Lincoln High School

High School
PTSA Fundraising

Athletics Fundraising

Athletics – Building our Teams

The Lincoln PTSA helps raise funds to benefit each of our school’s sports teams as they work to build competitive programs. Look for exciting fundraisers meant to assist each program acquire safety equipment, tournament fees, uniforms, and more.

Support LHS Cheerleaders

Lincoln High School Cheerleaders Need You!

Help us fund transportation costs, camps, clinics, special events, and keep Lenny the Lynx clean and look his best! We are also on a mission to make cheerleading accessible to ALL students. We are hoping to provide need-based scholarships for all upcoming events!

Your donations will help fund:

  • Scholarships
  • Camps and clinics
  • Regular (and COVID-19 required) baths for Lenny the Lynx
  • Practice equipment
  • Transportation
  • Special event uniform pieces (homecoming, senior night, other special events)

Go to Lynx Cheer to help. Or mail a check to Lincoln PTSA, C/O Lincoln High School, 4400 Interlake Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98103. (Please write “cheerleading” in the subject line.) Thank you!

Golf ball with Golf Lynx on the Links Alumni Scramble Interbay

Lynx on the Links Alumni Scramble

Thanks for your support for this inaugural golf event! What a great time we all had! Look at this space for our 2nd Annual Lynx on the Links tournament in Spring 2023.

Athletics Volunteer & Donation Links

Want to support our sports teams with your time and/or donations? Use one of the following Cheddar Up links to offer your help!

Athletic Cheddar Up Links