Lincoln High School

High School

Request a Transcript or Student Records

Request a Transcript or Student Records

For Current Students Only!

Students will register for colleges via Naviance and/or the Common App or Coalition. Transcripts will be submitted electronically by the counseling team through these registration apps for students for the colleges they have indicated. These apps will only accept copies submitted directly by staff from Lincoln so be sure to designate Lincoln staff on the app so that the transcripts can be submitted. Most transcripts are submitted through Naviance so make sure you have the colleges properly designated to receive transcripts.

Students can request an unofficial copy of their transcript to use when applying to colleges through these online applications by emailing our Registrar, Lori Miller at You will receive an email reply back within 48 hours with a PDF copy attached so be sure to check your school email regularly after requesting a copy.

If students are registering for international colleges or others that will only accept paper copies of transcripts they can request up to 5 free official copies of their transcript by emailing from their school email. Additional official transcripts can be requested at $2/transcript paid for through SchoolPay (current students ONLY, former students see following). Official transcripts will be sealed in a Lincoln envelope for students to pick up from the Counseling office to address, provide postage and mail themselves to their selected colleges. Please allow a few days for printing and sealing. Students will be notified via their school email when the official transcripts are ready for pick up. Please make sure the colleges you are applying to require an official paper copy before submitting requests!

For Graduated Lincoln Students

For students from 2019 to present, Lincoln will only provide transcripts for graduated students within one year of graduation. After one year from graduation, transcripts must be requested through the district.

If you were a student at Lincoln High School prior to 2019 transcripts also must be requested through the district.

Request Records for Students Transferring Out of Lincoln

Seattle Public Schools is now using a web-based application to help us manage all student records requests from other schools for transferring students.  

Requests received via fax, phone calls, emails and mail from other schools will no longer be accepted.

All transferring student records requests must be submitted online using the K-12 Transfer application. This application is a secure, self-service application that is easy to use:

  • Site Access.  Go to K-12 Transfer
  • Sign in to an existing account OR Create Account.  If you do not already have a K-12 Transfer account, one will need to be created.
    • A school email address must be used to set up the account; personal email addresses will not be accepted.
    • Once an account has been created, the credentials for the account will be verified. This process takes approximately 24 hours.
    • An account only needs to be verified once.
    • A “Your registration has been verified” email notification will be sent when the account has been completed.
  • Submit Request. Login to the K-12 Transfer application and submit the request for records.
  • Processing Time.  Seattle Public Schools processes request electronically within 3-5 school days.
  • Download the Records.  When the “processing complete” email is received, you will need to login to the K-12 Transfer application to download the student records you requested.

For more information about the student records that we provide, please see the Transferring Student Records Request page.

Please contact if you have any issues setting up your account or submitting a record request.