Lincoln High School

High School
PTSA Fundraising

All In for Lincoln

Meet some of our amazing educators, students, alumni, and school leaders who are All In for Lincoln.

Anthony D’Amico

I am Anthony D’Amico, social studies teacher.

I am proud to be part of the incredible staff, our secretaries, counselors, support staff, librarian, custodial staff, lunch crew and my incredible colleagues teaching at Lincoln. I am dedicated to learning from all my colleagues, co-workers and of course students. I am an advisor to six clubs and the voice of basketball and girls volleyball. I am an SEA rep, a bike commuter and former water boy to the Seattle Supersonics. I am All in for Lincoln.

Shelagh Hayden Bradley

I am Shelagh Hayden Bradley, proud alum, Class of ’69.

I am a volunteer and supporter of sports and the arts. I am in awe. Every time I meet a LHS staff member, I feel so good about our students being in great hands. I love seeing students in the halls again and their positive energy makes me smile. I am a member of the Salvation Army Church and yes, a bell ringer. I have lived in the same house for 49 years and counting. I cared for 8 Dalmatians over my years. I like reading about Seattle and Native American history. I am All in for Lincoln.

Sophia Harrison

I am Sophie (she /her), Junior.

I am the girls’ varsity golf team captain and girls’ basketball team manager. I founded feminism club and mental health club and one day want to go into politics. I protest, paint and hang with friends. And I am All in for Lincoln.