Lincoln High School

High School

Friday Family Update 5.10.24

Good afternoon, Lincoln Families, 

I hope you all are finding time to enjoy some of this amazing weather that showed up!  Our AP testing is up and running this week and I am so appreciative of the many volunteers who have come out to support our students. Over these two weeks we have almost a thousand students scheduled to participate in over 2000 exams!  I am so proud of our students at Lincoln. 

One of my favorite days of the year is fast approaching. Mark your calendar for our Spring Exhibition of Student Learning on June 4th from 6-8PM.  Every spring, students participate in our annual Exhibition of Student Learning where they have engaged with authentic problems and are showcasing the application of their knowledge and skills from across all disciplines.  This is an exciting event that is open to the public, which brings in a huge audience each year.  You can check out our brief Exhibition of Student Learning Explanation Video about Exhibitions and PBL that happens here at Lincoln. 

What do you know about our work with PBL at Lincoln?  

Below is a small sample of some of the PBL happening, which you may get to experience on June 4th: 

  • In Genome Science, students used state of the art technology (Nanopore DNA sequencing) to investigate ALL of the microbes in the water at local lakes and beaches. We also worked with Friends of Seward Park to gather data on what might be causing fern die-off in Seward Park. You will be able to learn about this exciting research findings, including the increased percentage of diatoms in the Sound at Exhibitions this year.  
  • In Robotics this year, students learned about satellites, created a robotic satellite, and then used that knowledge to make a lunar rover to find resources on another planet (requires remote control).  
  • In Theatre Arts, our advanced students prepared Acting performances and Technical Theatre presentations to be adjudicated by industry professionals.   
  • This year students in Ethnic Studies US History explored the way that immigration and migration have impacted their family and community. After conducting interviews students wrote narrative versions of the stories they recorded. Collectively, our students’ stories span centuries of time and all corners of the globe- they are a testament to the strength and the diversity of our community.  
  • In Marine Science, students are designing a field study for an intertidal zone. They are applying their knowledge of invertebrates and adaptations in a real-world application with help from the Seattle Aquarium!   
  • Geometry students were found outside earlier this year with hands-on learning where they calculated the height of the school building and flagpole by building inclinometers to measure angles of elevation and applying their knowledge of trigonometry and mathematical modeling in PBL. 
  • Application-based learning is happening in our new Aerospace class where students create a flight plan to navigate an airplane from one location to another and then enact that plan on the flight simulator. - 
  • Our AP Gov students ran a full-blown election, complete with a primary process, scandals, interviews, press conferences, and a heated general election flooded with millions of advertising “dollars” that students “fundraised” in accordance with FEC regulations. At the end of the day, only one candidate emerged from the general election victorious in the Electoral College, with the support of students who represented various swing states.  
  • Students in Robotics and Digital Electronics learned how to read schematics, build circuits on breadboards, and troubleshoot them to make sure they work correctly. 
  • Our 10th graders in World Lit explored the intersection of culture and storytelling by analyzing international films and designed and developed their own film review poster addressing culture, film, and storytelling devices as part of their Film Forum Project. 
  • Our Engineering students are planning for a sustainable future by using their experience from airfoil design a 3D model and print a windmill to generate the most electricity possible. 

This is just a small sample of some of the deep learning happening in our classrooms. I hope you have had a chance to hear about many other learning experiences from your students throughout the year.  

We need your help with Exhibitions this year: 

Finally, there are many ways to measure the success of a school.  Whenever I have the chance, I am never shy in expressing how proud I am of our students and the learning community we have here at Lincoln. I am pleased to share that Lincoln, and other SPS schools, have been highlighted in the most recent US News and World Report for top high schools.  Lincoln was the top-ranked high school in SPS at number 11.  While this is just one way to report success rates of school, it is great to see our learning community showcased for the accomplishments of our students.  

I hope you all have a restful weekend.  As always, I appreciate you and your continued support. 



#LynxPride #ProudPrincipal 

Keep Informed 

Want to know what is happening? Visit us at our website under our calendar and daily bulletin:  

You can also follow us on social media: 

Facebook:  @LincolnSeattle  

X (formerly Twitter): @lincoln_seattle 

Instagram: @lincolnseattle 

YouTube: @LincolnHighSchoolASB 

Important Dates/Timeline: Senior Class of 2024

Important Dates for Senior Class

  • May 17 – prom guest forms due
  • May 20 – prom tickets go on sale (can be sold in-person to seniors only) 
  • May 22 – cap and gown pickup at LHS (can be picked up by seniors only) 
  • June 3 – graduation tickets available for pickup (by seniors only) 

Senior families – if you or a family member will need ADA accommodations at the graduation ceremony, please complete this form by May 24 so the district requests can be submitted. For any questions, please reach out to Christina Neuschwander at 

Let us know of any ADA Accommodations needed by any guests at graduation.

Upcoming Calendar Dates 

May 16 – 19 LHS Spring Musical   

May 27 – No School 

June 4- Student Exhibitions

June 5 – Choir Concert 

June 6 – Orchestra Concert 

June 11 – Band and Jazz Concert 

June 14 – Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony 

June 17th and 18th – Finals for grades 9-11 

June 19th – No School 

June 21st – last day of school, one-hour early release 

Lincoln Musical 

Mamma Mia! tickets are on sale

Please come and see your students shine on and off stage.  There are over 100 students involved between the Cast, Crew, Pit, Technical Theatre, and Costuming class. 

Thank you for supporting the Performing Arts at Lincoln! 

Library time during AP testing:  

It’s AP Season, which means everything is topsy turvy in the library! We have so many students testing at Lincoln that the library is used for both large AP tests and for accommodated testing in the small rooms from May 5-17. Running Start students need to plan to be off campus during these two weeks, or they can talk to Ms. Pentecost about joining Focus classes in the Commons. BASH will happen on the usual schedule, but in room 331. No lunch in the library during these two weeks.  

During “checkout only” times, students can quietly check out and return books but need to eat lunch and hang out elsewhere in order to keep the space quiet for testers. Want to check out books when the library is closed? No problem! Place holds at or send Ms Scott an email at Don’t forget to visit Ms. Scott’s bookmobile by the historic entrance if the library is closed for lunch! 

Monday 5/13: closed all day, BASH in 331 

Tuesday 5/14: checkout only during 1st-2nd periods, closed 3rd-6th   

Weds 5/15: closed during 1st-3rd periods, checkout only 4th – 6th   

Thurs 5/16: closed all day, BASH in 331 

Fri 5/17: checkout only all day 

Follow us on Instagram @lincolnlibrarylynx to see what we’re up to even when we’re outside the library walls! 

We still need your help – Parents of students taking AP Classes:

We still need proctors for the following AP tests/dates: 

May 13 AM Calc AB/BC 

May 14 AM Eng Lang 

May 16 AM Spanish Language and PM Bio 

If your students aren’t taking these tests and you are available, please email   

Morning shift is 7:15AM to 12:00PM (we need some early birds to help set, all need to be here by 7:45)  

Afternoon shift is 11:00AM to 4:00PM 

We will also need volunteers for any retakes needed the week of May 20th.    

Families cannot proctor the test their student(s) will be taking, but they can proctor for other exams so please include in your email your students name(s) and AP tests they are taking.   

Class of 2025 Fundraiser: 

Want to help your student celebrate the end of testing? Then buy a box of Krispy Kreme donuts from the Class of 2025 fundraiser!!! Anyone can buy a box of a dozen donuts for only $15! Donuts will be delivered to the student’s 6th period class on Friday, May 17th. Orders are open until Monday, May 13th. Order your Krispy Kreme Donuts today!

Reminder on Upcoming Bell Schedule Changes for testing: 

Additional upcoming bell schedule changes in May: 

May 20th and 21st – long block schedules for 11th grade WCAS testing 

May 23rd and 24th – long block schedules for 10th grade math testing 

May 28th and 30th – long block schedule for 10th grade math testing 

Long Block Schedule for May testing:   

  • 1st/2nd: 8:50-10:50  
  • 3rd/4th: 11:00-1:00   
  • Lunch: 1:00-1:30  
  • 5th/6th: 1:40-3:40   

Restorative Justice Workshop: 

Join the Ballard PTSA DEI Committee and Ballard High School for a very special event: Restorative Practice Workshop with national leaders RJOY (Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth) on May 22nd from 6 – 8 p.m. in the Ballard High School Library (1418 NW 65th St). 

Everyone is welcome to attend! The workshop is hosted by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee for Ballard’s PTSA and by Ballard High School. Refreshments and snacks will be available from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Let’s work together to build and strengthen our community! 

RSVP Encouraged To Help Us With the Planning   Learn More About RJOY and Restorative Justice 

Spring Sports Photos: 

If your student is playing a spring sport and you would like sports photos, the link is now ready. Please order directly from Yuen Lui.

Message from the Teen Health Center:  

Do you have a senior who will be living in college dorms next year? Have you thought about the Meningococcal B vaccine to protect them from meningitis and severe infection? The CDC states, “College students, especially those who are freshmen, attend a 4-year university, live in on-campus housing, or participate in sororities and fraternities, have a higher risk of meningococcal disease than their peers who are not attending college. College campuses have reported outbreaks of serogroup B meningococcal disease during the last several years. Some colleges now require MenB vaccination.”  

Your students can get the Meningococcal B vaccine and other recommended vaccines at no cost right here on campus at the Teen Health Center. Reach out via email to or text 206-653-9711 to schedule.   

Student CTE-linked jobs and trainings: 

If it “takes a village,” please know that our village expresses interest in engaging your student in both volunteer and paid work-based learning opportunities. 

The Seattle Public Schools website for CTE-linked jobs and trainings is updated and active, with connections to STEM, arts, trades. Our students can take part in a dynamic, Seattle-based, skill-building experience by applying for these internships and committees. Please encourage them to contact Ms Wyn if they have questions. And if they get a job or position, have them stop by the Career Center (Library) to see how their new connections can provide them credit for their graduation pathway. 

The SPS website for local internships (paid and volunteer)

LHS Student Tutors Wanted: 

Lincoln is creating its very own volunteer tutoring system (Junior Lynx Tutoring) in alliance with Hamilton, in which Lincoln High Schoolers can volunteer to tutor Hamilton Middle Schoolers for volunteer hours. If your student is interested in applying to be a tutor, please have them fill out this form or email  using their school email address for both. Thank you! 

Student Parking: 

Let’s all take care of our neighbors! With limited street parking we want to discourage students from driving and suggest instead that they use alternate forms of transportation such as mass transit, biking, walking, etc. or carpool.  There is very little parking around Lincoln that does not have a two-hour limit.  Many students leave class to move their vehicle which disrupts learning, and we are beginning to get some community concerns about vehicles blocking driveways and unsafe driving practices.   As a reminder to our students, city parking enforcement will ticket parking violations and will tow vehicles that are blocking driveways.  Additionally, instances of unsafe or reckless driving may be reported by community members to law enforcement.  Let’s all work together to care for our neighbors and surrounding streets. 

Elementary Math Club Competition: 

The Lincoln High School Math Club is hosting its first annual Lincoln Math Competition for elementary school students (4th and 5th grader oriented, but all are welcome) on June 8th aiming to develop students’ problem-solving skills, foster their interest in math, and inspire them to excel in mathematics.  This competition is a multi-round, interactive, and introductory math competition. Register for the Elementary Math Club Competition.

Please share this opportunity with friends and family. See you in June! 

LHS Volleyball camp July 10-12: 

Lincoln Volleyball’s third annual summer camp has been scheduled for July 10-12!  Rising 5th through 8th graders are welcome to join us for a half day or full day camp run by the Lincoln Volleyball players. All proceeds go directly to the program. To register for LHS Volleyball Camp and for more information, visit our website.

Yearbooks on Sale: 

Don’t forget to pre-order your 23/24 yearbook before they sell out.  They are $65 with ASB and $80 without. 

Email Mr. Snyder with any questions at 

Skills Center Summer Classes: 

Summer Class Application – Fill out the Summer Class Application.

Summer Class Dates – July 9-30, 10:30AM-3PM plus asynchronous work time 

Summer Skills Center Cources:

Students and families can read about all of our course offerings. Classes and locations are listed below: 

  • Family Health – Roosevelt HS and Franklin HS 
  • Career Choices (includes Automotive and Firefighting and Intro to Trades) – Washington MS 
  • Construction Trades – Chief Sealth HS 
  • Culinary Arts – Roosevelt HS 
  • Dental Assisting – Health Education Center (1200 12th Ave S) 
  • Careers in Education – Franklin HS 
  • Engineering – Roosevelt HS 
  • Manufacturing – Wood Technology Center (2310 S Lane St) 
  • Maritime – Seattle Maritime Academy (4455 Shilshole Ave NW) 
  • Media Arts – Roosevelt HS and Chief Sealth HS 
  • Medical Careers – Lincoln HS and Franklin HS 
  • Multimedia Broadcasting – Nathan Hale HS 
  • Video Game Design – Franklin HS 

For students who are bilingual, we are going to be offering a special interpretation/translation class at Franklin HS. Students interested in this class can apply

From the Nurse: 

Next school year is around the corner.  Start planning for your student’s health care needs at school.  Consider having the medication authorization forms signed by your student’s medical provider over the summer and ready to turn in via email.  If you have questions on how to prepare for your student’s needs in the health office, don’t hesitate to call the nurse at Lincoln.  206-413-2507.