Lincoln High School

High School

New Student Class Registration and Family Update

Are you newly assigned to LHS and need to select classes?

Check out this news post for information and form to complete: New Student Class Registration Information

Below is our Friday Family Update

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

It seems our weather knows fall is fast approaching!  Despite the cooler temperatures and rain, I do hope you are continuing to enjoy the summer holiday. 

I wanted to share a few updates to our Summer Newsletter that came out last week.  The entire newsletter is printed below for those that may have missed it or were on vacation, but I wanted to call specific attention to the updated Lincoln cell phone and new SPS laptop policies we shared last week.  If you have not had a chance to review these updates, I encourage you to look over them and share them with your student. 

Our fall curriculum night will be the week of September 23rd-27th. We are making some adjustments to our calendar and will update the specific date as soon as possible. 

Our 24-25 Culture Guide (handbook) is being finalized and we will make that available online when we review it with students during the first two weeks of school. We will have updates to review on campus safety as we enter the new year. 

I hope you have a restful week. 


New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy 

As we shared last year, an ongoing challenge we have in school is the distraction students face with cell phones and multitasking during class time.  We know, from observation and studies, that students who have their phone out, or who are just encouraged to keep it in their bag, are distracted during class with less engagement. We have seen this distraction increase since our return to in-person instruction and schools and districts across the country work to partner and navigate this with students and staff.    

While we encourage students to leave personal cell phones and other electronic devices at home, we understand the reality that most students have a personal cell phone device with them every day. Last year, Lincoln piloted different approaches with “phone zones” in class.  The goal of the phone zone was to give a place where students can routinely put their phone away for class to focus on engagement.  There were different versions of what these phone zones looked like, but in our classes where it happened, we saw increased engagement, more discussion, and a greater focus on the planned learning in class.  In talking with some of our students last year, they shared storing phones away improved their attention and engagement they had with their table partners and the reduced homework.  

This year we will be standardizing our phone zones in classrooms across the school. For students who routinely have a personal cell phone device with they, classrooms will have designated locations for phones to be stored.  Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

We are hoping families will take time to talk with their student about this new approach in class and the benefits it will bring to their learning and overall health with reduced screentime.  We are also asking for your support during the year.  As families, please avoid texting and/or calling your student during class time and use our main phone number if you need to reach your student during a class period.   

Below is the policy that will be provided students in our culture guide.  This will also be reviewed with students at the start of the year. 

Lincoln High School Personal Technology Policy:   

  • Unless given specific permission from staff, personal technology must be inoperable and away during class time. In each classroom, technology will be put in a PHONE AWAY ZONE during learning time. 
  • Students will still have access to use their devices before/after school, passing, lunch, and during designated learning activities or as part of an accommodation in a learning plan. 

Supporting Interventions/Consequences for unauthorized use  

In classrooms, technology use will follow the guidelines of the teacher.  Personal or school issued technology may be confiscated if the guidelines are not followed.   

  • 1st incident – Verbal Reminder  
  • 2nd incident –teacher holds phone and/or headphones until the end of the period. & teacher contacts parent to report of student’s inappropriate digital citizenship, incident is tracked. (If student refuses, parents and admin will be contacted for follow-up).   
  • 3rd incident – phone and/or headphones go to office, incident is tracked, student must pick up at end of day.  
  • 4th incident – Admin/Counselor meets with student to create an appropriate digital citizenship contract to be completed with parent signature. 

SPS Laptop Distribution  

Lincoln is a 1:1 laptop learning environment. This year, all students will be issued an SPS laptop. Personal devices will no longer be allowed. Students should bring their fully charged SPS-issued laptop to school every day. Laptop distribution for an SPS laptop device will happen September 9th and 10th.  

In May last year SPS updated Superintendent Procedure 2022SP, that changed the policy where only SPS-issued laptops are permitted for use in classroom instruction, assignments, assessments, and testing, based on the following reason(s):   

  • With every student having a standard device, the district can maintain equity for all students and continuity of the educational and classroom environment for teachers.   
  • Personal devices cannot be managed or supported on the district network.   
  • District devices have applications that are subject to licensing agreements which do not permit installation on personal devices, including Classroom Management Systems (CMS)   
  • Personally owned devices may not provide the same safeguards to help prevent inappropriate online conduct   
  • Students do not have an absolute right to possess or use personal electronic devices (laptops and tablets) at school. School staff may further restrict the use of personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day absent an approved accommodation that addresses a specific and articulated student need (e.g. assistive technology)   
  • The district centrally manages updates and provides a consistent security posture across district devices   
  • The district wireless network has been optimized for a high-density environment and works best with a SPS-supplied district device.     

For more information: Superintendent Procedure 2022SP   

Lincoln Summer Newsletter 

Dear Lincoln Families, 

The school year is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to welcoming students back on Wednesday, September 4th.  As we kick off the school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families who will be joining us this year. We are so glad you will be part of our school. As I always share, Lincoln truly is a special place. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve our students and community at large. 

You are an important partner in our work with your student.  We stive to always promote open dialog and to keep you informed on what is happening.  We want to work together in support of your student. In addition to the vital relationships you will build with your student’s teachers, we have an entire staff here committed to the success of all our students. 

As part of our general communication, you can expect to receive our Friday newsletter every-other-week (we run this weekly in September).  We also post information on our website including our calendar and daily bulletin as well as on our social media accounts. Want to know what is happening? As a first step, be sure to visit (and bookmark) our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:   


You can also follow us on social media:  

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle   
X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle  
Instagram: @lincolnseattle  
YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB  

In preparation for the year, we are sending out our first newsletter early so that you can begin to review some of the important information that outlines the start of the year. This information will come out again the next couple of weeks. If you have not done so already, please also review the SPS Start of School Checklist for some valuable information and resources.

I am looking forward to a great year ahead and appreciate your ongoing support and partnership. 


In this newsletter you will find: 

  • New Lincoln Cell Phone Policy (see above) 
  • Laptop Distribution (see above) 
  • New Student and 9th grade Open House 
  • First Day Bell Schedule 
  • Standard Bell Schedule 
  • Start of School Attendance 
  • Start of School Forms 
  • Updating your Contact Information 
  • Volunteers 
  • Transportation Information 
  • Student Schedules 
  • ASB Cards and Universal Supply Fee 
  • School and ID Pictures 
  • Culinary Services Information – Free & Reduced Lunch Applications  
  • Spirit Gear 
  • Athletic Information 
  • Supporting our Student Events 
  • Clubs, Activities & Events 
  • Upcoming Dates 
  • Message from our Nurse 
  • Teen Health Center: Neighborcare 
  • Subscribing to the SPS Calendar 
  • PTSA Information 
  • Office of the Ombuds 

New Student and 9th Grade Open House 

Please join us for our New Student and 9th Grade Orientation on Thursday, August 29th from 6:30PM-8:00PM (pre-sessions start at 5:45) event begins at 6:30.  Unless attending a pre-session, doors open at 6:10PM.  Parking is limited, so we strongly encourage you to carpool or use other transportation options (walk, public transit, bike, etc.). Please be mindful of our neighbors and be sure you are not blocking driveways or the right away of traffic. 

Our new Lincoln students and their families are invited to this open house event. During the evening you will be able to: 

  • Explore our campus 
  • Meet teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators 
  • Get signed up for clubs, activities, and learn how to register for athletics 
  • Connect with our PTSA and on-campus Student Health Center (NeighborCare) 

Pre-session locations:

BSU -> Library
IEP -> RM 111
SAGA -> RM C111 (students only)
MLL -> RM 268
LSU -> RM 334

For our new to High School and/or new to Lincoln families, we have a special “High School Parent/Guardian 101” informational event happening from 6:30PM-7:00PM in the Lincoln Auditorium.  This event is geared specifically to provide hints and support to our parents/guardians who have their first student in high school or who are new to Seattle Public Schools.  Students can explore the club fair and tour the building while you attend this event.  

More information about 9th grade and new student orientation

First Day Special Bell Schedule 

We will be running a special Lynx Crew morning for our 9th graders on our first day of school on September 4th (new students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades will get a separate invite). Our 9th grade students will arrive to Lincoln starting at 8:30AM to participate in programming and orientation with their Lynx Crew Leaders. Students can enter through the historic entrance along Interlake. Lunch will be on campus (9th grade students cannot leave campus on the first day of school). Returning students in 10th, 11th, 12th grade will begin their day at 12:40 for school lunch and classes will begin at 1:15. The schedule for the day is as follows: 

Morning schedule (9th grade only) 

8:30 – Doors open for 9th graders 
8:50 – 11:35 9th grade orientation activities with Lynx Crew 
11:35 – 12:20 9th grade on campus lunch  
12:20-1:10: 9th grade assembly with Lynx Crew 

Afternoon schedule (all grades) 

12:40 – 1:10 10th/11th/12th Lunch 
1:15 – 1:35 1st period 
1:40 – 2:00 2nd period 
2:05 – 2:25 3rd period 
2:30 – 2:50 4th period 
2:55 – 3:15 5th period 
3:20 – 3:40 6th period 

Bell Schedule 

On a typical week, Lincoln will operate on a 6-period day with Mentorship happening 3 days a week.  Lincoln will run Mentorship every day for the first two weeks (9/4-9/13) with our standard week starting on 9/18. The bell schedule for the first two weeks of school will be posted on our website.  

Our standard bell schedule is as follows: 

Monday & Friday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
Mentorship: 10:50-11:25 
3rd: 11:30-12:20 
Lunch: 12:25-12:55 
4th: 1:00-1:50 
5th: 1:55-2:245 
6th: 2:50-3:40 


1st: 8:50-9:25 
2nd: 9:30-10:05 
Mentorship: 10:10-11:15 
3rd: 11:20-11:55 
Lunch: 12:00-12:30 
4th: 12:30-1:05 
5th: 1:10-1:45 
6th: 1:50-2:25 

Tuesday & Thursday 

1st: 8:50-9:45 
2nd: 9:50-10:45 
3rd: 10:50-11:50 
Lunch: 11:55-12:25 
4th: 12:30-1:30 
5th: 1:35-2:25 
6th: 2:40-3:40 

In the morning, students can enter through the main entrance starting at 8AM or through the historic entrance along Interlake and the courtyard gates along 43rd and Woodlawn at 8:30AM.  Students who arrive to school after 8:50 will need to enter through the main entrance of the school.  

Start of School Attendance 

Attendance the first week of school is incredibly important. Students who do not attend any classes during the first six days of school will be dropped from Lincoln High School as “no shows” on the seventh day. Please contact the Attendance Office at to let us know your student will be absent on the first day(s) of school but will attend Lincoln High School. 

Start of School Forms 

The District has posted translatable Start of School Forms on the main SPS website at as well as on our website.   Please review these forms as while there are links to many forms, not all forms are applicable to every family and student.  

We would like to receive the Emergency Release form and the FERPA form for every student.  Families should review all forms posted online and complete and return any applicable to their student.   

  • Emergency Info/Student Release Form – Who can pick up your student in the event of an emergency in our building that causes us to evacuate?  These are not always the same emergency contacts that are in our student database that we would call for student illness.   Many parents note neighbors, friend’s parents that live close to them, etc. People will need to show identification when picking up students. We would like this form returned for every student and hard copies are available in the office.   Submitting this form does not update our student database, please see below Update your Contact Information. 
  • FERPA HS Form Complete this fillable form, sign & return. If not returned, SPS considers lack of response consent for “Box A”.   
  • Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable. 504-2 for English 
  • Form 504-2 Survey to Identify Disabled Students. Complete this fillable form and return only if applicable.

To return your completed forms: 

Email and attach your completed document, not picture to or, 

Students or Parents can drop off forms in the Main Office or, 

Mail forms to Lincoln High School – 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA. 98103 

Students can stop by the main office for paper copies of forms.   

Update your Contact Information 

This fall, you will use the Source to submit updates including phone number and email addresses. The Source has lots of other great information including student attendance and course work.  Once school starts, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source during the month of September. After September, families can email to update their student’s information. 

 Visit to log in to the Source. 


Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community.  There will be a lot of volunteer opportunities to support Lincoln throughout and we will include these needs in our newsletters and/or teachers will request for certain events, like field trips.  Due to the high volume of applications in September, the district volunteer liaison asks that you only submit an application when you have been asked to volunteer for a specific event.   

For Lincoln Start of School Volunteers – Parents/families can volunteer to help with first day welcome, pictures and laptop checkouts and do not need to be cleared.  PTSA will be collecting volunteers for these events. For fall events like homecoming dance and PSAT/SAT testing, volunteers do need to be cleared. Be watching for opportunities to sign up for dances and PSAT/SAT soon. 

Sign up to be an official volunteer in SPS. Category A is the most common application, Category B is for overnight field trips.  

Questions or Need More Info? Email our volunteer coordinator Twinnet Armstead-Bowens at   


As a reminder, no student parking is allowed in our lot at any time. If you are dropping students off, please choose a drop-off and pick-up spot a minimum of one block away.  To support the safety of our students, please do not use Interlake, Woodlawn or 43rd as your drop-off/pick-up location.  Added congestion and vehicles stopping creates a safety hazard for our students who are entering in these spots. 

To limit the number of cars parking in the surrounding neighborhoods, we encourage students to bus or bike when possible- racks are available in the courtyard and adjacent to the Lincoln campus on Interlake.  Walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheelchair, scooting, and skating) to school is not only fun, but it also improves air quality around schools, reduces traffic congestion, creates community, and students start the day more alert and ready to learn. 

About a 1/3 of students across the district walk or bike to school. Learn more about our commitment as a community to walk, bike and role to school.

If your student drives to school, please remind them to be a good neighbor and make sure they are not parking in restricted parking zones and are not blocking driveways.   

Student Schedules   

Counselors are in the process of finalizing schedules. Finalized schedules will be available on the Source on Tuesday, September 3rd. Students will also be able to request a hard copy of their schedule in the counseling center. Please DO NOT email counseling requesting a schedule change at this time.  

On the first day of school, students who are missing a class or have a placement error should drop by the counseling center on September 4th starting at 8:00 am. As an example, if you are in 9th grade but were inadvertently placed in 10th grade ELA, you would come to the counseling center.  

For all other schedule change requests, students can drop by the counseling center starting on the second day of school to fill out a schedule change form.  Attempts will be made to accommodate changes based on space availability.  Students should follow the schedule that shows in The Source until they see any update/change of classes.   

Schedule changes cannot be requested over the phone or via email.  As we are busy getting ready to welcome students back to the building, we will not be able to respond to email or phone requests for schedule inquires or changes.    

Universal Supply Fee and ASB Cards 

It is time to purchase your ASB card, which is required for all athletes and club participants, and pay the optional Universal Supply fee. Families pay all associated school and activity fees and other items using All fee items associated with your student are displayed when logged into your SchoolPay account.  

Please consider helping support other families in our community by adding on an additional amount as a donation when purchasing an ASB card and/or paying the Universal Supply Fee. 

Universal Supply Fee ($85): Our optional Universal Supply Fee helps to support all the learning activities that happen in our classroom that extend beyond base curriculum. As a project-based school, the universal supply fee provides the resources for the deeper learning that happens throughout the year and helps ensure students have access to the tools they need.  Some AP classes still have additional fees for items such as workbooks which the students keep. The universal supply fee is optional but encouraged as part of our partnerships with our families and community. Last year we had 60% of our families participate in our optional fee and our goal this year is to get to 75%. Families in need of financial support can opt to pay an amount that supports their individual budgets.  We also welcome additional donations from families to help support those who are unable to contribute to the $85 universal fee.   Thank you our families contributing to the fees and to the many families that contribute additional amounts to support those unable!

 ASB Cards ($50): We encourage all students to purchase an Associated Student Body (ASB) card. ASB card sales are our primary source of funding for all our extracurricular activities: clubs, athletics, after-school activities, etc. Students who purchase an ASB card will be eligible for various discounts throughout the year. Students who participate in any WIAA athletics or are active members in any clubs are required to purchase an ASB card. Scholarships are available to students to cover a partial or full cost of the ASB card and students can see Mr. Lee in the Commons for assistance.

Set up a SchoolPay account. Setup instructions for families new to the district

School ID Pictures 

All students will have their picture taken, even if they are not purchasing a picture package. These photos are what we use for student ID cards and are part of how we manage safety at school.  School pictures are scheduled for September 19th and 20th, and will happen though Science classes.  Students not enrolled in a science class will take pictures during Mentorship and other assigned times. Any student who is absent during picture days will make it up on October 30th. School ID cards are accepted as a legal form of identification for minor students, and as such, students will not be permitted to wear non-religious head coverings for their school photos. Information will be sent out on how to purchase picture packages and how seniors can submit specific senior portraits (Seniors still get their photo taken on picture days).  

FROM Seattle Public Schools Culinary Services 

Culinary Services offers a variety of convenient ways to pay for school meals. Checks and cash are accepted by the school’s lunchroom manager either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals, milk, or other àla carte items. Checks should be made payable to Culinary Services. Online payments can be made at MySchoolBucks.  Breakfast costs $2.50, and lunch is $3.50.   

As always, we highly encourage families to apply for free and reduced-price lunches if they qualify. Eligibility comes with additional benefits such as free or low-cost SAT and AP testing, scholarships, and more.  The online application is translatable and if you need help completing, please contact Culinary Services at or call 206-252-0675 

Additional information about Culinary Services.

Apply for Free/Reduced meals.

Spirit Gear is Available! 

Buy your spirit gear today!

Athletic Information 

Lincoln High School encourages all students to explore and participate in our athletic program. Fall athletic registration was due August 15th but some late registrations are allowed, and some teams still have space. Fall sports officially begin August 21st for football and August 26th for all other sports. Please email individual coaches for more details on when and where practices will be held.  Signing up through Final Forms and indicating the sport you would like to play is how the coaches build their distribution list. 

All athletes need to have an updated physical, which is good for two years.  If you need help finding a provider to get a physical, contact our Athletic Director, Ms. Ware, or Neighbor Care directly.  Their information is provided in this Newsletter.   

More information about our athletic program.

Athletic registration for Fall, Winter & Spring  While teams may suggest a financial donation as part of our fundraising to cover the costs of gear, supplies and other expenses from families, these are suggested donation amounts and should not prevent student participation.  Athletics are open to all students regardless of the ability to pay any suggested sports fee.   

For questions, please contact Lincoln Athletic Director, Robin Ware at  

Positive Support at Athletics and Activities 

We are looking forward to a great fall season. A few reminders on how we represent our Lincoln community at our athletic and community events: 

  • Positive cheers in support of our students 
  • Avoid negative responses towards opposing teams and referees 
  • Personal bags are subject to search on entry  
  • Comply with requests of stadium and school personnel 
  • All school rules apply at our athletic and activities events 
  • Follow all WIAA rules and regulations 
  • Leave personal bags at home 
  • Be mindful of overcrowding and spread out if asked 
  • Clean up your space when you leave 
  • Lincoln is not responsible for lost or stolen items 

As a reminder, while we encourage bags to be left at home, bags and any non-factory sealed beverages are subject to search before entering a school-sponsored event.  Bag/liquid checks will happen at football and other athletic events. 

Clubs, Activities & Events 

Clubs and Activities are a great way for students to connect and get involved at school.  Lincoln has over 70 active clubs and it is easy to start a new one.  For more information and to see a list of some of our student clubs. Students will have access to club lists, leaders, and locations once they arrive on campus in September, and will have opportunities to get connected.  

Stay up to date by following us on social media and using the Lincoln calendar and Daily Bulletin. 

Lincoln Daily Bulletin

Lincoln Calendar & News

Mark Your Calendar  

*Below is a list of some upcoming dates.  Please check back on our online calendar for a full list as events our built out for the year. 

Laptop Distribution: September 9-10  

Photo Days: September 19th –20th, Makeups Oct. 30tth  

Orchestra Concert: September 24th  

Curriculum Night: TBD 

First Saturday School: October 5th  

Discover U Week: October 7th-11th  

FAFSA/WASFA Night: October 8th  

SAT (Seniors): October 9th (this date is tentative and subject to change) 

Staff Professional Development (No School): October 11th  

Homecoming: October 14th-18th  

PSAT (Juniors): October 23rd (this date is tentative and subject to change) 

Notes from our Nurse 

If your student will need to take medication at school, please email Nurse Castro at to set up a time to bring in the medication and fill out the required paperwork. 

Please take the Authorization to Administer Medication at School form     to your student’s medical provider for signature.  We will need this to accompany any medications dropped off with the health office.   

Neighborcare Teen Health Center 

Did you know that teens can get health care at school?The Teen Health Center is located at Lincoln High School and is operated by Neighborcare Health, a community health center with funding support from the City of Seattle’s Families and Education Levy. 

The Teen Health Center is staffed by a Medical Providers, Mental Health Therapists, and a Health Educator, providing many of the services you’d receive from your family healthcare provider in a teen-friendly setting. 

More information about Neighborcare and to register   

Subscribing to the SPS Calendar  

Stay connected to SPS! Families can now subscribe to the entire calendar, not just one month at a time. This means if a family subscribes, anytime updates are made to the web calendar, it will automatically update their personal calendar. Families can subscribe via Google, Outlook, or Apple calendars. 

Lincoln School Calendar The subscribe link is in the bottom-right under the month calendar grid. 


A great way to support your student and school is to join our AMAZING Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA).  PTSA provides vital support to our learning community and there are lots of opportunities for you to help.  Be watching for more information about our upcoming Fall General Membership Meeting.  More information on PTSA

Sign up for our PTSA newsletter

Support our PTSA Fundraising

Office of Education Ombuds 

OEO is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA by sharing information about the K-12 public school system and resolving concerns collaboratively.  OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school. 

OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, email, or call:  1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available). 

OEO has many publications available on the OEO webpage,, including new flyers in the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Dari, French, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, Marshallese, Punjabi, Russian, Samoan, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese

Sign up for OEO news bulletins to stay up-to-date with OEO information, webinars and resources

We look forward to seeing you all soon! 

-Lincoln High School