We would like this form returned for every student and hard copies are available in the office.   Submitting this form does not update our student database, please see below Update your Contact Information.  
  • FERPA HS Form Complete this fillable form, sign & return. If not returned, SPS considers lack of response consent for “Box A”.    
  • Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable. 504-2 for English
  • Housing Questionnaire (only return if applicable)
  • Native Education ED 506 Indian Education (for new students only) Title VI Indian Education
  • Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and Anticipated 2024-2025 Survey information

To return your completed forms:  

Email and attach your completed document, not picture to or,  

Students or Parents can drop off forms in the Main Office or,  

Mail forms to Lincoln High School – 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA. 98103  

Students can stop by the main office for paper copies of forms.    

Update your Contact Information  

This fall, you will use the Source to submit updates including phone number and email addresses. The Source has lots of other great information including student attendance and course work.  Once school starts, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source during the month of September. After September, families can email to update their student’s information.  

 Visit to log in to the Source.  

We look forward to seeing your students tomorrow!  If you have not done so already, please review the SPS Start of School Checklist got important resources on updating your contact information, communication preferences, and help with the Source. 

Lincoln High School


Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

It seems our weather knows fall is fast approaching!  Despite the cooler temperatures and rain, I do hope you are continuing to enjoy the summer holiday. 

I wanted to share a few updates to our Summer Newsletter that came out last week.  The entire newsletter is printed below for those that may have missed it or were on vacation, but I wanted to call specific attention to the updated Lincoln cell phone and new SPS laptop policies we shared last week.  If you have not had a chance to review these updates, I encourage you to look over them and share them with your student. 

Our fall curriculum night will be the week of September 23rd-27th. We are making some adjustments to our calendar and will update the specific date as soon as possible. 

Our 24-25 Culture Guide (handbook) is being finalized and we will make that available online when we review it with students during the first two weeks of school. We will have updates to review on campus safety as we enter the new year. 

I hope you have a restful week. 

Corey |

New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy 

As we shared last year, an ongoing challenge we have in school is the distraction students face with cell phones and multitasking during class time.  We know, from observation and studies, that students who have their phone out, or who are just encouraged to keep it in their bag, are distracted during class with less engagement. We have seen this distraction increase since our return to in-person instruction and schools and districts across the country work to partner and navigate this with students and staff.    

While we encourage students to leave personal cell phones and other electronic devices at home, we understand the reality that most students have a personal cell phone device with them every day. Last year, Lincoln piloted different approaches with “phone zones” in class.  The goal of the phone zone was to give a place where students can routinely put their phone away for class to focus on engagement.  There were different versions of what these phone zones looked like, but in our classes where it happened, we saw increased engagement, more discussion, and a greater focus on the planned learning in class.  In talking with some of our students last year, they shared storing phones away improved their attention and engagement they had with their table partners and the reduced homework.  

This year we will be standardizing our phone zones in classrooms across the school. For students who routinely have a personal cell phone device with they, classrooms will have designated locations for phones to be stored.  Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

We are hoping families will take time to talk with their student about this new approach in class and the benefits it will bring to their learning and overall health with reduced screentime.  We are also asking for your support during the year.  As families, please avoid texting and/or calling your student during class time and use our main phone number if you need to reach your student during a class period.   

Below is the policy that will be provided students in our culture guide.  This will also be reviewed with students at the start of the year. 

Lincoln High School Personal Technology Policy:   

  • Unless given specific permission from staff, personal technology must be inoperable and away during class time. In each classroom, technology will be put in a phone away zone during learning time. 
  • Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

Supporting Interventions/Consequences for unauthorized use  

In classrooms, technology use will follow the guidelines of the teacher.  Personal or school issued technology may be confiscated if the guidelines are not followed.   

  • 1st incident – Verbal Reminder  
  • 2nd incident –teacher holds phone and/or headphones until the end of the period. & teacher contacts parent to report of student’s inappropriate digital citizenship, incident is tracked. (If student refuses, parents and admin will be contacted for follow-up).   
  • 3rd incident – phone and/or headphones go to office, incident is tracked, student must pick up at end of day.  
  • 4th incident – Admin/Counselor meets with student to create an appropriate digital citizenship contract to be completed with parent signature. 

SPS Laptop Distribution  

Lincoln is a 1:1 laptop learning environment. This year, all students will be issued an SPS laptop. Personal devices will no longer be allowed. Students should bring their fully charged SPS-issued laptop to school every day. Laptop distribution for an SPS laptop device will happen September 9th and 10th.  

In May last year SPS updated Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, that changed the policy where only SPS-issued laptops are permitted for use in classroom instruction, assignments, assessments, and testing, based on the following reason(s):   

  • With every student having a standard device, the district can maintain equity for all students and continuity of the educational and classroom environment for teachers.   
  • Personal devices cannot be managed or supported on the district network.   
  • District devices have applications that are subject to licensing agreements which do not permit installation on personal devices, including Classroom Management Systems (CMS)   
  • Personally owned devices may not provide the same safeguards to help prevent inappropriate online conduct   
  • Students do not have an absolute right to possess or use personal electronic devices (laptops and tablets) at school. School staff may further restrict the use of personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day absent an approved accommodation that addresses a specific and articulated student need (e.g. assistive technology)   
  • The district centrally manages updates and provides a consistent security posture across district devices   
  • The district wireless network has been optimized for a high-density environment and works best with a SPS-supplied district device.     

For more information: Superintendent Procedure 2022SP   

Lincoln Summer Newsletter 

Dear Lincoln Families, 

The school year is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to welcoming students back on Wednesday, September 4th.  As we kick off the school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families who will be joining us this year. We are so glad you will be part of our school. As I always share, Lincoln truly is a special place. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve our students and community at large. 

You are an important partner in our work with your student.  We stive to always promote open dialog and to keep you informed on what is happening.  We want to work together in support of your student. In addition to the vital relationships you will build with your student’s teachers, we have an entire staff here committed to the success of all our students. 

As part of our general communication, you can expect to receive our Friday newsletter every-other-week (we run this weekly in September).  We also post information on our website including our calendar and daily bulletin as well as on our social media accounts. Want to know what is happening? As a first step, be sure to visit (and bookmark) our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:   


You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   
X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  
Instagram: @lincolnseattle  
YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB

In preparation for the year, we are sending out our first newsletter early so that you can begin to review some of the important information that outlines the start of the year. This information will come out again the next couple of weeks. If you have not done so already, please also review the SPS Start of School Checklist for some valuable information and resources.

I am looking forward to a great year ahead and appreciate your ongoing support and partnership. 


In this newsletter you will find: 

  • New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy (see above) 
  • Laptop Distribution (see above) 
  • New Student and 9th grade Open House 
  • First Day Bell Schedule 
  • Standard Bell Schedule 
  • Start of School Attendance 
  • Start of School Forms 
  • Updating your Contact Information 
  • Volunteers 
  • Transportation Information 
  • Student Schedules 
  • ASB Cards and Universal Supply Fee 
  • School and ID Pictures 
  • Culinary Services Information – Free & Reduced Lunch Applications  
  • Spirit Gear 
  • Athletic Information 
  • Supporting our Student Events 
  • Clubs, Activities & Events 
  • Upcoming Dates 
  • Message from our Nurse 
  • Teen Health Center: Neighborcare 
  • Subscribing to the SPS Calendar 
  • PTSA Information 
  • Office of the Ombuds 

New Student and 9th Grade Open House 

Please join us for our New Student and 9th Grade Orientation on Thursday, August 29th from 6:30PM-8:00PM.  Doors open at 6:10PM.  Parking is limited, so we strongly encourage you to carpool or use other transportation options (walk, public transit, bike, etc.). Please be mindful of our neighbors and be sure you are not blocking driveways or the right away of traffic. 

Our new Lincoln students and their families are invited to this open house event. During the evening you will be able to: 

  • Explore our campus 
  • Meet teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators 
  • Get signed up for clubs, activities, and learn how to register for athletics 
  • Connect with our PTSA and on-campus Student Health Center (NeighborCare) 

For our new to High School and/or new to Lincoln families, we have a special “High School Parent/Guardian 101” informational event happening from 6:30PM-7:00PM in the Lincoln Auditorium.  This event is geared specifically to provide hints and support to our parents/guardians who have their first student in high school or who are new to Seattle Public Schools.  Students can explore the club fair and tour the building while you attend this event.  

For more information about 9th grade and student orientation.

First Day Special Bell Schedule 

We will be running a special Lynx Crew morning for our 9th graders on our first day of school on September 4th (new students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades will get a separate invite). Our 9th grade students will arrive to Lincoln starting at 8:30AM to participate in programming and orientation with their Lynx Crew Leaders. Students can enter through the historic entrance along Interlake. Lunch will be on campus (9th grade students cannot leave campus on the first day of school). Returning students in 10th, 11th, 12th grade will begin their day at 12:40 for school lunch and classes will begin at 1:15. The schedule for the day is as follows: 

Morning schedule (9th grade only) 

8:30 – Doors open for 9th graders 
8:50 – 11:35 9th grade orientation activities with Lynx Crew 
11:35 – 12:20 9th grade on campus lunch  
12:20-1:10: 9th grade assembly with Lynx Crew 

Afternoon schedule (all grades) 

12:40 – 1:10 10th/11th/12th Lunch 
1:15 – 1:35 1st period 
1:40 – 2:00 2nd period 
2:05 – 2:25 3rd period 
2:30 – 2:50 4th period 
2:55 – 3:15 5th period 
3:20 – 3:40 6th period 

Bell Schedule 

On a typical week, Lincoln will operate on a 6-period day with Mentorship happening 3 days a week.  Lincoln will run Mentorship every day for the first two weeks (9/4-9/13) with our standard week starting on 9/18. The bell schedule for the first two weeks of school will be posted on our website.  

Our standard bell schedule is as follows: 

Monday & Friday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
Mentorship: 10:50-11:25 
3rd: 11:30-12:20 
Lunch: 12:25-12:55 
4th: 1:00-1:50 
5th: 1:55-2:245 
6th: 2:50-3:40 


1st: 8:50-9:25 
2nd: 9:30-10:05 
Mentorship: 10:10-11:15 
3rd: 11:20-11:55 
Lunch: 12:00-12:30 
4th: 12:30-1:05 
5th: 1:10-1:45 
6th: 1:50-2:25 

Tuesday & Thursday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
3rd: 10:50-11:50 
Lunch: 11:55-12:25 
4th: 12:30-1:30 
5th: 1:35-2:25 
6th: 2:40-3:40 

In the morning, students can enter through the main entrance starting at 8AM or through the historic entrance along Interlake and the courtyard gates along 43rd and Woodlawn at 8:30AM.  Students who arrive to school after 8:50 will need to enter through the main entrance of the school.  

Start of School Attendance 

Attendance the first week of school is incredibly important. Students who do not attend any classes during the first six days of school will be dropped from Lincoln High School as “no shows” on the seventh day. Please contact the Attendance Office at to let us know your student will be absent on the first day(s) of school but will attend Lincoln High School. 

Start of School Forms 

The District has posted translatable Start of School Forms on the main SPS website. Please review these forms as while there are links to many forms, not all forms are applicable to every family and student.  

We would like to receive the Emergency Release form and the FERPA form for every student.  Families should review all forms posted online and complete and return any applicable to their student.   

  • Emergency Info/Student Release Form – Who can pick up your student in the event of an emergency in our building that causes us to evacuate?  These are not always the same emergency contacts that are in our student database that we would call for student illness.   Many parents note neighbors, friend’s parents that live close to them, etc. People will need to show identification when picking up students. We would like this form returned for every student and hard copies are available in the office.   Submitting this form does not update our student database, please see below Update your Contact Information. 
  • FERPA HS Form Complete this fillable form, sign & return. If not returned, SPS considers lack of response consent for “Box A”.   
  • Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable. 504-2 for English
  • Housing Questionnaire (only return if applicable)
  • Native Education ED 506 Indian Education (for new students only) Title VI Indian Education
  • Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and Anticipated 2024-2025 Survey information

To return your completed forms: 

Email and attach your completed document, not picture to or, 

Students or Parents can drop off forms in the Main Office or, 

Mail forms to Lincoln High School – 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA. 98103 

Students can stop by the main office for paper copies of forms.   

Update your Contact Information 

This fall, you will use the Source to submit updates including phone number and email addresses. The Source has lots of other great information including student attendance and course work.  Once school starts, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source during the month of September. After September, families can email to update their student’s information. 

 Visit to log in to the Source. 


Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community.  There will be a lot of volunteer opportunities to support Lincoln throughout and we will include these needs in our newsletters and/or teachers will request for certain events, like field trips.  Due to the high volume of applications in September, the district volunteer liaison asks that you only submit an application when you have been asked to volunteer for a specific event.   

For Lincoln Start of School Volunteers – Parents/families can volunteer to help with first day welcome, pictures and laptop checkouts and do not need to be cleared.  PTSA will be collecting volunteers for these events. For fall events like homecoming dance and PSAT/SAT testing, volunteers do need to be cleared. Be watching for opportunities to sign up for dances and PSAT/SAT soon. 

Learn how to sign up to be an official volunteer in SPS. Category A is the most common application, Category B is for overnight field trips.  

Questions or Need More Info? Email our volunteer coordinator Twinnet Armstead-Bowens at   


As a reminder, no student parking is allowed in our lot at any time. If you are dropping students off, please choose a drop-off and pick-up spot a minimum of one block away.  To support the safety of our students, please do not use Interlake, Woodlawn or 43rd as your drop-off/pick-up location.  Added congestion and vehicles stopping creates a safety hazard for our students who are entering in these spots. 

To limit the number of cars parking in the surrounding neighborhoods, we encourage students to bus or bike when possible- racks are available in the courtyard and adjacent to the Lincoln campus on Interlake.  Walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheelchair, scooting, and skating) to school is not only fun, but it also improves air quality around schools, reduces traffic congestion, creates community, and students start the day more alert and ready to learn. 

About a 1/3 of students across the district walk or bike to school. Learn more about our commitment as a community to walk, bike and roll to school.

If your student drives to school, please remind them to be a good neighbor and make sure they are not parking in restricted parking zones and are not blocking driveways.   

Student Schedules   

Counselors are in the process of finalizing schedules. Finalized schedules will be available on the Source on Tuesday, September 3rd. Students will also be able to request a hard copy of their schedule in the counseling center. Please DO NOT email counseling requesting a schedule change at this time.  

On the first day of school, students who are missing a class or have a placement error should drop by the counseling center on September 4th starting at 8:00 am. As an example, if you are in 9th grade but were inadvertently placed in 10th grade ELA, you would come to the counseling center.  

For all other schedule change requests, students can drop by the counseling center starting on the second day of school to fill out a schedule change form.  Attempts will be made to accommodate changes based on space availability.  Students should follow the schedule that shows in The Source until they see any update/change of classes.   

Schedule changes cannot be requested over the phone or via email.  As we are busy getting ready to welcome students back to the building, we will not be able to respond to email or phone requests for schedule inquires or changes.    

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards 

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using SchoolPay. All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.  

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee. 

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!  

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Set up a SchoolPay account.  Setup instructions for families new to the district.

School ID Pictures 

All students will have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School pictures are scheduled for September 19th and 20th, and will happen though Science classes.  Students not enrolled in a science class will take pictures during Mentorship and other assigned times. Any student who is absent during picture days will make it up on October 30th. School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how to purchase picture packages and how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).  

FROM Seattle Public Schools Culinary Services 

Culinary Services offers a variety of convenient ways to pay for school meals. Checks and cash are accepted by the school’s lunchroom manager either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals, milk, or other àla carte items. Checks should be made payable to Culinary Services. Online payments can be made at MySchoolBucks.  Breakfast costs $2.50, and lunch is $3.50.   

As always, we highly encourage families to apply for free and reduced-price lunches if they qualify. Eligibility comes with additional benefits such as free or low-cost SAT and AP testing, scholarships, and more.  The online application is translatable and if you need help completing, please contact Culinary Services at or call 206-252-0675 

Additional information about Culinary Services.

Apply for Free/Reduced meals.

Spirit Gear is Available! 

Buy your spirit gear today!

Athletic Information 

Lincoln High School encourages all students to explore and participate in our athletic program. Fall athletic registration was due August 15th but some late registrations are allowed, and some teams still have space. Fall sports officially begin August 21st for football and August 26th for all other sports. Please email individual coaches for more details on when and where practices will be held.  Signing up through Final Forms and indicating the sport you would like to play is how the coaches build their distribution list. 

All athletes need to have an updated physical, which is good for two years.  If you need help finding a provider to get a physical, contact our Athletic Director, Ms. Ware, or Neighbor Care directly.  Their information is provided in this Newsletter.   

More information about our athletic program.

Athletic registration for Fall, Winter & Spring.  While teams may suggest a financial donation as part of our fundraising to cover the costs of gear, supplies and other expenses from families, these are suggested donation amounts and should not prevent student participation.  Athletics are open to all students regardless of the ability to pay any suggested sports fee.   

For questions, please contact Lincoln Athletic Director, Robin Ware at  

Positive Support at Athletics and Activities 

We are looking forward to a great fall season. A few reminders on how we represent our Lincoln community at our athletic and community events: 

  • Positive cheers in support of our students 
  • Avoid negative responses towards opposing teams and referees 
  • Personal bags are subject to search on entry  
  • Comply with requests of stadium and school personnel 
  • All school rules apply at our athletic and activities events 
  • Follow all WIAA rules and regulations 
  • Leave personal bags at home 
  • Be mindful of overcrowding and spread out if asked 
  • Clean up your space when you leave 
  • Lincoln is not responsible for lost or stolen items 

As a reminder, while we encourage bags to be left at home, bags and any non-factory sealed beverages are subject to search before entering a school-sponsored event.  Bag/liquid checks will happen at football and other athletic events. 

Clubs, Activities & Events 

Clubs and Activities are a great way for students to connect and get involved at school.  Lincoln has over 70 active clubs and it is easy to start a new one.  More information and to see a list of some of our student clubs. Students will have access to club lists, leaders, and locations once they arrive on campus in September, and will have opportunities to get connected.  

Stay up to date by following us on social media and using the Lincoln calendar and Daily Bulletin. 

Lincoln Daily Bulletin.
Lincoln Calendar & News.

Mark Your Calendar  

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  Please check back on our online calendar for a full list as events our built out for the year. 

  • Laptop Distribution: September 9-10  
  • Photo Days: September 19th –20th, Makeups Oct. 30th  
  • Orchestra Concert: September 24th  
  • Curriculum Night: TBD 
  • First Saturday School: October 5th  
  • Discover U Week: October 7th-11th  
  • FAFSA/WASFA Night: October 8th  
  • SAT (Seniors): October 9th (this date is tentative and subject to change) 
  • Staff Professional Development (No School): October 11th  
  • Homecoming: October 14th-18th  
  • PSAT (Juniors): October 23rd (this date is tentative and subject to change) 

Notes from our Nurse 

If your student will need to take medication at school, please email Nurse Castro at to set up a time to bring in the medication and fill out the required paperwork. 

Please take the Authorization to Administer Medication at School Form   to your student’s medical provider for signature.  We will need this to accompany any medications dropped off with the health office.   

Neighborcare Teen Health Center 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school?The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by a Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

More information and link to register for Neighborcare Teen Health Center.

Subscribing to the SPS Calendar  

Stay connected to SPS! Families can now subscribe to the entire calendar, not just one month at a time. This means if a family subscribes, anytime updates are made to the web calendar, it will automatically update their personal calendar. Families can subscribe via Google, Outlook, or Apple calendars. 

Lincoln’s calendar.  The subscribe link is in the bottom-right under the month calendar grid. 


A great way to support your student and school is to join our AMAZING Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA).  PTSA provides vital support to our learning community and there are lots of opportunities for you to help.  Be watching for more information about our upcoming Fall General Membership Meeting.  More information on PTSA.

Office of Education Ombuds 

OEO is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA by sharing information about the K-12 public school system and resolving concerns collaboratively.  OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school. 

OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, email, or call:  1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available). 

OEO has many publications available on the OEO webpage, including new flyers in the following languages:

Sign up for OEO news bulletins to stay up-to-date with OEO information, webinars and resources.

We look forward to seeing you all soon! 

-Lincoln High School 

Dear Lincoln Families, 

The school year is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to welcoming students back on Wednesday, September 4th.  As we kick off the school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families who will be joining us this year. We are so glad you will be part of our school. As I always share, Lincoln truly is a special place. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve our students and community at large. 

You are an important partner in our work with your student.  We stive to always promote open dialog and to keep you informed on what is happening.  We want to work together in support of your student. In addition to the vital relationships you will build with your student’s teachers, we have an entire staff here committed to the success of all our students.

As part of our general communication, you can expect to receive our Friday newsletter every-other-week (we run this weekly in September).  We also post information on our website including our calendar and daily bulletin as well as on our social media accounts. Want to know what is happening? As a first step, be sure to visit (and bookmark) our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:   


You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   
X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  
Instagram: @lincolnseattle  
YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB 

In preparation for the year, we are sending out our first newsletter early so that you can begin to review some of the important information that outlines the start of the year. This information will come out again the next couple of weeks. If you have not done so already, please also review the SPS Start of School Checklist for some valuable information and resources.

I am looking forward to a great year ahead and appreciate your ongoing support and partnership. 


In this newsletter you will find: 

  • New Student and 9th grade Open House 
  • First Day Bell Schedule 
  • Standard Bell Schedule 
  • Start of School Attendance 
  • Start of School Forms 
  • Updating your Contact Information 
  • Volunteers 
  • Transportation Information 
  • Student Schedules 
  • ASB Cards and Universal Supply Fee 
  • Laptop Distribution 
  • New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy 
  • School and ID Pictures 
  • Culinary Services Information – Free & Reduced Lunch Applications  
  • Spirit Gear 
  • Athletic Information 
  • Supporting our Student Events 
  • Clubs, Activities & Events 
  • Upcoming Dates 
  • Message from our Nurse 
  • Teen Health Center: Neighborcare 
  • Subscribing to the SPS Calendar 
  • PTSA Information 
  • Office of the Ombuds 

New Student and 9th Grade Open House 

Please join us for our New Student and 9th Grade Orientation on Thursday, August 29th from 6:30PM-8:00PM.  Doors open at 6:10PM.  Parking is limited, so we strongly encourage you to carpool or use other transportation options (walk, public transit, bike, etc.). Please be mindful of our neighbors and be sure you are not blocking driveways or the right away of traffic. 

Our new Lincoln students and their families are invited to this open house event. During the evening you will be able to: 

  • Explore our campus 
  • Meet teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators 
  • Get signed up for clubs, activities, and learn how to register for athletics 
  • Connect with our PTSA and on-campus Student Health Center (NeighborCare) 

For our new to High School and/or new to Lincoln families, we have a special “High School Parent/Guardian 101” informational event happening from 6:30PM-7:00PM in the Lincoln Auditorium.  This event is geared specifically to provide hints and support to our parents/guardians who have their first student in high school or who are new to Seattle Public Schools.  Students can explore the club fair and tour the building while you attend this event.  

More information about 9th grade and new student orientation.

First Day Special Bell Schedule 

We will be running a special Lynx Crew morning for our 9th graders on our first day of school on September 4th (new students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades will get a separate invite). Our 9th grade students will arrive to Lincoln starting at 8:30AM to participate in programming and orientation with their Lynx Crew Leaders. Students can enter through the historic entrance along Interlake. Lunch will be on campus (9th grade students cannot leave campus on the first day of school). Returning students in 10th, 11th, 12th grade will begin their day at 12:40 for school lunch and classes will begin at 1:15. The schedule for the day is as follows: 

Morning schedule (9th grade only) 

8:30 – Doors open for 9th graders 
8:50 – 11:35 9th grade orientation activities with Lynx Crew 
11:35 – 12:20 9th grade on campus lunch  
12:20-1:10: 9th grade assembly with Lynx Crew 

Afternoon schedule (all grades) 

12:40 – 1:10 10th/11th/12th Lunch 
1:15 – 1:35 1st period 
1:40 – 2:00 2nd period 
2:05 – 2:25 3rd period 
2:30 – 2:50 4th period 
2:55 – 3:15 5th period 
3:20 – 3:40 6th period 

Bell Schedule 

On a typical week, Lincoln will operate on a 6-period day with Mentorship happening 3 days a week.  Lincoln will run Mentorship every day for the first two weeks (9/4-9/13) with our standard week starting on 9/18. The bell schedule for the first two weeks of school will be posted on our website.  

Our standard bell schedule is as follows: 

Monday & Friday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
Mentorship: 10:50-11:25 
3rd: 11:30-12:20 
Lunch: 12:25-12:55 
4th: 1:00-1:50 
5th: 1:55-2:245 
6th: 2:50-3:40 


1st: 8:50-9:25 |
2nd: 9:30-10:05 
Mentorship: 10:10-11:15 
3rd: 11:20-11:55 
Lunch: 12:00-12:30 
4th: 12:30-1:05 
5th: 1:10-1:45 
6th: 1:50-2:25 

Tuesday & Thursday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
3rd: 10:50-11:50 
Lunch: 11:55-12:25 
4th: 12:30-1:30 
5th: 1:35-2:25 
6th: 2:40-3:40 

In the morning, students can enter through the main entrance starting at 8AM or through the historic entrance along Interlake and the courtyard gates along 43rd and Woodlawn at 8:30AM.  Students who arrive to school after 8:50 will need to enter through the main entrance of the school.  

Start of School Attendance 

Attendance the first week of school is incredibly important. Students who do not attend any classes during the first six days of school will be dropped from Lincoln High School as “no shows” on the seventh day. Please contact the Attendance Office at to let us know your student will be absent on the first day(s) of school but will attend Lincoln High School. 

Start of School Forms

The District has posted translatable Start of School Forms on the main SPS website at as well as on our website. Please review these forms as while there are links to many forms, not all forms are applicable to every family and student.  

We would like to receive the Emergency Release form and the FERPA form for every student.  Families should review all forms posted online and complete and return any applicable to their student.   

  • Emergency Info/Student Release Form – Who can pick up your student in the event of an emergency in our building that causes us to evacuate?  These are not always the same emergency contacts that are in our student database that we would call for student illness.   Many parents note neighbors, friend’s parents that live close to them, etc. People will need to show identification when picking up students. We would like this form returned for every student and hard copies are available in the office.   Submitting this form does not update our student database, please see below Update your Contact Information.
  • FERPA HS Form Complete this fillable form, sign & return. If not returned, SPS considers lack of response consent for “Box A”.   
  • Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable. 504-2 for English
  • Housing Questionnaire (only return if applicable).
  • Native Education ED 506 Indian Education (for new students only) Title VI Indian Education      
  • Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment and Anticipated 2024-2025 Survey information

To return your completed forms: 

Email and attach your completed document, not picture to or, 

Students or Parents can drop off forms in the Main Office or, 

Mail forms to Lincoln High School – 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA. 98103 

Students can stop by the main office for paper copies of forms.   

Update your Contact Information 

This fall, you will use the Source to submit updates including phone number and email addresses. The Source has lots of other great information including student attendance and course work. Once school starts, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source during the month of September. After September, families can email to update their student’s information.

Visit to log in to the Source. 


Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community.  There will be a lot of volunteer opportunities to support Lincoln throughout and we will include these needs in our newsletters and/or teachers will request for certain events, like field trips.  Due to the high volume of applications in September, the district volunteer liaison asks that you only submit an application when you have been asked to volunteer for a specific event.   

For Lincoln Start of School Volunteers – Parents/families can volunteer to help with first day welcome, pictures and laptop checkouts and do not need to be cleared.  PTSA will be collecting volunteers for these events. For fall events like homecoming dance and PSAT/SAT testing, volunteers do need to be cleared. Be watching for opportunities to sign up for dances and PSAT/SAT soon. 

Sign up to be an official volunteer in SPS. Category A is the most common application, Category B is for overnight field trips.  

Questions or Need More Info? Email our volunteer coordinator Twinnet Armstead-Bowens at   


As a reminder, no student parking is allowed in our lot at any time. If you are dropping students off, please choose a drop-off and pick-up spot a minimum of one block away.  To support the safety of our students, please do not use Interlake, Woodlawn or 43rd as your drop-off/pick-up location.  Added congestion and vehicles stopping creates a safety hazard for our students who are entering in these spots. 

To limit the number of cars parking in the surrounding neighborhoods, we encourage students to bus or bike when possible- racks are available in the courtyard and adjacent to the Lincoln campus on Interlake.  Walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheelchair, scooting, and skating) to school is not only fun, but it also improves air quality around schools, reduces traffic congestion, creates community, and students start the day more alert and ready to learn. 

About a 1/3 of students across the district walk or bike to school. Learn more about our commitment as a community to walk, bike and roll to school

If your student drives to school, please remind them to be a good neighbor and make sure they are not parking in restricted parking zones and are not blocking driveways.   

Student Schedules   

Counselors are in the process of finalizing schedules. Finalized schedules will be available on the Source on Tuesday, September 3rd. Students will also be able to request a hard copy of their schedule in the counseling center. Please DO NOT email counseling requesting a schedule change at this time.  

On the first day of school, students who are missing a class or have a placement error should drop by the counseling center on September 4th starting at 8:00 am. As an example, if you are in 9th grade but were inadvertently placed in 10th grade ELA, you would come to the counseling center.  

For all other schedule change requests, students can drop by the counseling center starting on the second day of school to fill out a schedule change form.  Attempts will be made to accommodate changes based on space availability.  Students should follow the schedule that shows in The Source until they see any update/change of classes.   

Schedule changes cannot be requested over the phone or via email.  As we are busy getting ready to welcome students back to the building, we will not be able to respond to email or phone requests for schedule inquires or changes.    

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards 

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using SchoolPay. All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.  

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee. 

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!  

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Set up a SchoolPay account. Setup instructions for families new to the district.

SPS Laptop Distribution  

Lincoln is a 1:1 laptop learning environment. This year, all students will be issued an SPS laptop. Personal devices will no longer be allowed. Students should bring their fully charged SPS-issued laptop to school every day. Laptop distribution for an SPS laptop device will happen September 9th and 10th.  

In May last year SPS updated Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, that changed the policy where only SPS-issued laptops are permitted for use in classroom instruction, assignments, assessments, and testing, based on the following reason(s):   

  • With every student having a standard device, the district can maintain equity for all students and continuity of the educational and classroom environment for teachers.   
  • Personal devices cannot be managed or supported on the district network.   
  • District devices have applications that are subject to licensing agreements which do not permit installation on personal devices, including Classroom Management Systems (CMS)   
  • Personally owned devices may not provide the same safeguards to help prevent inappropriate online conduct   
  • Students do not have an absolute right to possess or use personal electronic devices (laptops and tablets) at school. School staff may further restrict the use of personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day absent an approved accommodation that addresses a specific and articulated student need (e.g. assistive technology)   
  • The district centrally manages updates and provides a consistent security posture across district devices   
  • The district wireless network has been optimized for a high-density environment and works best with a SPS-supplied district device.     

For more information: Superintendent Procedure 2022SP   

New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy 

As we shared last year, an ongoing challenge we have in school is the distraction students face with cell phones and multitasking during class time.  We know, from observation and studies, that students who have their phone out, or who are just encouraged to keep it in their bag, are distracted during class with less engagement. We have seen this distraction increase since our return to in-person instruction and schools and districts across the country work to partner and navigate this with students and staff.    

While we encourage students to leave personal cell phones and other electronic devices at home, we understand the reality that most students have a personal cell phone device with them every day. Last year, Lincoln piloted different approaches with “phone zones” in class.  The goal of the phone zone was to give a place where students can routinely put their phone away for class to focus on engagement.  There were different versions of what these phone zones looked like, but in our classes where it happened, we saw increased engagement, more discussion, and a greater focus on the planned learning in class.  In talking with some of our students last year, they shared storing phones away improved their attention and engagement they had with their table partners and the reduced homework.  

This year we will be standardizing our phone zones in classrooms across the school. For students who routinely have a personal cell phone device with they, classrooms will have designated locations for phones to be stored.  Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

We are hoping families will take time to talk with their student about this new approach in class and the benefits it will bring to their learning and overall health with reduced screentime.  We are also asking for your support during the year.  As families, please avoid texting and/or calling your student during class time and use our main phone number if you need to reach your student during a class period.   

Below is the policy that will be provided students in our culture guide.  This will also be reviewed with students at the start of the year. 

Lincoln High School Personal Technology Policy:   

  • Unless given specific permission from staff, personal technology must be inoperable and away during class time. In each classroom, technology will be put in a PHONE AWAY ZONE during learning time. 
  • Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

Supporting Interventions/Consequences for unauthorized use  

In classrooms, technology use will follow the guidelines of the teacher.  Personal or school issued technology may be confiscated if the guidelines are not followed.   

  • 1st incident – Verbal Reminder  
  • 2nd incident –teacher holds phone and/or headphones until the end of the period. & teacher contacts parent to report of student’s inappropriate digital citizenship, incident is tracked. (If student refuses, parents and admin will be contacted for follow-up).   
  • 3rd incident – phone and/or headphones go to office, incident is tracked, student must pick up at end of day.  
  • 4th incident – Admin/Counselor meets with student to create an appropriate digital citizenship contract to be completed with parent signature.  

School ID Pictures 

All students will have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School pictures are scheduled for September 19th and 20th, and will happen though Science classes.  Students not enrolled in a science class will take pictures during Mentorship and other assigned times. Any student who is absent during picture days will make it up on October 30th. School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how to purchase picture packages and how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).  

FROM Seattle Public Schools Culinary Services 

Culinary Services offers a variety of convenient ways to pay for school meals. Checks and cash are accepted by the school’s lunchroom manager either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals, milk, or other àla carte items. Checks should be made payable to Culinary Services. Online payments can be made at MySchoolBucks.  Breakfast costs $2.50, and lunch is $3.50.   

As always, we highly encourage families to apply for free and reduced-price lunches if they qualify. Eligibility comes with additional benefits such as free or low-cost SAT and AP testing, scholarships, and more.  The online application is translatable and if you need help completing, please contact Culinary Services at or call 206-252-0675 

Additional information about Culinary Services

Apply for Free/Reduced meals.

Spirit Gear is Available! 

Buy your spirit gear today!

Athletic Information 

Lincoln High School encourages all students to explore and participate in our athletic program. Fall athletic registration was due August 15th but some late registrations are allowed, and some teams still have space. Fall sports officially begin August 21st for football and August 26th for all other sports. Please email individual coaches for more details on when and where practices will be held.  Signing up through Final Forms and indicating the sport you would like to play is how the coaches build their distribution list. 

All athletes need to have an updated physical, which is good for two years.  If you need help finding a provider to get a physical, contact our Athletic Director, Ms. Ware, or Neighbor Care directly.  Their information is provided in this Newsletter.   

More information about our athletic program.

Athletic registration for Fall, Winter & Spring.  While teams may suggest a financial donation as part of our fundraising to cover the costs of gear, supplies and other expenses from families, these are suggested donation amounts and should not prevent student participation.  Athletics are open to all students regardless of the ability to pay any suggested sports fee.   

For questions, please contact Lincoln Athletic Director, Robin Ware at  

Positive Support at Athletics and Activities 

We are looking forward to a great fall season. A few reminders on how we represent our Lincoln community at our athletic and community events: 

  • Positive cheers in support of our students 
  • Avoid negative responses towards opposing teams and referees 
  • Personal bags are subject to search on entry  
  • Comply with requests of stadium and school personnel 
  • All school rules apply at our athletic and activities events 
  • Follow all WIAA rules and regulations 
  • Leave personal bags at home 
  • Be mindful of overcrowding and spread out if asked 
  • Clean up your space when you leave 
  • Lincoln is not responsible for lost or stolen items 

As a reminder, while we encourage bags to be left at home, bags and any non-factory sealed beverages are subject to search before entering a school-sponsored event.  Bag/liquid checks will happen at football and other athletic events. 

Clubs, Activities & Events 

Clubs and Activities are a great way for students to connect and get involved at school.  Lincoln has over 70 active clubs and it is easy to start a new one. More information and to see a list of some of our student clubs. Students will have access to club lists, leaders, and locations once they arrive on campus in September, and will have opportunities to get connected.  

Stay up to date by following us on social media and using the Lincoln calendar and Daily Bulletin. 

Lincoln Daily Bulletin

Lincoln Calendar & News

Mark Your Calendar  

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  Please check back on our online calendar for a full list as events our built out for the year. 

Laptop Distribution: September 9-10  

Photo Days: September 19th –20th, Makeups Oct. 30th  

Orchestra Concert: September 24th  

Curriculum Night: September 26th (tentative date – please check back for confirmation) 

First Saturday School: October 5th  

Discover U Week: October 7th-11th  

FAFSA/WASFA Night: October 8th  

SAT (Seniors): October 9th (this date is tentative and subject to change) 

Staff Professional Development (No School): October 11th  

Homecoming: October 14th-18th  

PSAT (Juniors): October 23rd (this date is tentative and subject to change) 

Notes from our Nurse 

If your student will need to take medication at school, please email Nurse Castro at to set up a time to bring in the medication and fill out the required paperwork. 

Please take this Authorization to Administer Medication at School form  to your student’s medical provider for signature.  We will need this to accompany any medications dropped off with the health office.   

Neighborcare Teen Health Center 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school?The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by a Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

More information about Neighborcare and to register.

Subscribing to the SPS Calendar  

Stay connected to SPS! Families can now subscribe to the entire calendar, not just one month at a time. This means if a family subscribes, anytime updates are made to the web calendar, it will automatically update their personal calendar. Families can subscribe via Google, Outlook, or Apple calendars. 

Lincoln’s Calendar

The subscribe link is in the bottom-right under the month calendar grid. 


A great way to support your student and school is to join our AMAZING Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA).  PTSA provides vital support to our learning community and there are lots of opportunities for you to help.  Be watching for more information about our upcoming Fall General Membership Meeting.  More information on PTSA.

Office of Education Ombuds 

OEO is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA by sharing information about the K-12 public school system and resolving concerns collaboratively.  OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school. 

OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. Get help or learn more about what OEO does, email, or call:  1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available). 

OEO has many publications available on the OEO webpage, including new flyers in the following languages:

Sign up for OEO news bulletins to stay up-to-date with OEO information, webinars and resources.

We look forward to seeing you all soon! 

-Lincoln High School