Lincoln High School

High School

IEP Services

Welcome to the IEP Department

Here you will find a place to view program descriptions, department initiatives and resources for students with Individual Education Plans. 

Mission and Vision

In alignment with Seattle Public School’s mission and vision, Lincoln High School is committed to providing equitable access and closing the opportunity gaps for every student. Lincoln students with IEPs receive high quality, 21st century education and graduates prepared for college, career and life.Lincoln offers a comprehension continuum of services for students with IEPs. With the use of adaptive technology, specially designed instruction within support classes, inclusionary push-in programs and student facilitated IEPs, Lincoln increases student capacity for independence, self-advocacy, inclusion and access to the core curriculum.

Specially Designed Instruction

Lincoln’s Focus Class is the primary way students with IEPs receive focused, specially designed instruction in a smaller group setting. Students in this class receive academic support through coursework, homework or interventions in order to make progress on their IEP goals and objectives.

Students requiring IEP minutes in this course are clustered based upon specific needs in math, reading, written language, social/behavior, communication, life skills or study and organization skills. Students participate in this course on a drop in basis or are enrolled in a full section to receive a 1.0 elective credit. Students who do not need require IEP minutes with a separate setting will receive push-in supports within the general education classroom by their case manager, special education teacher and/or instructional aide.

Executive Functioning Support

Lincoln provides multi-tiered systems of support for students who need assistance with executive functioning skills through executive functioning support protocols delivered through an Executive Functioning Coach during Mentorship. The coaches provide an intensive mentorship program that help students graduate from the program with academic support and executive functioning strategies to implement in their regular classes. Coaches hold refresher sessions on a individual basis and provide positive reinforcement during other mentorship and classroom experiences.

Student Facilitated IEPs

As students progress through Lincoln, they begin to facilitate their own IEP meetings, when appropriate. It is a core belief at Lincoln that every student be a part of their IEP meeting and advocate for their strengths and needs in the classroom. Student ownership of the IEP is vital to student independent, self-advocacy, and development of college and career readiness skills.

Case managers create time with students to prepare for the facilitation of these meetings and structure more responsibility of advocacy during the meeting each year of their high school experience. It is the goal of the IEP department to have students in their senior year facilitating all or a majority of the meeting, as appropriate.

Deeper learning experiences also include students curating mediums to inform general education teachers of who they are as individuals and their IEP supports and services.


Lincoln integrates Microsoft Immersive Reader and Learning Tools in every classroom to support all learners. For more information on these technology supports, visit  Microsoft Learning Tools.
